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SerpentZA and Other Vloggers

Randy W

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I wonder if China is backing off the Xinjiang boycotts a little. I haven't heard a thing about the H&M boycott in a while (since H&M announced that they would review their supply chain), and Nike seems to be on Taibao.

It's just as well - the only thing that can come of that is H&M reducing their footprint in China, while other countries are threatening to boycott the Olympics in 2022. Something that China should learn how to deal with themselves, rather than relying on those silly YouTubers.

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5 hours ago, Randy W said:

I wonder if China is backing off the Xinjiang boycotts a little. I haven't heard a thing about the H&M boycott in a while (since H&M announced that they would review their supply chain), and Nike seems to be on Taibao.

It's just as well - the only thing that can come of that is H&M reducing their footprint in China, while other countries are threatening to boycott the Olympics in 2022. Something that China should learn how to deal with themselves, rather than relying on those silly YouTubers.

I also wonder if some of the outrage was manufactured. Since the "outrage", my wife, who still is very fond of China, has ordered from H&M (the absolute best "cheap" clothes in her opinion), GAP, and bought an iconic New York Yankees hat. Literally no ordinary Chinese person I know gave a s*it about this.

China has always had a major brand/image problem. Politics aside, it is viewed as an extremely "uncool" country in Asia. Japan is viewed fondly because of Anime/Manga, Nintendo, Sony, and excellent autos from Toyota, Honda and their derivatives.  Korea has KPOP which is a worldwide phenomenon, and Samsung is a global powerhouse and a very respected brand. Thailand is the peaceful Buddhist country that has amazing food, beaches, is very welcoming to foreigners, and is a great affordable overseas retirement location. All three of these examples are very safe countries with a high degree of liberty (e.g. Google, Facebook are not blocked). China doesn't have any of this (sorry, Huawei is incredibly uncool), and has an incredibly unpopular government (from a foreign perspective) to boot.

The solution IS NOT to astroturf and pay losers ("English teachers, bar owners, and alcoholics" in Laowhy's words) to go around making cheesy pro-China videos. Anyone with half a brain will immediately recognize these guys as paid phonies, hence why their audiences are mostly bots, wumaos, and Chinese.

In fact, Gweilo's old videos were very authentic, his fondness for China was real, and the videos showed China as an interesting place. Those are the types of videos IMO that are more impactful over the long-term.



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11 hours ago, Barfus said:

I also wonder if some of the outrage was manufactured. Since the "outrage", my wife, who still is very fond of China, has ordered from H&M (the absolute best "cheap" clothes in her opinion), GAP, and bought an iconic New York Yankees hat. Literally no ordinary Chinese person I know gave a s*it about this.

 . . .



It ALL was - lol - by the "50-cent army". But given the response the "outrage" has induced, the CCP has found it doesn't really suit their purposes. The CCP has no interest in putting H&M out of business, or in stoking the fires for an Olympics boycott. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This guy tries his darndest to sound like a real car review guy

The Chinese S-Class that looks like a Rolls-Royce and Drives like a…

Since it debuted late last year, the H9 has been the topic of fervent internet debate. Some thought it was a blatant copy of a Rolls-Royce, others thought it was blatant copy of BMW 7-Series, and still others just thought it was a good-looking sedan. Everybody has an opinion, but today we’re going to try and look past that debate and answer a more basic question, is it a good car?

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A Korean vlogger whose most notable talent seems to lie in being able to walk backwards and keep things front and center.

The best way to watch seems to be to just skip around to see if she does any thing different.

Hey, I watched at least half of it - you may as well, too.


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I am about ready to start up a pool for who will be the first pro-China YouTuber to be ejected from China and when.

I'll take Daniel Dumbrill by the end of August. He seems well on his way to "winning" the Online Debate Team trophy. He may just find out that the "prize" is a one-way ticket to his home country.

Sorry, but China is NOT very hospitable to high school debate team wanna-be's. He is simply stirring things up to a potentially dangerous level.

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On 6/4/2021 at 1:37 AM, Randy W said:

I am about ready to start up a pool for who will be the first pro-China YouTuber to be ejected from China and when.

I'll take Daniel Dumbrill by the end of August. He seems well on his way to "winning" the Online Debate Team trophy. He may just find out that the "prize" is a one-way ticket to his home country.

Sorry, but China is NOT very hospitable to high school debate team wanna-be's. He is simply stirring things up to a potentially dangerous level.

If you think his YouTube videos are bad, do not, I repeat, DO NOT check out his Twitter. I really don't know what this guy's issues are (mental health maybe?) but the amount of vitriol that he spews is unbelievable. He's just such an angry, malicious, spiteful person. And he does all this as a business/property owner with Chinese national kids and a Chinese wife... why jeopardize your entire livelihood? Is the YouTube money really so great? (spoiler alert: probably not).

At some point China is going to realize that they are better off without idiots like Gweilo, Daniel Dumbrill, Jerry Goode running their mouths, "defending" China, and speaking on behalf of the Chinese people. Oddly enough, my wife loves China (though she loves living in the US as well), is well-educated, has lived around the world... to say she abhors Gweilo and his wife would be the understatement of the century.

I agree that Matt JaYoe is probably the most level headed of them. He seems like a genuinely good person deep down. It does look like he gotten swept into the "pro China" group, but whatever, it's hard to be totally independent nowadays so you might as well take some extra money.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Amy Blondie in China gets off the plane in Guangzhou

Amy is her standard smiley, bubbly self while raving about her balcony and pillows. I was bored to death about six minutes into it, but you may want to watch, if you're interested in a VERY detailed description of what it's like to arrive in China these days.

Edit: After watching the rest of it, it's both mundane and fairly entertaining at the same time. A good video.

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I've never heard of this guy, or his bar before, except possibly indirectly.

#ForeignersInGuangxi:" I love Nanning, I hope the speakeasy bar makes nightlife more interesting and more diverse for the Nanning city”

from Discover Guangxi China on Facebook 

from nanningexpats.com - Welcome to Speakeasy - Nanning's most legit Saloon

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