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CCP Blue Slip - Delays Delays - Venting

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I'm so sick of this Cold War hangover. Some very powerful, influential people must still be fighting it (or fearing it) and will not give it up.



The CCP issue is probably a huge pain in the ass to GZ too. Since I know of no one who has not eventually overcome it I surmise that it is a huge waste of their precious time. Unfortunately they aren't the ones who passed the stupid law making it illegal for a communist party member to get a visa unless there are extenuating circumstances. Somehow I doubt any of our elected officials want to take this one on and be seen as soft on communism.


So true, you know the government, once a law is passed and on the books, it is can be a long time if ever for the law to be revoked or adjusted once it no longer serves it's purpose.

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Just a note to say....WE MADE IT!!!!!!! My wife's visa was approved on Valentine's Day, so a wonderful gift for us. We r now preparing for the visa shuffle. We hope to be together in 4 to 6 weeks.


Good luck to one and all, and may u all soon experience the joys of being with your Chinese wife...if u aren't already!

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Just a note to say....WE MADE IT!!!!!!! My wife's visa was approved on Valentine's Day, so a wonderful gift for us. We r now preparing for the visa shuffle. We hope to be together in 4 to 6 weeks.


Good luck to one and all, and may u all soon experience the joys of being with your Chinese wife...if u aren't already!


Congrats! Consider yourself lucky. We have been waiting 6 1/2 months now, they reponded to our 6 month query with the standard "administrative processing" line, along with the suggestion that we can ask again in 2 months if we like.

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At 3 months I contacted my local Congressman, who contacted Guangzhou. Guangzhou told the congressman that all CCP petitioners must be approved by the state department in DC. At that point the application was still in DC.


When I gave this information to the immigration attorney helping us, they were livid. There is a state department staff member at the embassy who is supposed to examine the applications and approve the ones that have everything in order, and send only the questionable applications on to DC.



Congratulations on finally overcoming your blue slip. I just wanted to point out that I believe your congressman was right and your lawyer was blowing smoke up your butt. I believe that anytime CCP membership is involved there are additional security checks that are required. I have never heard of a state dept liaison at the consulate with the power to side track those checks. Average wait time is 3-4 months but can be longer depending on back logs. Technically the whole consulate is part of the state department.

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