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Sonny's passport

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Before I came to China on this trip I called the consulate twice. They said (and I quote), "It's really easy. You, your wife and the baby need to be present. You and your wife need your passports and you need the baby's birth certificate." That's all they said.


I get there and the first the the woman behind the window does is hand me a piece of paper telling me about 8 different documents that I have to have, many of them needing to be notorized copies. I was absolutely furious! (I'll type up the list for the resources folder in case someone else needs to register their baby.)


After arguing with her for about 15 minutes she said to just fill out as much as I could and give them the documents I brought. After that it would be up to the interviewing officer to decide if it was enough.


The next conflict I had with this woman was with one section of the form that asks me to list the time periods I've been outside the US. I didn't know how detailed they really wanted me to be. I've traveled quite a lot.

She said, "You should exclude the times you traveled out of the US."

I said, "So, basically, you're saying it's just from when I was born until now."

She said, "You've never been out of the US until now?"

"No! I've been out of the US on various vacations probably 20 times."

She said, "So you should exclude the times you've traveled."

"So, other than traveling, I've never been out of the US." I replied.

"No," she said, "exclude the times you traveled."


By this time I get how she's reversing the use of the word "exclude" but it just seems utterly ridiculous that I should sit down, spent two hours going through my passport, to figure out the exact dates I've been travel outside the US. By this time one of the interviewing agents comes up and says, "No, really, all we want to know is if you have ever lived outside the US for any extended periods." THAT made sense.


To make a long story short, after going in and out of citizen services probably 5 times for various things, they accepted Sonny's documents. This was at 3:15 and they close at 3:30, and this is on a Friday. They guy then pulls out a slip of paper and circles all the charges that I need to go downstairs to pay. ...Shit. I didn't even think about fees, nor had anyone told me about fees to this point. My money is back at the hotel, so I run back to the hotel, get my money, run back and pay the fees, run back upstairs with the receipt, sweating like a pig. The woman then stamps the receipt and says his passport will be ready in 10 business days..... Shit again. Both my wife and I are leaving GZ before then. She says I can have someone else pick up the passport, and she hands me a piece of paper. This last time coming into the consulate they wouldn't let Youyue inside. It's now 3:30 and we have to bring the paper back on Monday. We had to extend our stay in GZ (we were heading back to SZ) in order to give them one piece of paper. On Monday that one piece of paper ended up being 3 trips inside and out of the consulate.


But, all is taken care of. After we get Sonny's passport we have to get an "exit permit" for him from a Chinese agency whose name I can't yet translate for Youyue.




Oh, we also mailed in her P3. ...And I fired my lawyer for the second and last time because her assistant filled out the wrong docs for the P3 and I had to fix it myself.

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I am glad to hear that you have been having such a fun time in China :o :P


It sounds like it is best to get everything straightened out now with Sonny as a US Citizen (unless he has problems with needing a Visa to stay in China)????




I thought that in some cases a minor child could accompany the parents without a seperate passport. Is that true for coming to the USA? It would have made things so much easier if you could have done it with just an extra stamp in either your passport or your wife's passport.


Too bad you couldn't have convinced the INS agent to squeeze in your wife's interview on the same day as your son's interview :D


Best of Luck to you,


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hi,Rob,I guess I saw you and your families.Last Saturday afternoon,at the street behind teem plaza in Guangzhou.Your son in babe carriage attracted me at first.he is really cute.then at a glance,I saw you were playing with him.and your wife was talking to another lady.All of a sudden,I felt those faces were familiar.I already walked away when I realized they might be you two. is it possible I'm right?heehee :o

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Sorry to hear of all the hassles the Consulate is putting you through Rob. Sounds like a real pain in the butt. Also, I wasn't aware that your son, as a US citizen, would need an exit permit. :o


Hang in there. It will all be over soon my friend.

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Sorry to hear you got the run-around -- quite literally -- from the consulate. I hope you can get everything taken care of and get back soon. Don's right, each step is a battle. Just make sure you have the correct weapons on-hand and be patient and you'll win the war..

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I feel so bad for Rob. But part of if cracked me up though.


"No," she said, "exclude the times you traveled."



I am like..... That's right, no travelling out side U.S. because they are excluded.


And firing your lawyer is absolutely the right decision.


I really hope the followings will be smooth for you. :)

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...should'a gone to Chengdu.

Dave, if you only knew how many times I suggested this to Youyue. It's actually turned into more of a little family vacation with Youyue's mother and two aunts. I think that's where all their heads were at. I'm just this guy that came along with an excuse to go somewhere. :)

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hi,Rob,I guess I saw you and your families.Last Saturday afternoon,at the street behind  teem plaza in Guangzhou.Your son in babe carriage attracted me at first.he is really cute.then at a glance,I saw you were playing with him.and your wife was talking to another lady.All of a sudden,I felt those faces were  familiar.I already walked away when I realized they might be you two. is it possible I'm right?heehee :)

I'm sure that was us! I remember we were at the Teem Plaza. You must have been one of the thousands of people I've heard so far on this trip saying, "Hou dak yi!!" ;)

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Rob I don't mean to make light of your troubles as it sounds like a mind ...k but glad for you that you were able to get everything done.


For what it is worth they make a fine beer in that area.. after about the 3rd or 4th you realize they make the best darn beer on earth!!


Best wishes and sooth sailing.



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hi,Rob,I guess I saw you and your families.Last Saturday afternoon,at the street behind  teem plaza in Guangzhou.Your son in babe carriage attracted me at first.he is really cute.then at a glance,I saw you were playing with him.and your wife was talking to another lady.All of a sudden,I felt those faces were  familiar.I already walked away when I realized they might be you two. is it possible I'm right?heehee :)

I'm sure that was us! I remember we were at the Teem Plaza. You must have been one of the thousands of people I've heard so far on this trip saying, "Hou dak yi!!" :D

yeah,I did say "hou dak yi"(very cute).heehee.what a pity!I should have said "hi" to you.

sorry to hear about your experience at consulate.wish things go smoothly soon.

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Actually, from all the experieces I've had in this whole process I think this one went off pretty well. I mean, even though I had to do a bit of arguing and running around, everything was alright in the end. I'd say that's a good day when it comes to dealing with government agencies.

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According to material posted in thread "FYI: Babies Born in China", if one of the parents is a Chinese citizen, the baby has to have a Chinese passport. Rob, you are getting a US passport. Does the child have to have both????

:o :unsure: ;) :unsure:

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