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Having an Affair....

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This subject could actually go in Immigration Challenges, but maybe more freewheeling here:


(Oregon contingent has probably already read about this, since its on page one of The Oregonian)


"David Lee Fallin says he forgives his wife, Lynda, for having an affair. The federal goverment won't. Immigration officials told the Fallins that the affair was evidence that the Central Oregon couple's marriage was a sham. And they refused to grant Lynda Fallin, a British citizen, the status she needs to remain in the United States with her husband.


Desperate to keep his marriage together, David Fallin has gone to federal court.


David: "I love her" "It was just love at first sight"


Lynda: "If he can forgive, why can't they?"


David Fallin 45, US citizen, 30 years in Oregon.. Met Lynda, 51, British citizen, in an internet chat room ... In early 2001 she came to visit him in Central Oregon... they fell in love.


Married: His first, her third...


...six months after the wedding, their marriage threatened to fall apart. Lynda Fallin had an affair while traveling.....


She later filed for divorce, but changed her mind.


Lynda: "I realized it was a mistake from the very first minute" "I just missed him so much, and I wanted to come home. Everybody has a hiccup, I guess"


Immigration officials pointed to what they called discrepancies in the couple's records....


Lynda: "They're reading between the lines; they're not reading the lines" "We said we had hiccups, but our marriage is stable now"

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Interesting story....


It sounds a little fishy to me too, but I think the INS needs to concentrate on "Homeland Security" rather than morality judgements. If they are married, then they should be able to be together.


Maybe the INS needs more options.... As I understand it, they can offer a couple:


- K3 - 3 month visa.

- CR1 - 2 year visa

- IR1 - 10 year visa.


This couple obviously needs a little more time together to figure things out. If they have a 2 year visa, it needs to be extended for an extra year.


The woman also needs to be given an option.... Either stick with the man, or head back to England.


She should not have an option available to marry another American without a certain "waiting period" in which she would not be allowed back into the country. The same should be true about working. No work visa without marriage (no matter what her job is).


Ummm, and they have to demostrate that they are actually living together in the same house.


----- Clifford -----

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I think the marriage is off to a shaky start but like somebody stated before it is not the place of the government to dictate Morals, But then again having an affair 6 months into a marriage gesh this is still the honey moon phase. I can understand forgiving his wife I forgave mine 2 times and probably would have the third time, But thank god I didn't have to cause now I am finally happy.

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I have no faith in a marriage in which one has had an affair while still in the "honeymoon stage," but it is not the government's job to judge morality. If he is willing to forgive, then he obviously believes in their love and that their marriage is worth the gamble to continue it. Personally, I would seriously doubt the sincerity of love and committment of the person who cheated, especially at such an early stage.


But if he is willing to forgive and she is willing to try again, the government should stay out of this couple's private lives. Isn't this one of the basic freedoms for which our country is founded?

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Yeah, I agree with Wolfman and se_lang --- I really feel sorry for this David Chump ---


--- kicked in the teeth during what is supposed to be the sweetest time of a relationship -- what a Ditz for a wife... (yeah, seems familiar though) --- then he hires an attorney to keep her in the US...


Clifford, unfortunately, will never be the Director of Immigration, because his responses are way too common sense...

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I read the article this morning too. At first I was outraged at the CIS intrusion into his bedroom. After giving it some thought though I have to admit that as a CIS officer I too would be suspicious about a marriage where the benificiary has an affair that soon into the marriage. I have to admit to a morbid curiosity as to who snitched though.

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