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Oh god I just made a mistake......

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I went to Myvisajourny.com and read threw 3 pages of HORROR storeis about people getting denied and having no clue why.....




OMG they will turn us down and we will be in government hell for years.......



Lol someone talk me down Im gonna jump!... :huh:





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I went to Myvisajourny.com and read threw 3 pages of HORROR storeis about people getting denied and having no clue why.....




OMG they will turn us down and we will be in government hell for years.......



Lol someone talk me down Im gonna jump!... :P






RELAX!!!! Calm down!!

What makes you think they will turn you down?


OMG they will turn us down and we will be in government hell for years
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Welcome to CFL


First, get your feet on the ground and get a grip of yourself.


Yes, it's possbile that you can be denied a K1 Visa for your fiancee. Since you have had only one visit (possible red-flag with GUZ), I would strongly suggest a 2nd (6 months from now) or 3rd visit (for the interview), this would improve your chances of showing GUZ that you do indeed have a "bonafide relationship", this is one of the main causes for denial.


First, lets get a couple of things clear, document everything between you and her, emails, IM's, hand written letter, pictures (with names and dates of places you both have visited) and anything that can come to mind, get receipts of everything, plane bording pass stubs.


There's a wealth of imformation here and advice from people who have gone through the same process your gettting ready to go through.

At the top of the CFL main page, are links to provide you with all the info you need to be successful with your petition.


I'm sure others here add more to what I have siad here, take all the advice and use it to your benefit, stay positive.

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There is no guaranteed visa but GZ has been friendlier lately. Rumor has it that the new head of the IV unit was put in because the former head was causing too many unfounded denials. In short your chances of success at the present time are probably as high or higher than they've ever been.

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I went to Myvisajourny.com and read threw 3 pages of HORROR storeis about people getting denied and having no clue why.....




OMG they will turn us down and we will be in government hell for years.......



Lol someone talk me down Im gonna jump!... :)






It's good to read those stories so you know what to be prepared for. But I wouldn't worry too much right now. You got A LOT of time, so spread that worry out, pace yourself man!

I read every interview result/story I could get my hands on before my trip to GUZ (that's how I found CFL), anyways, at the time it seems most people were denied because the beneficiary's English was not good at all. The other reasons were typically very blatant mistakes like forgetting important dates, facts and/or evidence.

If her English is decent and background clean it would be hard not to get pink. Just follow all the instructions, take lots of pics, print out those phone records and chat logs and emails, etc etc. Even conduct some mock interviews with her as the date gets closer.


The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed she will be!


Good Luck!


Jon & Cindy

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There is no guaranteed visa but GZ has been friendlier lately. Rumor has it that the new head of the IV unit was put in because the former head was causing too many unfounded denials. In short your chances of success at the present time are probably as high or higher than they've ever been.

It is true!

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