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We just got our P4!

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While the P4 packets have started flowing again and interviews are being scheduled, it is obvious that for some reason GZ had stopped sending them out for about 2 months.


If people had just waited patiently for the interviews to be scheduled, they certainly would have eventually been cleared up..... Perhaps in October like some people were being told.....


Maybe this is just a "burp" in the system, but every time it happens, I think it is important for people to step forward and say that it is inappropriate.


The people in charge at GZ should also realize by now that enough people are watching the process that GZ will receive a LOT of grief whenever they do (or stop doing) something like this.


Congratulations, and I hope all goes well for you


------ Clifford ------

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Your right keelec,


It's great to get good news but the system is at least partially broke.


It's a blessing to be this far along but we are always at GZ mercy.


I want to shake them and show them what they are doing to people but I try to paint a smile on my face and say, "Thank you sir, may I have another?" just to stay in their good graces.

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