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China News/Xian Incident

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Well finnally got to Zhoushan Last night. A little difficult to get flight from Xian to Ningbo sooo heres the story. Was able to book flight on Hainan Airlines on Dornier 628 about 40 passenger puddle jumper but a jet not bad, seats were OK had to fly to Heinan then onto Hongzhou,,about 60 miles from Ningbo Jing's girl friend who owns a cab and drove to Hongzhou to meet us and was waiting at the gate with a two additional friends of Jings and a boquet of Flowers(just like the cab drivers in the US) We went to a nice 4 star hotel we had used before in Ningbo Jade Garden and had a nice Chinese dinner wine and buffet style was 430 RMB for the 5 of us. I of course paid as I was extremally greatful for the Taxi ride and waiting right at the airport ..I tried to give some RMB to Jings friend for the cab but she would not hear of it will try later. Took the ferry from Ningbo to Zhoushan been on this before quick pleasant 45 minute ride. Just called to dinner Jings wants to cook for me this trip to show off her domestic skills.. Still seeing Xmas decks all around even here on the island.


Abuot Xian: The terraCotta solders/warriors are quite a sight to see we toured all three pits with a local approved interepter her name was Mary and was with us for 4+ hours she was to get 80RMB yeah 80,, I gave her 150 she was worth it explained everything about the sight entrance to the pits is 65RMB for each and wound up spending some money at the Museum for 7 statutes and a Xmas girt of Nice Jade Braclet from that area for her mom spent about 100U.S...

Coming out was NIGHTMARE THE PEDDLERS GET IN YOUR FACE to try to sell you gifts that may or may not be junk 3 little kids in perticular bodily blocked our way out obvious I am a westerner.. Now I am a pretty tolorent guy and being a former Marine and going about 6'1' 240 pounds I do not push well so pushed my way through with Jing in hand and got to the Taxi we had hired all ok at this point so we thought I asked Jing if they were swearing at me in Chinese and she said they were calling her names and she would never come there again. Her remarks to me were "Chinese People are not this way" We pull out of the parking lot and start heading down the road and the three kids show up again this time they are standing in the middle of the road defying the driver to hit them When he stops they litterally climb on the front of the car and lean against it, With that the driver puts it in park he was a young guy about 30 jumps out and chases them off the one kid goes to the side of the road crying and as we pull away lobs a mud ball at us not hitting anything.. Anyway if you ever go there take caution it is a very interresting sight and I enjoyed the 2500 year history but not the after effects. I have been to China several times before this is my fouth trip in under two years and have never seen this before. :D

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I had a similar experience in Shantou my first year there. I was literally tackeled and dragged to the ground by six children beggars. They tried to wedge the wallet from my pocket. I shook them off, got up, and hailed a taxi. I climbed in and one them climbed in after me. The taxi driver came around and pitched him out of the car. It was a troublesome experience to say the least. The children beggars are often sent out by either their parents or other adults and sometimes are beaten if they return empty handed. I have personally seen this happen on several occassions. The worst are the little ones selling flowers who won't take no for an answer. Li became very adept at dealing with them. She also was frequently cursed by various and sundry people, especially by taxi drivers and merchants when she bargained hard to get me a good price for things. They only cursed her more when they found out she was my wife. China is a wonderful country and I have great respect and love for its people, but it is not without its dark side.

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I had the same experience at the museum. The little lady is only 5', but she performed like an NFL pro. She told me not to make eye contact and to keep walking no matter what. (Had a worse time with the peddlers at Tianaman Square. Very pushy!!!)

A wonderful museum though. The two fully restored chariots are beautiful and not to be missed!!!

On the way back to town you pass the tomb of the emperor. You can watch the changing of the guard. You can't go in the tomb because of the mercury contamination. Watch out for the hokey tomb closer to Xi An about 2 miles from the real tomb. It's a model and a mock up of the interior of the tomb.

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Ah yes, the infamous gauntlet. You'll find it just about anywhere where there are tourists. Of course, being a Westerner singles you out for special treatment.


No eye contact is a good tactic. But, sometimes that doesn't work, and you are forced to get tough. The only good aspect to all of this is that it allows me to use words and phrases that would problably get me killed in the US - fortunately, the words aren't understood, but the tone of the voice is clearly recognized. :D

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Yes we have the beggers here and usually at the bus stops. Great marketing skills these poeple have.. :D I have tried a number of ways of dealing with them. If I am in a fun mood I run around the signs and wait for them...than run back the other way. Kind of a one sided game of tag! heheh


Sometimes I just give them a long hard stare with not much kindness in my eyes and tightly drawn lips. You can wait them out and they usually leave. It is annoying but not as bad as the tourist places where you get swarmed and I doubt it would work. Best to keep walking and no hitting..:D

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I guess I have been lucky I have only had a few people try to get my attention, but like you say dont make eye contact and when they make themselves known I just say no thanks an keep walking my MM taught me to say "Bu Yao" but I never used it, the worst I think I saw was in Dazu Grottoes rock carvings an that was just a few kids trying to sell dragonflys made from bamboo strips My MM an her sis told me to ignore them but I couldn't so we gave them 5-10 RMB an they went away happy.

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I only had one experience in China where I had an annoying little girl about 5 years old in Guilin attach herself to me. She was trying to sell me a flower and kept saying over and over again "two yuan" Even Bings tongue which could be a deadly weapon wouldn't discourage her. She followed me for a good half mile as we walked along the river until she reached what must have been her boundry. The sad thing of it all is using children like that for financial gain. I am sure most tourists give in easily since she is so cute.

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I only had one experience in China where I had an annoying little girl about 5 years old in Guilin attach herself to me.  She was trying to sell me a flower and kept saying over and over again "two yuan" Even Bings tongue which could be a deadly weapon wouldn't discourage her.  She followed me for a good half mile as we walked along the river until she reached what must have been her boundry.  The sad thing of it all is using children like that for financial gain.  I am sure most tourists give in easily since she is so cute.

I've been there, Guilin. I know the little girl you're talking about. :P


Actually, when I was there there were about 4 or 5 little girls done up in traditional dress. They were charging the same 2 yuan to take a picture with them. They followed me for a good hour.


Another time on the same trip I got off the tour bus and was confronted my a dirty but cute little flower seller. It happened to be valentines day. In near perfect English she said, "Please buy a flower from me for Valentine's Day." I couldn't resist her. Then the little boy behind her, who was 2 seconds too late for the sale, got all pissed off. HE followed me for 10 minutes saying, "Buy flower, buy flower, buy flower!"


There were other little ones who'd give you the flower, like put it in your bag or something, and then demand payment. Those I'd just throw their little flower on the ground and say no.

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I would have given it to her, 2 Yuan is nothing for us, Yes I know it only encourages her to do it more but a flower for my woman and a happy kid I see it as a win win. Yes you can call me a sucker  :P

I was going to give it to her just to get her off my back but then she became even more annoying and after thinking about it I decided I didn't want to help support this exploitation of children. Also I didn't want to encourage other beggars that may have been watching.

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Well I am glad to know they didn't have my name and were just waiting for me!!

I enjoyed the Xi An museum very much the 2500 year old half size chariot and comfort wagon are a work of art. I cannot believe the amount of years that went into it to restore, OH I also met the farmer in the Museum/store who found the first Pit back in the 70's I purchased a book on the sight and he autographed for me great old guy noticed a U.S. 1 dollar in the draw he opend to get his pen out of and I told him that dollar looked lonely so gave him another although asked my gide if he made something from the book sale and she assured me he did when I gave him the US geenback you would have through I gave him $1000.00 nice old guy.. That will be the memory that will last from my trip to Xi An


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Hi all,

Had many similer instances at Xian ( terra cotta part) also the ( what i would call flea market)

looked really interesting. The beautiful furs I saw turned out to be dog. Wanted to go through and take a look, but with the tenacity that the locals showed it didn't seem like a good idea. In the city of Xian when cat and I were walking around the young rose sellers came out, for 2 yuan I of course had to buy one but when I gave her a five yuan note instead of change I was handed another rose :blink: . I was amused, and admired her business sense. In Foshan City at the ancesters temple I was acosted by several beggers, who were much more aggressive than the NYC brand, I simply put hands over pockets and pushed through. You definatly don't want to give money to them because than all the ones you don't see watching you will immediatly come forth. All in all I truly enjoyed the whole experiance. Ratman

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Guest hakkamike

I am sure that I am not the only one that has seen this in China but the strangest thing when it comes to begging is a young man that was cutting on his leg, to be blunt to collect mula, from what I could see it was self mutilation to the Max, to me I don't know how he had not cut into tendons or arties?"

Later, Micael Perez

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