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Waitress training

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Alrighty now, that's what I like in my waitresses, a lil' militaristic espre de corps....sniff...I do hope they teach them to keep patrons glasses full...lol


Great video, it was hilarious....I loved all the lil foot stomping movements, especially when they made the circle around the big boss and had those lil' tiny hineys bouncing in those familiar red dress.


In Fushun we wound up having to get private rooms when we dine out, so many folks running up with cell phone cameras and down right gawking at my every move....and I like to drop food all over myself as I eat, and of course throw a few veges at Wenyan from time to time....hard for me to be myself with camera flashes n' such..


Once as we were headed upstairs to the private rooms in a nice restrant the staff lined up along the steps and put their hands together as they bowed to us on each step....I look behind me to see who the heck are they doing this for???? Didn't see anyone important coming up behind us soooooo,,,,10 minutes later we made it to the top of the dadgummed steps because I paused on each step to bow to each staffer on either side of me and tell them how grateful I was to be with them.


Actually, I was saying "Thank you so much, I am so happy to be here with you rat cheer in this fancy res-tau-rawnt"...but they didn't know what i was sayin'....lol


We had gone to eat early one afternoon, went upstairs and a couple of hours later came back down...OMGawd the downstairs was PACKED. Well, I tried to sneak down the steps and was doing real well until some pesky kid spots me and yells out real loud "Meg gua".... Ka-chung...300 heads snap to attention looking right at me. I'm flustered I tells ya. I took 2 more steps down then stopped took off my ol' floppy Aussie hat, bowed, and loudly said "Howdy yawl"...no one responded, they sat there in utter silence and stared....okay, quick thinker that I am I quickly bowed again and said "Ne Hao yawl"...the place erupted into laughter and clapping. I walked down the rest of the way hoping I didn't trip and make a cornplete fool of myself.


Chinartucky...only a damned fool wouldn't love the place, and it's dear people.


tsap seui


Luckily Wenyan loves to laugh at me, otherwise she would have dumped me a long time ago...lol

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Had my wife laughing, crazy! She thinks more of a performance than morning exercise. :boxer:

My wife really got a big kick out of it too. We both were holding our stomachs laughing.


I thought it more of like a waitress class graduation or something, with them jumping over the tape....lol We went early to eat dinner in a hotel resturant we stayed in when I was in Fushun before we bought our place there and the restaurant boss had the waitresses lined up at attention as she went over her orders to them. Then they did a big shout together at the end like a high school football team getting a pep talk. Nothing big like this. Hell, I woulda paid a coupla hundred rmb to see this performance before dinner...lol Especially the teacher at the end trying to break the tape, over and over and over. I do hope she was just being dramatic with her falls and whatnot, they were hilarious.


tsap seui

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LOL.....Rong and I got a good chuckle from this also.....and even more interesting was surfing through the YOUKU videos...got some really funny stuff there.

Yeah, China's YouTube and when you register (free) it provides a built-in download so you don't have to get a separate browser plugin!

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