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We are comming up on 3 months at the NVC. Anybody else having such a long delay? Man I thought waiting through the TSC was brutal, now this. I half expected to be at the P4 stage by now.


I requested my congressman look into it and they did. But they gave me back the canned "extra security check" bit. Then I waited another month and now requested a "congressional inquiry" a few days back... no response yet.

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I believe that it normally takes about 1-2 months for the majority of the applications to clear NVC. Unfortunately, sometimes they take longer. As yours has hit 3 months, it is time to try to make sure it is being processed. Hopefully your congressman will help.


Here is a note from the site www.k1k3.com where a couple had their application held at NVC from 3/12/2003 to 10/1/2003

My approved I-129F petition was stuck at the NVC for over six months because of a clerical error at the NVC which held up the FBI name check.


Oh, here is Robhon's timeline. I am not quite sure what happened to his application.

I129F Approval Notice ------ 03/26/03

Security ck started ---------- 04/07/03

Security ck finished --------- 08/21/03

Baby born -------------------- 09/03/03

NVC forwarded to GZ-------- 09/05/03



Actually, I was looking at the www.k1k3.com website. The average time at NVC appears to be about 2 weeks for all countries except for Russia and China. For Russia and China it seems to be about 1.5 months.


Even residents of many former East Block nations such as Ukraine still get the NVC checks finished in about a week or two.


----- Clifford -----

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(At least you got your NOA#2. I'm still waiting on mine from MSC after more than 120 days.)  


At least you guys got a notice of recipt for I-129F !  As you can see from my time line I have been waiting for SIX weeks after they cashed my check .Still no notice and no case number!!  


It would be nice to know they haven't thrown it in the trash

wow, did you call them? what did they say (or should i ask)?

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(At least you got your NOA#2. I'm still waiting on mine from MSC after more than 120 days.)  


At least you guys got a notice of recipt for I-129F !  As you can see from my time line I have been waiting for SIX weeks after they cashed my check .Still no notice and no case number!!  


It would be nice to know they haven't thrown it in the trash

wow, did you call them? what did they say (or should i ask)?

Still waiting for an anwser. The best response I can get from them is "It's in process"..... :)

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We are comming up on 3 months at the NVC.  Anybody else having such a long delay?   Man I thought waiting through the TSC was brutal, now this.  I half expected to be at the P4 stage by now.  


I requested my congressman look into it and they did.  But they gave me back the canned "extra security check" bit.  Then I waited another month and now requested a "congressional inquiry" a few days back... no response yet.

Hey bud!

I went through TSC too. check my NVC wait.. in signature area

I would call them once a week after they passed the time limit they put on the papers of 4 weeks from when they rcvd.

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Hey All,


Has anyone taken a look at the latest dates for NVC? :angry: On Friday, Nov.28 my I-129F (K3) was 60+ days past the chart date.  Now, as of today, my receipt date is short of being processed by 45 days !!!!!!    :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:



Your date should be coming soon.... Hold on.....


I believe the Texas Service Center (TSC) has been taking about 5 months or so to process the 129F, and the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) has been taking about 6 months to do it.


That could mean as late as sometime in January.....


This is definately NOT something that I agree with.... But, it is what has been happening lately.


NVC (National Visa Center), New Hampshire, is the next step. It seems to vary a bit with country for the Visa, with China averaging somewhere around 2 months.


Thus, it is not uncommon for it to take 7-8 months, or more for the application just to leave the USA..... Then a few more months of processing in China.


Good Luck, and I hope for a speedy end to the wait,


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Ever wonder how the INS could loose and misplace documents?


I was reading some of the old Candle Posts...... I know that it is a bad thing to do.... :angry:


Anyway, this showed up:





A couple of people at the INS had a great idea of how to get rid of their backlog of cases..... SHREDDING THEM!!!!!!!!!!


Apparently they shredded the unprocessed paperwork for some 90,000 cases including PASSPORTS , BIRTH CERTIFICATES and MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES!!!


They effectively got rid of their backlog, and even managed to keep it down for several months by continued shredding!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:


Fortunately, this is all "old news", breaking in Jan 2003, dealing with activities from Feb 2002 to April 2002 at the California Service Center......


----- Clifford -----

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Hey All,


Has anyone taken a look at the latest dates for NVC?   :o   On Friday, Nov.28 my I-129F (K3) was 60+ days past the chart date.  Now, as of today, my receipt date is short of being processed by 45 days !!!!!!    :D  :P  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:



Your date should be coming soon.... Hold on.....


I believe the Texas Service Center (TSC) has been taking about 5 months or so to process the 129F, and the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) has been taking about 6 months to do it.


The only problem with what you have indicated is that my I-129F is at MSC and has never been with NSC. Sense I have a K3, I was able to submit directly to Chicago which sent it on to MSC. Look at my timeline and you will see what I have gone through so far.


Thanks for your input.

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Hey Louis,

I hate seeing that that your still stuck in NVC. From what I have heard, or read somewhere, is that there are only 2 ways you can get some special attention in expediting the process.


1) Is to show some type of medical or health reason. (Like you were going to die in the next six months).

2) Is to show some type of undue financial hardship that a lenghty wait is, or will, cause.


I do believe these are written in their rules and they must abide by them. When you contact you congressman again see if you can include possibly the second one in as much detail as you can, if you write a letter, be sure to copy the NVC, or wherever the snags are occuring. I hope this can be of some help to you.

If you need more detail on this, I will try to find exactly where it's at.


Best of luck. Keep after them, it's your life and your future they're screwing with.



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... be sure to copy the NVC, or wherever the snags are occuring. I hope this can be of some help to you.

If you need more detail on this, I will try to find exactly where it's at.


Best of luck. Keep after them, it's your life and your future they're screwing with.



Hey Pat,


Hmmm, well actualy the unexpected increased time is causing a financial difficulty. Because of the TSC and the NVC written timeframes we chose for her to quit her job. The boss had to actualy approve of me then terminate her work contract. Now she can not get her job back and can not locate work.


Do you know the NVC fax number and the person to contact there? I have no problem keeping after them :-) and thanks for the encouragement.



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This is the fax # i have for the NVC 603-334-0759, however, I do not have a personal contact there, hopefully your letter will find its way to the right hands.

Remember, INS only cares about YOUR, or your company's or business's, undue financial hardship, not hers, unfortunately.


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