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This is so Tragic

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Guest Tony n Terrific

This is terrible. I don't give damn what part of the world this happens in. No excuse for this insanity.

The article said the attacker suffered a history of mental illness. Yea anyone who would attack, murder and maim their driveway does not go up to the house.

The Chinese authorities convict this man they should publicly execute this man. You want to see mental illness drop?

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This is terrible. I don't give damn what part of the world this happens in. No excuse for this insanity.

The article said the attacker suffered a history of mental illness. Yea anyone who would attack, murder and maim their driveway does not go up to the house.

The Chinese authorities convict this man they should publicly execute this man. You want to see mental illness drop?

Hope I'm reading you wrong.

I too find this tragic beyond words, but to suggest that mental illness is something that one can shake off or be responsible for (generally speaking) is just plain wrong.


I am a life skills instructor and my folks did not chose to be the way they are.

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Over the last three or four years I have read of two other cases of a crazed maniac going into an elementary school with a meat cleaver and hacking up the kids.


I'm glad China is unlike us and will not consider this guy as a suspect until proven guilty after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide for his legal representation and boarding. China will do the proper thing and properly end his life quickly.

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It's always happened and always will. The difference is that in the old days there was no media coverage to glorify the killer and trigger copycat events. Fortunately, China will take care of this matter; unfortunately, we are too cowardly to do what is right in the US.

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It's always happened and always will. The difference is that in the old days there was no media coverage to glorify the killer and trigger copycat events. Fortunately, China will take care of this matter; unfortunately, we are too cowardly to do what is right in the US.


I agree with you 100% on this, we have convicted murderers that live in prisons for 10 to 20 years or longer before they are executed, we should take a lesson from China in cases like this.

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