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Is it expensive to live in the U.S.?

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How much money RMB would it take to live comfortably in China per month, southern China (Zhanjiang)?? Fang Ling and I have discussed spending 4 months a year in China, or possibly living there year 'round. She is somewhat clueless about money. All she really knows is that if it says 10 yuan you never pay more than 6. Would 20,000 RMB monthly make for a comfortable life. Well, obviously it would but how comfortable? 30,000 RMB-same Q-40,000???

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How much money RMB would it take to live comfortably in China per month, southern China (Zhanjiang)??  Fang Ling and I have discussed spending 4 months a year in China, or possibly living there year 'round.   She is somewhat clueless about money. All she really knows is that if it says 10 yuan you never pay more than 6.  Would 20,000 RMB monthly make for a comfortable life. Well, obviously it would but how comfortable?  30,000 RMB-same Q-40,000???

Hi Triqq,

20,000 RMB for one month in Zhanjing city is quite enough, you would live very comportably, if you already own a house in there, it would be very much better, I would say you two would live like queen and king. Even in Beijing 20,000 RMB for one month is too much enough.

In Beijng my family's monthly expense was around 4000 RMB (we own the house) including everyting, so you can think 20,000 RMB a month.

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Calling China from US is very cheap.  Calling US from China is very expensive.

My lp found a calling card website dynasky.com. To call china about 6 cents a minute by calling the 1-800 number, they also have local access numbers. If a call is made from a local access number its about 2 cents a minute, their website keeps records of calls made. The cheapest I've seen so far.

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Calling China from US is very cheap.  Calling US from China is very expensive.

My lp found a calling card website dynasky.com. To call china about 6 cents a minute by calling the 1-800 number, they also have local access numbers. If a call is made from a local access number its about 2 cents a minute, their website keeps records of calls made. The cheapest I've seen so far.

You can get 2.5 cents per minute using an 800 number---but no records of calls. It is global speedial at http://www.phonecardonsale.com. You can key this to yoru homephone and only need dial the 800 and the phone number--no pin #. My wife uses this to call home everyday and we have had no problems.

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How much money RMB would it take to live comfortably in China per month, southern China (Zhanjiang)??  Fang Ling and I have discussed spending 4 months a year in China, or possibly living there year 'round.   She is somewhat clueless about money. All she really knows is that if it says 10 yuan you never pay more than 6.  Would 20,000 RMB monthly make for a comfortable life. Well, obviously it would but how comfortable?  30,000 RMB-same Q-40,000???

Hi Triqq,

20,000 RMB for one month in Zhanjing city is quite enough, you would live very comportably, if you already own a house in there, it would be very much better, I would say you two would live like queen and king. Even in Beijing 20,000 RMB for one month is too much enough.

In Beijng my family's monthly expense was around 4000 RMB (we own the house) including everyting, so you can think 20,000 RMB a month.

Thanks, I knew it would be enough but I wanted to know what style of life qwe would lead---doesn't sound to bad. If we decide to live there full time we would have around 42,000 RMB monthly. If we only stay in the winnter months we will have around 25,000 RMB--but it dosn't sound like we will be very hungry and neither of us will need to work.

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It is hard to say about certain style of life, it depends on your interests, anyway I would think that will be a very nice life for you two, study some thing that you like, go to church and meet some nice people, help poor animals around, go travelling, or get a little job for enjoyment, well personal thought :P I would say you two will enjoy life there, personally I think over 20,000 RMB a month is too much, I can't imagine how to spend it, I think 6000 RMB is already luxury, if don't spend on shoes or clothes or jewlerys, or something quite a bit :lol:

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I wish i were retired with lots of money and good health! Well...sounds greedy huh. But i have to work,work ...well, it is almost the weekend! yeah!!! If i get fired and got a compensation package, i would want to be an artist, a singer or painter. I want to have my own art gallery. It does not sound too difficult.. i plan to start taking painting courses next year..i can start my business on line..yeppp!

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How much money RMB would it take to live comfortably in China per month, southern China (Zhanjiang)??  Fang Ling and I have discussed spending 4 months a year in China, or possibly living there year 'round.   She is somewhat clueless about money. All she really knows is that if it says 10 yuan you never pay more than 6.  Would 20,000 RMB monthly make for a comfortable life. Well, obviously it would but how comfortable?  30,000 RMB-same Q-40,000???

Hi Triqq,

20,000 RMB for one month in Zhanjing city is quite enough, you would live very comportably, if you already own a house in there, it would be very much better, I would say you two would live like queen and king. Even in Beijing 20,000 RMB for one month is too much enough.

In Beijng my family's monthly expense was around 4000 RMB (we own the house) including everyting, so you can think 20,000 RMB a month.

Thanks, I knew it would be enough but I wanted to know what style of life qwe would lead---doesn't sound to bad. If we decide to live there full time we would have around 42,000 RMB monthly. If we only stay in the winnter months we will have around 25,000 RMB--but it dosn't sound like we will be very hungry and neither of us will need to work.

Comfortable life to Americans and Chinese are very different. Americans expect running water 24/7, Hot Water, indoor plumbing,cars,electricity all day and night, air conditioning,swimming pools,manicures,frapachino moca latte's......, etc.etc.etc. To Chinese in rural areas a simple roof over there heads is livin large! in large citys there are most modern convieniences but even some of these are not available in all homes.


Also I hear in Beijing and Shanghai to buy a home is almost if not more expensive than homes in the U.S. So if you cant buy how much will rent cost???? Trigg I am interested to hear your plans for an income of 42,000 RMB and neither of your working? Are you planning retirement or wise investments???? just curious :P


Becouse........ " I dont wanna work I just wanna bang on me drum all day" :lol:

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I'm already retired. I draw 100% VA disability compensation from wounds in little war we had 30 years ago. Also, I draw state retirement from KY were I worked as a psychologist. Yup, retirement at age 52---how cool--and how boring. Most retired folks are aound 500 years old. Boring boring boring--but still beats the hell out of work.

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I'm already retired. I draw 100% VA disability compensation from wounds in little war we had 30 years ago. Also, I draw state  retirement from KY were I worked as a psychologist.   Yup,  retirement at age 52---how cool--and how boring. Most retired folks are aound 500 years old. Boring boring boring--but still beats the hell out of work.

Thanks Trigg for that explination, my wife says that i had too much fun when i was young so i will be one of those you mentioned that will retire at the age of 500 if im lucky :lol:

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I think the city Trigg is referring to would be very cheap. Though it is very high to live in Shanghai and Beijing- it can be very cheap to live even in a city like Shenzhen (for housing at least) and living expenses in China are way lower than the cost of the US- but I found myself spending money on foreign grocery stores- paying $5 for cereal- as long as you can stay away from those types of things- where the prices are higher than in the US- you will be okay- stock up on clothes in the US- and you can get a place in a smaller city for quite cheap. We paid $250 a month for a pretty good apartment in Shenzhen- and $600 in Shanghai.

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Well, Trigg,


I have never been to Zhanjiang, but Fei tells me its hot! (you have also said its hot in earlier posts, but Fei thinks the whole lower Guangdong area is very hot..... plus the bad air... Ever consider Hainan Island a little further south? sure, its hot too, but must have ocean breezes, and better air....


I think either DaveG or RMark had a post about Sanya --- at the southern tip, that caught my interest --- (would certainly be refreshing to talk to those guys about something other than politics...)

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Yea kim, Zhanjiang is hot and bad air. BUT, part of the city is on the coast and only a short ride to Hainan Island. Still damned hot and 98% humidity but you can breath. Likley we will wait 2-3 years and then only spend winters there. I'll have half the money but 25,000 RMB should be ok. We plan on buying a house before we go so only food and fun and the 10 dollar electric bills. Oh, and of course the ever present friends wanting a dinner.

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