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Christmas in July

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What? An interview scheduled? OMG. Pinch yourself. I can't believe it. This is absolutely fantastic news. Congratulations. You've endured one of the biggest SNAFUs in K-1 visa history.


Other than the black holers, I think you may have the record. Best of luck to you and Irina. What's been her reaction?

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I finally stuck my head out of the RR and wanted to congratulate you. Great news and I echo everyone's sentiments, it's about damn time. You and Irina deserve all the best of everything for hanging in there and proving that love conquers all, even a bureucratic government.


It's been inspiring to watch you hang in there, only a little more to go.



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Yeah...you tricked me too. Missed this on the board. Today when I saw the "Christmas in July" topic, I thought you might know about the Santa picture in my father's-in-law house. It's up 365 days a year. Why? Cuz it's cute.


Congrats, dude! You've been a valued member here on CFL. It's is indeed your turn.


What did Irina say when you told her the news?

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CONGRATULATIONS CLIFFORD!!!!!!!!!! Wow, I can't begin to imagine what a big huge relief this must be for you!!!! After soooo long of a time just waiting, never knowing what was going on with your case, seemingly lost in oblivion, even turmoil between you and Irina ... but now everything is looking up and now you finally know that everything is back on track with your case!!!!!! Way to go Clifford!!!!!!!!!


You are a true testiment to determination.


I really sincerely hope things go smoothly from here on out. It still worries me that they think she is your wife, and that the interview is scheduled fives times repeatedly on the same day, but oh well ... compared to how things have gone in the past, these little things don't matter. At least now you guys are "on the board" in Moscow!!!! I'm really happy for your Clifford!!!


What's been Irina's reaction so far? I'm looking forward to hearing how things go with you and Irina after you are able to start your new life together. Are you going to be there for the interview? When will she be coming here?? July 9th?!? :P :D :D

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Thank you all for the congratulations.... Irina and I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time.


I did get in touch with Irina this morning. She was very happy to hear of the progress with the case. No shrieks, but still very happy.


We have asked to delay the interview for two weeks which will be a better time for both of us. If they grant the requested interview date, then I will be scheduling a flight to Russia very soon to be with her for the interview.... I just hope my correspondence with Moscow doesn't throw our case into a third namecheck. :D :D


----- Clifford ------

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I said I would only read topics and not post any more since I was ignored when I wanted to Donate to Carl and Bing. But for Clifford it's been along time coming and he deserves as many Congratulations as he can get. May you and Irina live a long life together and may the Visa come Fast. You have endured quite a bit of Anquish the past 18 months. Good Luck...

Please don't feel like you are being ignored. I for one enjoy your posts.


It is difficult to get attention but that is just the way it is on the internet.

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Guest Long_strider

Great news for you and Irina. I would put some fling angels in but darn if I know how to do it.


The count down is on!!!!



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I sent an e-mail to Moscow last weekend to try to schedule the interview for July 21 which would be more convenient for both Irina and myself. No reply to the e-mail in nearly a week.


So, I decided to call the 1-888 info line at $1.75 / minute. I know how to get around the "back door" (8 cents a minute for bigzoo), but I decided that I might as well do it the "proper" way since all I want is the interview, and not to rattle any cages.


Of course the line was busy..... I tried nearly a dozen attempts and just about called the embassy instead, but finally got through. It is picked up by an automated attendant, but as soon as one gets to the point where one says "yes, I want to talk to someone", someone actually picks it up immediately (maybe they have 1 person working the phones and a single line.


Well, we spent half the call verifying the visa.... (no, the one to pay them for the call). :P I then asked for the change of appointment date.


Of course, the call center couldn't make the change, because they had to get the information and relay it to the embassy (scheduling the interview for the first available date after the date requested). :P


Anyway, the lady at the call center thought it would be VERY IMPORTANT THAT I CALL BACK TO CONFIRM LATER.... I tried to tell her that I would just look it up on the www, but she thought it would be better for me to call back (and presumably spend another $5 to confirm the date).


The new date (and all 5 interview slots) is now posted on the web for the 21st. I can't see any reason to call back to verify that.


----- Clifford -----


P.S. I asked why our number was listed 5 times and she couldn't answer that one (I guess they aren't trained to field the "hard" questions.

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I sent an e-mail to Moscow last weekend to try to schedule the interview for July 21 which would be more convenient for both Irina and myself.  No reply to the e-mail in nearly a week.


So, I decided to call the 1-888 info line at $1.75 / minute.  I know how to get around the "back door" (8 cents a minute for bigzoo), but I decided that I might as well do it the "proper" way since all I want is the interview, and not to rattle any cages.


Of course the line was busy.....  I tried nearly a dozen attempts and just about called the embassy instead, but finally got through.  It is picked up by an automated attendant, but as soon as one gets to the point where one says "yes, I want to talk to someone", someone actually picks it up immediately (maybe they have 1 person working the phones and a single line.


Well, we spent half the call verifying the visa....  (no, the one to pay them for the call).  :P I then asked for the change of appointment date.


Of course, the call center couldn't make the change, because they had to get the information and relay it to the embassy (scheduling the interview for the first available date after the date requested). :P


Anyway, the lady at the call center thought it would be VERY IMPORTANT THAT I CALL BACK TO CONFIRM LATER....  I tried to tell her that I would just look it up on the www, but she thought it would be better for me to call back (and presumably spend another $5 to confirm the date).


The new date (and all 5 interview slots) is now posted on the web for the 21st.  I can't see any reason to call back to verify that.


----- Clifford -----


P.S.  I asked why our number was listed 5 times and she couldn't answer that one (I guess they aren't trained to field the "hard" questions.

Clifford, I know the interview date has been a long time coming and you have shown an amazing amount of patient and endurance. It is almost Ironic that you may be the only one on the Candle with an interview scheduled. Good luck with it all.


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