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What is your favorite TV show?

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My wife has become an avid viewer of HGTV...lol. She particulary likes the show "House Hunters" hosted by Suzanne Wang, (hhmmm...I wonder why???...:D)

She always want to change the channel when I come in the room because she doesn't think I like to watch that channel but sometimes I like it especially if it's a show about pouring a concrete foundation or building a deck, or something.....:lol:

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My wife will never miss "Wheel of Fortune". It's been that way wince her arrival nearly 4 months ago.


Next would be all of the "Mr. Bean" clips. Of course those cross any border or language. For a while, they were shown continuously at the Beijing airport.


Third is a British claymation series, "Wallace and Grommet"


Last is any 007 films. (ling ling chee to her). We even took a trip to the BMW factory in Greenville, S.C. She was hoping to find Bonds latest remote control BMW. But we didn't see it.


Oh! And how can I forget all of the Pink Panther series! She has loved those.


And by now I guess you guys have figured out what kind of demented Monty Python humor I have!



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I love watching" married with children" on FOX. I could stop laughing... I love that sharp humour!!!! :lol:



:lol: yes, i was out of the room one night and i heard her laughing hysterically for the first time since she arrived from China, i was so curious to see what she found so funny and yes it was Married With Children :rolleyes: now we stay up late just to see it and we both have the best time laughing :lol:

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also we are very lucky in los angeles there are several soap operas from taiwan and the mainland as well as cctv4 and other chinese programing to help her keep in touch with her roots.


ps :rolleyes: i work in TV for a living and she hated the shows i work on, hahahhaha :lol: i tend to agree with her but its money so she likes that :lol:

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My favorite thing on TV is when the network news has a story about some person or some new company that is doing something better or has a new technology or new approach. Stand-up comedy, when it is good, is the other best thing on TV. I agree that the Iron Chef is a great show. Al Bundy has made me laugh a few times but more than that he is an active part of my point of view. I am envious of those who can do their own home improvements. I love all the different nature shows.

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We have 6 chinese stations for her. I watch Boxing, Simpsons, Seinfeld and after that only TLC TDC and the History Channel. NO, I'm not an intelllectual type but movies etc take more attention span than I have. OH, OZ and Sopranos.


Hmmmm, me thinks I need a life.

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Guest blsqueaky
Every night I watch the Iron Chef on the Food Network Channel.  I try to pick up some tips on cooking. Every time I watch it, I get hungry. :rolleyes:

I remember when this started, and then when he went off the air, then started again. I have always enjoyed the way that the food comes up, then says, now make it. Remember the show that Bobby Slay was there, great one. I just wish that I could cook like them.


Other fav, and always will be, MASH and I Dream of Jeannie, (this goes back to growing up).


Right now Ling watches everything in English to learn

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