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SerpentZA and Other Vloggers

Randy W

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Winston and C-Milk have apparently stirred something up about the YouTubers on the Chongqing junket. I've seen 2 videos - from Ollie Barrett, and Matt of JaYoe Nation (although Matt's is too long, at over an hour, for me to want to watch) - denouncing their lies.


Winston and C-Milk are using an apparently faked email to claim that the Trips are all expenses paid, and that the YouTubers were told not to discuss certain sensitive areas.


But I haven't watched their AdvChina video, either, and don't really care to try.


Anyone interested?


It seems to me that those two have overstayed their welcome as "China experts" and need to move along.

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Okay l I've watched a little more of Winston's and C-Milk's video, and also Matt's (JaYoe Nation) response.


The video in question is on the ADV Podcasts channel. Winston claims he received the iChongqing email invitation himself, but the others (including iChongqing) claim it was not sent, that all communications were through WeChat.


Matt (JaYoe Nation) is apparently the YouTuber who responded to Winston and whose WeChat messages were used (names redacted) in the video, explaining the need he felt to make a lengthy response.


The YouTubers on the junket were referred to as "white monkeys" and "useful idiots", and were criticized for posting fluff pieces while villages along the Yangtze were flooding.


As anyone knows who lives near dammed rivers, dam operators often have to choose whether to allow flooding upstream, or to allow it to happen downstream from the dam. Sort of dammed if you do, and dammed if you don't.


Winston also talked about an old video he had made about the demands placed on YouTubers who participated in similar junkets, including one guy who just walked away from it.


As far as I can tell, the iChongqing YouTubers were left to their own devices, and these junkets were not at all like the ones Winston had experienced.


They are just sadly out of touch.

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Wow! Watching further into Matt's (JaYoe Nation) video, he's pretty upset with the two. Here's the timeline he gives of his own video of over an hour:


A quick scan of this timeline will give you a REAL good idea about what he has to say.


A very well thought out and measured response.



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Eh I gave up on watching all these guys and unsubbed from most of them a while ago. Every once in a while I'll see a video "recommended" in YouTube and I'll watch it but the days of closely following China YouTubers is over for me. Between running a software company and raising kids, I have about 3 free hours every week and I certainly am not going to waste them watching Barret or Gweilo LOL


The current "pro-China" (whatever that means) YouTubers are a bunch of morons and suffer from major delusions of grandeur. SerpentZA/Laowhy86 also suck now, although it's insane how much the subscriber/patreon count has risen after they left China.

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  • 3 months later...

I have to agree with what Winston is saying here, but at the end he says something like, " I completely understand why they do this and have no problem with what they're doing, but if you want to know how I REALLY feel, go listen to my friend, PrimeInChina."

I would simply call it a "junket", and let it go at that.

In this video, Winston primarily leans into Matt JaYoe Nation



Matt's a good guy, even if he's a little oblivious to the anti-pro-China sentiment. Here's his view of the performance


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13 hours ago, Randy W said:

   . . . and today he responds more directly to Winston's propaganda, in a wordy and largely redundant, but more revealing video.




He went wayyyy easier on SerpentZA than I was expecting. It was mostly him just refuting some points and saying how angry/insulted he was by Serpent's video. The whole veggie debacle was kind of cringeworthy/cheesy but I don't think it deserved the overwhelmingly negative reaction it got.  I really hope Winston isn't trying to seriously argue that this whole event is a propaganda ploy to cover up a (non-existent) food shortage... I'm not subscribed to their channels anymore but on the off-chance I catch one of their videos they just seem to get worse and worse.🤢

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Here's one from Gweilo that barfus had posted on the other forum


Looks like Gweilo is thinking about opening a bar in Nanning. Assuming he goes through with it, I wish him well but it's a TON of work, upfront money, and risky. The location looks a bit suboptimal as well. Interesting to see how this plays out.

I think he's serious about wanting it, but may end up having second thoughts.

I'm always glad that I was never serious about wanting to look into starting up a business in China.

Plenty of expat bars/grills have fallen by the wayside, especially in the last 5 years or so.

Tommy's in Beihai (AKA Lai Lai TangMi) was one that was turned over to the Chinese employess when the Australian owner left.

Plus he's got plenty of nearby competition with better locations.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Winston just won't let it go - he posted a video on Facebook from a Chinese person about the "Vegetable Caper"

There is a line there with respect to accepting money to promote the interests of the CCP - they've just barely stepped over it. The main point of the video - one that I can't disagree with - is that they should be paying for their own trips.

I think the Guangxi "parts Unknown" and Chongqing junkets brought exposure to things they wouldn't otherwise have seen, but that the Shaanxi trip, in hindsight, WAS  a small step over that line.

My own feeling, though remains - call it a "junket" and let it go at that.


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