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Taking large quantities of DRUGS to China....

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He can either declare it or not - neither way is likely to cause him a whole lot of grief.


I'm reading this as him stating that "this is kind of a minor thing"


I tend to agree with that. You're not going to get thrown in a Chinese prison for flour and ginseng. You've already stated that you've considered what they might do "confiscate the flour." Other than that, or perhaps pay a duty - I can't see any other outlook happening. You're not going to be arrested for bringing large quantities of flour across the border :lol:


Most of the people here stated that they haven't had any issues going through customs.


What makes this even worse... if it can be worse - is that she also has bought and packed about 25 to 30 bottles of over the counter medicines and vitamins, etc.


I've done the exact same thing. So has my wife. Her baggage was inspected at customs - mine wasn't. The guy quickly went through her luggage looking at all of her food products from the States, as well as various medicines. No problem. One of her checked bags contained only food and medicinal products.


Thanks.... your input was valuable to me. It is what I needed to hear to be able to relax some. Thanks again.



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I intend to declare everything - but I'm not sure THE QUANTITY i'm going to list........ I'm still waiting to hear about the call my wife made to Guangzhou customs...... I was asleep when she called - I'll find out tomorrow.


Randy - WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY GRIEF???? Do you think this may cause me such serious problems that I wish I hadn't tried? I figured the worse they will do is compensate the flour. If I claim it and explain what it is and why I'm taking it - what can they do to me??? It is a LEGAL food item after all........





1 40 lb bag of flour, for personal use - declare a value. They will probably have you pay a duty. Maybe not.


I'm saying it WON"T cause you any grief - that even if you DON'T declare and they notice, you can claim it's for personal use


Let us know how it turns out - it should provide a few laughs. David's already tried, unsuccessfully (to get laughs, that is)

Edited by Randy W (see edit history)
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Hi all from CHINA.....


I don't have time for a long explanation right now - but the quick update is that I am in China right now, with my #40 of flour, AND NOT ONE AGENCY ALONG THE ROUTE EVEN BOTHERED TO QUESTION THE (FLOUR) BAGS CONTENTS OR EVEN EXAMINE NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE #2 BAG OF THE STUFF !!!!!!!!!!!! :P


I cannot beleive it myself... really.


I will give all the details of the entire trip at a later date. But for now we know that NOBODY (airlines, TSA, or Customs) cares what is in the luggage - even if it resembles drugs....... ha ha The airlines just want to get every penny out of the passengers for all extra, or over-weight, and over-size baggage........ it cost us $400 extra for 2 extra bags!!! WOW!!1




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That's been our experience as well. Glad you were able to get your flour across the border.


What would be funny is if you guys found shelf loads of it at the local grocery store . .


Enjoy your trip

Edited by KJJ (see edit history)
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Hi all from CHINA.....


I don't have time for a long explanation right now - but the quick update is that I am in China right now, with my #40 of flour, AND NOT ONE AGENCY ALONG THE ROUTE EVEN BOTHERED TO QUESTION THE (FLOUR) BAGS CONTENTS OR EVEN EXAMINE NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE #2 BAG OF THE STUFF !!!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:


I cannot beleive it myself... really.


I will give all the details of the entire trip at a later date. But for now we know that NOBODY (airlines, TSA, or Customs) cares what is in the luggage - even if it resembles drugs....... ha ha The airlines just want to get every penny out of the passengers for all extra, or over-weight, and over-size baggage........ it cost us $400 extra for 2 extra bags!!! WOW!!1






Sometimes the thing to do is to just go ahead and do it!


Good for you!

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That's been our experience as well. Glad you were able to get your flour across the border.


What would be funny is if you guys found shelf loads of it at the local grocery store . .


Enjoy your trip




I have searched the stores while here and all we can find is regular plain flour.


I know the american restaurants here like McD's and KFC use this stuff to cook their chicken and chicken wings - but this type of flour does not appear to be on the retail market.


We are in Liuzhou - perhaps larger cities may have it - but I am not finding it here on the shelves.


Well... the vacation is about over. I leave for the US in two days. TIME DOES GO BY FAST WHEN YOU ARE HAVING FUN DOESN'T IT!!!!!!


Are any other CFL members flying out of Guangzhou (to LA) on Tuesday??????



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Hi all from CHINA.....


I don't have time for a long explanation right now - but the quick update is that I am in China right now, with my #40 of flour, AND NOT ONE AGENCY ALONG THE ROUTE EVEN BOTHERED TO QUESTION THE (FLOUR) BAGS CONTENTS OR EVEN EXAMINE NOT EVEN ONE SINGLE #2 BAG OF THE STUFF !!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:


I cannot beleive it myself... really.


I will give all the details of the entire trip at a later date. But for now we know that NOBODY (airlines, TSA, or Customs) cares what is in the luggage - even if it resembles drugs....... ha ha The airlines just want to get every penny out of the passengers for all extra, or over-weight, and over-size baggage........ it cost us $400 extra for 2 extra bags!!! WOW!!1






Sometimes the thing to do is to just go ahead and do it!


Good for you!



YES... you are very right. I am just amazed that not one single bag of this stuff was opened!!!!


They opened some of the bottles of vitamins - but left the flour alone. I find this very strange. Do you think they maybe stuck a needle into the bags and extracted some for examination? I would think they would at least open one bag?


The first time I traveled to China - I had gifts for all the family members - and they opened EVERY SINGLE GIFT WRAPPED PACKAGE!!! And on other trips they always seem to look pretty close at everything - this time they hardly looked at anything. I guess I should be happy as they could have made a huge mess of my stuff (if they wanted to).



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