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Do I still need a video tape?

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I know that a lot of couples here in CFL from two different countries. So, I sometimes see the "language problem" arising and I guess the embassy's solution to this is a video tape.


Both my wife and I are from the same country, we both speak our native language. She is also pretty good with English. Do we still need to make a video tape? I'm thinking about the video tape not only because of the language issue, but also as an evidence of our relationship. We had a grand wedding (lot of people). We have lots of pictures with family members and friends. Will this be enough during her interview? Or should I be extra cautious and create an MPG file of our wedding mass (especially the part where we exchange rings in front of the priest), put it in a CD and tell my wife to take it with her on the interview just in case? The VO can just look at it using a PC.


I know I'm freaking out here :o but a little bit of paranoia, I think, is good when it comes to visa interviews, right people? Thanks in advance.

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Many other CFL threads on this subject indicate that digital video media (VCD, DVD, mpeg/avi data) is not acceptable. The consulate wants the video on a PAL (see edit below) VHS tape (the USA uses NTSC). I have not heard of anyone bringing digital media that was subsequently viewed by the VO.


It does seem rather alarming how often GZ is asking for this. I wonder if they are asking for this with more frequency, or does it seem to come up more often as this site grows as a resource???


EDIT - Seems I was wrong on the PAL format. Just came across this thread. Go down to Dean Hall's post. ;



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Looking at the past few problems we've had, it seems like the VCR tape has become all but essential. It's just crazy. My fiance is completely fluent, yet I suppose I'll still have to shell out that 500 rmb or however much it's going to be to get this tape ready... I really have to wonder if there's some "arrangement" between the consulate and that place making these tapes.


Oh, and now getting a notarized passport copy is essential too? Even if I'm there and give her my real passport??? When will it end??????

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You need whatever they tell you that you need.


But you don't know it you need it till they tell you you need it.


Then it's to late.


Thats why so many people are now going over to be there for the interview.


It's a crap shoot. Even the best prepared are hitting the blue and yellow road.


As my wife says - "Maybe yes, maybe no"



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Then they wonder why there is a huge backlog. I wonder if they aren't using the blue slips to cover up that they haven't reviewed the files before interview hoping that the less committed will just give up and go away.

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Thanks everyone for your input. I am compelled to share a few points with my fellow CFL members. My case is different in a few ways compared to yours (the GZ cases):


First: Both my wife and I are from the same country. I came to the U.S. when I was 18. So, I can speak my native language just like any other native. So, logically the "communication problem" issue should not come up


Second: I'm hoping that every embassy is different. Dhaka may be (and I'm praying it will be) a little better than GZ in terms of blockheads working in the embassy :D


But saying all these - NOBODY can be sure what'll happen until it happens. But I can tell you something - I'll give them a fight if they ask for it. Our marriage was a valid one and we have enough proof of it. It's not possible for me to be with my wife for the interview (I used up my vacation when I got married). And I don't have any video before we got married. But I have plenty of video of us together along with our families during and after the wedding. And I am lucky to have the hardware at home to be able to transfer digital video to NTSC tape. So, I'm confident that whatever the embassy asks for, I'll be able to give them. I'll show them how to get my money's worth :angry:


Thanks again everyone.

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My apologies -


I assumed that you were in the GZ pipeline.


In this case, I know nothing of the country or its capital. Hopefully it will be a much better experience than GZ.


However, I do respectfully caution you.


Regardless of the location, a monster is still a monster.


I have no question of your technological abilities. I have a few of my own. But my point remains unchanged - they can ask for whatever, whenever.

In the case of GZ, you could offer video as mpeg, zipped, unzipped, carry in the camera it was recorded on and it makes no difference.

You will do it their way or visit the highway.


Right, wrong or indifferent doesn't matter.


In this universe, they are God, we are supplicants.


The bright side is that the collective power of the Candle always holds people up during the rough times, supplies insights and answers, and in some cases may even keep irate spouses and fiances out of the foreign grey bar hotel. (Jail)


Many more of us have come through in one piece than not.



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I agree with you 100% :angry:


I know very well that if they want something a certain way, I'll just HAVE TO give it to them. Unfortunately, I am still unable to find enough K3 people from Bangladesh. So, I don't know what to expect.


Anyhow, I think that I'll be sending my wife a VHS tape with as many clips of us together (after the wedding) as I can. It doesn't hurt to be prepared, right? CFL has been a tremendous help. I really feel for you GZ people. Hang on and good luck.

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John and Rose,


I just checked the K1 K3 Visa Timeline, and sure enough, your by your lonesome down there.


I got lucky and got my wife and stepson through the GZ revolving door the end of March just before they slammed and locked the door again.


We only took 7.5 months, and that included a few months delay caused by SARS.


I feel bad for what people are going through again.


I'm just hang around here for moral support.



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Since you're from the same country and you both speak the same language,it doesn't matter if your wife spoke English at all or not. They just want to make sure that you two can communicate,that's all.

In GZ at the interview you can choose to speak Chinese the whole time if your spouse is a Chinese...

So i suggest that you probably don't need to worry about the language part at all. Take it easy and good luck eh!!

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GeeeZZZZEE ~~~! :blink:


What kind of slippage is going on at the GZ Consulate ??


When I first joined in April, Carl & Bing were all the talk of the web site ---How could this happen??


Now eveyone is rushing out to make "defensive" language tapes to "Present" on a silk pillow.... Talk about "Kowtowing...." I thought that went out with the last Empire.......


My Fei is a College English graduate... she is fluent ... The Consulate in Guangzhou is an arm of the United States of America, and sits on US soil...... To SERVE American citizens, and the people that they lawfully petition to become their husbands and wives.....


We will follow the format that should be expected of any American citizen and SO: We will provide substantial (but not excessive) proof of the validity of our loving, strong relationship-------------without the incense burners--------or the "hat-in-hand attitude GZ more, and more seems to require!


.... and if the VO turns us aside -- we will Protest in the American tradition --- to ALL the legal avenues aforded to Americans ~!


--- and I am RIGHT NOW really angry with the treatment of the MoonCarol couple ~!

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We will follow the format that should be expected of any American citizen and SO:  We will provide substantial (but not excessive) proof of the validity of our loving, strong relationship-------------without the incense burners--------or the "hat-in-hand attitude GZ more, and more seems to require!


....  and if the VO turns us aside -- we will Protest in the American tradition --- to ALL the legal avenues aforded to Americans ~!  


---  and I am RIGHT NOW really angry with the treatment of the MoonCarol couple ~!


Have they started charging for the "overcome" visit yet? That's probably the next step...

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