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Crime in China

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I have a general question for everybody. Have you ever been mugged or witnessed any crime of any sort in China?


I have...


I live in Shenzhen and it is crawling with all types of dangerous folk. I have lived here for 4 years off and on and I have been mugged several times, attacked once, hit by a car once, and got hit in the head with an orange (a little kid threw it from the 5th floor...hes a good shot).


I don't know what the deal is....but its dangerous.


Thieves travel in gangs and they work very hard on the buses...especially with the Spring Festival coming up soon. I could tell many stories, but I would like to hear others experiences first.





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I have heard many stories like these about SZ. Fortunately when I was there last April we had hypoclear and his wonderful wife Bea as tour guides so we didn't have any problems. I was pretty worried though about coming into the city late at night alone from HK. Luckily my beautiful wife was waiting for me just beyond the check point when I cleared customs.

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In reality though, I am not too worried about crime.


As Michael says, use common sense!


1. Do not walk down dark alleys alone at night in a location you are not at least 100% sure of and even then, try not to go alone. I would do the same thing in Boston or NYC.


2. Try to fit in. Learn some of the language. If you can listen to what people around you are saying, or call out for help, it can be an advantage. (this can also get rid of the prostitutes bugging you as he mentioned)


3. Never leave valuables in an easy place for someone to steal, whether on your body or in a hotel room somewhere!


Instead, I am still much more concerned with being hit by a passing car/bus or having a respiratory attack due to the elevated particulate levels in the air. I believe that these are far more likely to occur than a violent attack.

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I have been mugged several times, attacked once,

Details please. What weapon did the thief brandish to remind you that his wallet was in your pocket?


I have proceeded on my nocturnal perambulations under the assumption that anyone in China with the ability to get thier hands on an easily concealable projectile weapon has better things to do with thier time than hit an obvious tourist up for a few hundred RMB.



(I have been known to carry multiple wallets on the off chance a pickpocket/ mugger were to make my aquaintance. The idea being to toss the fake wallet HITHER while you dash off YONDER.)

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I've been in SZ and the surrounding areas twice without a hitch.. I've had problems with beggars before, but luckily my brother-in-law is a cop.. My wife was attacked in the city near her village (in the SZ area, a city called, LongGang)... the people who are are actually from the SZ area generally can tell who is not from SZ and disdain these people.. I have to agree with lele, just stick with those rules and you'll do pretty well..

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I posted on another thing that I have had someone cut my bag open. Of things I have known happen to my friends in China- phone stolen on bus, phone stolen in McDonald's, phone stolen place unknown, 2 bikes stolen. All are times when the people were 'paying attention'- and 'being careful'- I think crime on the busses in Shenzhen is especially bad because you are so crowded and it's so easy to have things stolen- one guy was holding onto his phone, while it was in his pocket- and felt it before the guy jumped off the bus and jumped off the bus himself to go run the guy down- this guy was kind of big and meatheaded- but when he jumped off he couldn't fiugure out which guy it was- it's pretty easy to lose yourself to American eyes in China so...

I think there is crime in China and crime in Shenzhen- but I think you are way more susceptible if you are there for a while rather than if you are there for a week or two here and there- #1 because you are there for more time and #2 because you are more likely to do average things like take a bus alone and etc. when you live there rather than travel.

Crime absolutely is a problem in Shenzhen- the worst thing about Shenzhen is if you cross the bridge to go to Dongmen walking (I lived and taught at Shenzhen Zhong Xue)- and/or at the train station all the beggers- and the taxi guys can be real mean as well.

I also went out into the nether regions one time to visit my friend at her school- I forget what it's called now- but I took a motorcycle taxi to her house and ended up driving out into who knows where- probably not the guys fault- probably the fault of my Chinese- but I have never been more frightened.

And then of course in Shenzhen I had the grossest experience where the principal of my school tried to get me to be his girlfriend- but that is less crime and more just- nastiness.

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I have read these stories about Shenzhen, and am a little worried. My wife is living there right now. Had to leave Nanning because of the X. At first she said she liked Shenzhen. Now I think she is missing Nanning. She doesn't seem to like it as much. But I think, like any other big city, if you know where the bad places are, and stay away from them, you may not have too many problems.

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jeez...i am just really unlucky i guess.


strangely, most of the attacks have occurred in broad daylight, and in crowded areas.


I was attacked by a group of kids who said they wanted my money, and when i gave it to them they proceeded to start fighting...not being the fighting type i just pushed one of them away while the others came up behind me...they just kicked me a few times and then ran off.


But buses can be very dangerous...there was a case last year (i always get frustrated recalling this story) where a woman was getting robbed on the bus...some guy she didnt know came up and tried to stop the thieves...another thief came from behind and stabbed him in the neck. He died shortly thereafter. The real frustrating part is that the paper interviewd the woman and she blamed the man for trying to help her. She said he was too "arrogant" to think he should help her. It was an article i saw in the paper last year.


crazy stuff...


but i agree...follow the general rules and its relatively safe. I guess I just have been here for a longer time and spend lots of time walking around the city. Bound to happen.


Shenzhen, after all, is a border town, very rapid development, lots of people who aren't locals...its generally a bad combination.


I always refer to shenzhen as the "wild east"



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I've been to Shanghai twice and for the most part felt safe. My wife spotted a group of pick-pockets in the subway station, but we saw them so no problem. Once a bus a bus my wife and I sat in the very back, there was about 6 seats across the back. An opportunist sat in the back in the farthest seat from us. He kept moving one seat at a time closer to me and was checking me and my stuff out but since my wife and I spotted him we were able to move to another location on the bus just before our exit. When we got off the bus he had moved into our seats and it was obvious to tell by his expressions his plan was foiled. I do not carry a wallet while out and about, just carry what's needed and no more. My wife and I split our money while out to prevent loosing it all.

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I have spent every weekend in SZ for about a month now. Normally drinking and clubbing all night long and spent the early morining hours wondering around in the city, drunk or sleep off in some off back street foot massage place. Never had a problem. Only crime I have seen was a few in the service industry and their managers on the street trying to sell you services. People are pretty nice generally. I saw a few in the clubs shaking their heads uncontrollably which I assume was the effect of drugs. Never been mugged before and never got into a fight. Even when I stick my finger at some guy for failure to yield, they just drive off without a word. For safty, I do carry a switch blade and put most of my cash away from my wallet and hide my passport and tell every one I am from the north east. Use common sense. I think pickpocket is the most common crime. Some one I know did get mugged in a cab en route to the airport. They target those who appear to have money, not those who appear ready to mug others.

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They target those who appear to have money, not those who appear ready to mug others.

There's quite a bit of wisdom in this statement.. the first time I went to sz, I wore decently nice clothes (khaki slacks and decent button shirt) to impress my [then] girlfriend and her family.. the beggers and other not-so-favourables wouldn't leave me alone.. so, I decided to change into my "weekend" clothes (cargoes with holes in them, a t-shirt, and dirty running shoes).. sure enough, I rarely got bothered.. I still got extra attention from people, but for the most part, people left me alone..


I actually enjoyed my time in sz, and part of it was the general excitement of being in what I consider a "wild west" town. My in-laws are from the area and are very wise as to where and where it is not safe to go and do.. haven't been clubbing yet, but hoping I can next time..


As far as "blending in".. yeah, that's just not going to happen.. :lol:


Common sense is the key.. ShenZhen's a beautiful city and growing by the day.. get out and enjoy it, just don't do anything stupid.. check out DongMen Litchi Park.. Aside from that, I find simply walking around to be really exciting..

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