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How supportive are people around you ?

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Well, some of my husband's friends were worried about him when they first knew that he's in love with a Chinese girl. Their 1st question was:"Are you sure she's not just marring you for greencard?...What if she left you after the 2 years?..."  They're being proctective and my husband understood ofcourse. He always answered:"Well, if she's just with me for the greencard then at least i can still get 2 years' loving life..." Now he always jokes:"You know what?Actually her family is richer than me so..."

When my husband told me about these i always said to him:"Well,on the other side,my parents and friends are worried about that you're taking me to the U.S to put me work in some slave shop..."

hehe,people are silly sometimes. We know that and we can care less:-)

Thanks for sharing! ^_^

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My family has been supportive esp my mother, she is real excited about having a Chinese daughter-in-law and can't wait to meet her.


My wife's family has also been very supportive and has treated me better that I could have expected.


My friends for the most part are glad for me and everyone wants to meet her.

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I have corrected a few people. She is not a "Gook", she's a "Chink". These fools could at least use the right racial slur.

But as far as anybody that matters, they are all glad that I have finally found some happiness.

LiuXia's ring is also a family heirloom; a double band- made from both of my grandmothers' original engagement rings. I can only hope our marriage lasts a lifetime like both of theirs did.

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No one has gotten the whole "Mail-Order Bride" line ? One co-worker likes to harp on that. I don't care what his opinion is. However, it is a bit annoying.

I heard one recently. I lost respect for that person now. That's the first thing that was blurted out.... without any information on the situation. So naive.

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I have corrected a few people. She is not a "Gook", she's a "Chink". These fools could at least use the right racial slur.

These terms are very offensive. Please do not use these words again.

Yes they are offensive Tony. That was the point. Oregonknl used "gook" because he was telling us what someone referred to his daughter as and how it was offensive. LuXia's husband was using "chink" in telling us what he replied sarcastically to someone who called his wife a "gook". Neither of them were adressing anyone as such, or using them in an offensive context, so what's the problem? Should we say G##k or something? I don't think they are so horrible they can't even be used in quoting someone. I once read an article by someone trying to get people to stop using the phrases "A chink in his armor" and "Nip it in the bud" etc... are we really that hypersensitive?


Incidentally... Here is an interesting story one of my Korean teachers told me. It's where the slang term "gook" came from. During world war 2, the Japanese kept many Koreans as conscripted workers (slaves basically). When the US defeated Japan, and the occupation forces arrived, the newly freed Koreans were cheering their arrival. They were shouting "America!! America!!" only in Korean, which is "Mi Guk!! Mi Guk!!" (pronounced "Me Gook" - means "beautiful country") The Americans, not knowing Korean thought "Ok... you're gook" Of course the term was later applied to other nationalities in a derogatory way, but that's it's origen.

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No one has gotten the whole "Mail-Order Bride" line ? One co-worker likes to harp on that. I don't care what his opinion is. However, it is a bit annoying.

I heard one recently. I lost respect for that person now. That's the first thing that was blurted out.... without any information on the situation. So naive.

I cringe when I hear that too. You can't tell me that there's nothing you can't punk your (moron for a) co-worker out for?


I explain to people how we met online and then POW! BAM! "Oh Mail order...?" yea something like that. :blink:


I saw this one big drunk nuckle head at the niners game onetime, Making fun of this frail looking old chinese guy directing traffic in the parking lot.


He started in with the "ching chong ding dang" garbage. Laughing and making fun. Man that burns me.


Hey! while we're on the subject, I got a joke.

What do they say in China, when things aren't going right?

...Sum ting wong... (Please don't make me explain the punchline.) :blink:

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Wow, JP thanks for the history lesson about the word gook.


American English lexicology is a facinating process --- how words evolve and become English (even highly offensive ones like gook) ---I had actually wondered where that word came from since the VN war.


But as my post on the subject suggests (I hope!) My former inlaws were WAAAAAAAAYY to Stupid to be able to distinguish the "G" word over the "C" word as it related to a specific Asian nationality...

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HuaQing and I haven't married yet. My family, mom, brothers , sisters, and also my kids are happy for me.......but I bet when i do bring her over my Ex will throw a fit. She has already said that she doesn't want my kids around that foreigner,,,,,,,She is so closed minded , ofcourse she is foreign, aren't we all foreign in America,,,,We drove the American Indians almost into extinction. Then took their land and riches...and we call ourselves americans,,,,,we are really foreign invaders........I am including myslef, my forefathers are Irish , english , american indian, russian......


May one day people will open their minds and see the real world and realize happiness is in our hearts .



Oscar & HuaQing

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