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2 more days till my wifes interview

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It appears that candle members are blessed.  As far as I know we always prevail even  when we do hit a snag.  Good luck Patrick.  I think you will do fine.

This made me think a bit. Since CFL is a public forum, what are the chances that GZ could have checked us out? Anyone reading the posts on CFL should know that we have serious and real relationships with our wives and fiancees.

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Good luck, Patrick, I will be praying for you as I did for Kim. The key here is to just be sincere and tell the truth as it happened. Tell her to look always into the eyes of the interviewer, it's a sign of assertiveness and sincerity. I know you will give us the good news on Monday, and please share the experience with us, it's so helpful!!!!

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DOS and GZ DO check in on candle. I can't count the number of times someone at DOS or GZ asked me for the URL. That's why we put the Rumpus Room as a member's only forum.

GZ If you're reading this Carl and Bing would really like to have P-4 soon. Pleaseeeeeeee! Pretty please! PS we dont want window 7 short guy with glasses or window 10 black guy that talks fast.

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Hehe, Rikk and i were talking about this too. We thought that GZ might has been checking these public forums...

Hope they don't spend too much time surfing online so we won't be kept waiting for our P4 for too long... :-)



Richard Van Epps & Qiu Xin Zi-----True names for GZ's referrence~LOL

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Still waiting. As i said before, I doubt i'll know till Wednesday. I tried to call her cell phone but she doesnt have it with her apparently. My fault actually, i should have asked her to let me know, but figured i could wait till she got back. As of right now, I am a bundle of nerves.



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