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Randy W

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A very unique landscape here

Dinosaurs and Devils in Xinjiang

Today we explore Hami’s Devils City, a windswept landscape with some amazing history attached to it. Yardong 雅丹 landscape: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yardang

Matt Jayoe is still about a month and a half behind in posting videos from before he left China

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The PARTY is OVER! China is done!

It's OVER guys, China is no longer an option to work, live and invest in...

Winston's rant about the dodgier side of it than what I was exposed to. It's not clear to me how many people have, in the past, worked in this type of arrangement vs. teaching for public schools and universities (I taught at Yulin Normal University).


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Alex Reporterfy's account of his arrival and quarantining in Shanghai, before heading for Chongqing.

I had forgotten that China was still honoring old residence permits, even after expiration (by purchasing a new visa for entry). Perhaps that was how Amy Blondie and her Audi boyfriend were also able to get in.


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I'm not sure that it's a good idea for him to be doing this, or what his connections are, but Cyrus Jannsen seems to be some sort of a spokesman for the Beijing Olympics.

The "unofficial official" preview clips are worth watching.

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will see China making history! Beijing will become the first city in the world to host both a Summer and Winter Olympic Games, and I'm so honored to share with everyone this unofficial official Beijing 2022 Olympic preview!

On Dec 15, 2021 I will be hosting a YouTube LiveStream directly on my channel, featuring athletes from BOTH Team Canada and Team China! This will be a historic moment on YouTube and I'm also inviting in a special guest to open the livestream! Please stay tuned!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm wondering if maybe that was a factor in Matt Jayoe's decision to leave China. I can't see that a "van life" topic was THAT important to him that he would leave his family.

He had been signed on as a sports and outdoors-type correspondent for CGTN.


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9 hours ago, Randy W said:

I'm wondering if maybe that was a factor in Matt Jayoe's decision to leave China. I can't see that a "van life" topic was THAT important to him that he would leave his family.

He had been signed on as a sports and outdoors-type correspondent for CGTN.


I think he was going stir-crazy post Covid and there was a lot of pent-up frustration. 

But I think you're partially right, he seemed to be the most level-headed of the bozos and something always told me his heart was never fully into the whole shilling gig. There were also rumors going around that his wife was unhappy with his YouTube antics since it constantly put their family in the spotlight, which is something you generally DON'T want to do when in China, especially with his wife's family being fairly wealthy and connected to the CPC.

He's also about 5 years too late to the van-life party. His views have taken a major dump since he came to the US. Subscribers have been totally flat for the past few months. Chinese nationalists don't want to watch a grown ass man driving around in a van, they want to see shilling and USA bashing. Van-life die-hards already have dozen of other better channels they can follow - he missed the boat (van?) on that.

I don't envy his position at all, I really think he did himself no favors by getting sucked into the Gweilo, Barrett, Dumbrill group. 

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Cyrus really BELIEVES in what he is doing . . .

Sorry, Cyrus, but Meng Wanzhou got the international financial world equivalent of a traffic ticket, which the Trump administration just SAT ON for three years, while two Canadians and two American children were being held hostage in China. She admitted to doing what she was accused of, but was let off with the admonition that she won't do it again.

The fact that it WAS disposed of over a phone call tells you that it was considered a MINOR offense. The Canadians and Americans were all released from China within 2 or 3 days of Meng Wanzhou's release.

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China Walk - Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition | 4K Video

This is interesting and worth watching, but FAR too long. I watched less than 10 minutes of it while skipping through. Seems like sharp video, but not up to 10809, in spite of the "4K" claim.


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My new definition of insanity - an American posting a video to a largely Chinese audience about why he thinks America wants a war with China. 

America Wants War with China - Why This American is Saying No!




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