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Spoke with Marc Ellis for 15 minutes tonight.

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He was not sure how much it would be. He said the fee would not be for him, just paid to the lawyer who looked at the case in GUZ.


he thought the most the fee would be was 150.00-200.00 USD to have the woman prepair Hui.


I still dont know what we will do.


$200 is a small price to pay, compared to a denial, and starting over with another 1 year wait, plus the expense. Some one with much experience as a good attorney, or some one like the Yangs, may spot one or more little points that may help. Wishing the best of luck for you and Hui.................Bob........

The $200 does not guarentee the visa.

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if she stays at the Yang's... she gets escorted around and prepared for each step. How can you turn down this kind of help and want to pay for another?

Why do some people insist that everyone must stay at the Yang's


They are extremely nice, but as I mentioned in my writeup, we'll probably stay elsewhere if we ever return to GUZ. That, or make them change the locks again! :lol:


I'm not overly convinced that her level of English is up to the task in checking for potential red flags. I think if you're there and your other half can tell her which documents you have in Chinese, she'll be able to help you organize everything - in that sense, she could be helpful in giving advice. That being said, I don't think she's quite up to the task of actually reviewing the documents' content (but I'm not sure it's her place. If you want that though, you should consider going the legal route instead). JMO. I'm simply gauging this based the level of English she used when speaking with me. Most of the time, we spoke Chinese; she preferred that, of course. She was great in providing services though (ie. take us to get photos developed, etc).


Our room kind of sucked though. We had a TV but no channels, the Internet was cantankerous, plus, the break-ins :P.

Edited by Kyle (see edit history)
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if she stays at the Yang's... she gets escorted around and prepared for each step. How can you turn down this kind of help and want to pay for another?

Why do some people insist that everyone must stay at the Yang's

I could care less where people stay. This is one of the very rare times I have ever mentioned the Yang's... but the OP is considering paying for help; he will get the help for free by staying there. It seems a practical solution his lady might even agree with once the two options are compared.

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My thought on this is you are 48 hours from the interview. If you have missed anything it is almost impossible to put your hands on it at that point. Peace of mind can be costly. If you really feel the need then do this. You seem to have your act in order. The interview process is divided into stages. Communication between the two of you is the big one. Does she know facts about you that a woman in this position should know? Where you live ,telephone number, If your parents are alive , what state does a sibling live in. When were your children born are some examples. The CCP issue is a big one if she belonged . This perhaps is where a lawyer could coach you on the correct way to answer this problem. How you met. It would not help if you are looking at your third divorce and have married the fourth wife within five days of meeting you intended. While they in our minds should not be judgemental in this matter . GUZ often is. You need to prepare for this interview long before you even decide to marry . So 48 hours out there is not much time to resolve anything. If you really are this nervous send your information as a j-peg file to the lawyer if possible so if something is missing it can be obtained and brought to the interview. I am not fond of lawyers. I have in the past been very harsh on the profession on this board. More than I should have.

Back when the IMBRA was started It was a mess. Petitions that had arrived in GUZ were sent back to the states.No one in government understood how to handle this new law. I talked to a immigration lawyer and over the phone and he told me how to handle this mess.

In passing he inquired if I needed help with AOS. I inquired about his fee. $2500. In most cases AOS is just making out more forms and get your act in order . Sorry no ...... I walked in with a file as big as the person giving the interview. I don't know what price you put on your peace of mind . IF it helps you sleep at night then go for it. Me I would have the steak dinner .

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Too late in the game to get a lawyer.




He will be in GUZ a few days before the interview and how much time does he really have to fix anything if there is a problem and you need access to something in the US to fix it.

Well in my case. I feel that had a lawyer been there and reveiwed everything that was taken into the interview,, that today I would be sitting here with a pink. After sitting here for a month and a half racking my Fu--king brains pretty sure I have figured this out. This is just something that I think would have helped. I know everyone,s case is different, and VO,s are all not the same.

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Too late in the game to get a lawyer.




He will be in GUZ a few days before the interview and how much time does he really have to fix anything if there is a problem and you need access to something in the US to fix it.

Well in my case. I feel that had a lawyer been there and reveiwed everything that was taken into the interview,, that today I would be sitting here with a pink. After sitting here for a month and a half racking my Fu--king brains pretty sure I have figured this out. This is just something that I think would have helped. I know everyone,s case is different, and VO,s are all not the same.




If i would had know i would have spent 200- 300 dollars to talk to someone else before the interview. I know the Yang's helped us.

The money i spent on 3 trips to China in 13 months was 18,000,

so what is another few hundred for some peace of mind? I did not realize how stressed i was untill i felt the pressure come off when she had her visa in hand. Good luck Robert.

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I think we're losing track of something; he's not in a position to get a lawyer's help; he spoke to a lawyer who offered a 'counterpart' in china... not a lawyer in china. I'm not trying to talk anyone out of help, but let's keep the story straight based on what we know.

He already asked for a lawyer,s help, and the lawyer response was he suggested a few changes , I would think that Marc Ellis would have contacted his counterpart in to what he thought the changes should be. This is what we know from Robert

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