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I look at U.S. news everyday.

Then i look at China news.

The story no same.


I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.


I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


Why new president lie?

He say ago he help people and now he take job away.


I see no help just people with no job and sad.


I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

Now i want to go home.


Why U.S. lis to me?

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Ah, the news dilemma.


In China, you only see the news the government will allow, but it is generally true.


In America, you see all news, but much is not true, or has been changed.


It is hard to decide which may be better.


Myself, I ignore the news and just try to enjoy life and help other people when I can. So far, I have found that is easier to do in America, but that seems to be changing.


My advice would be to do whatever makes you happiest.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I look at U.S. news everyday.

Then i look at China news.

The story no same.


I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.


I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


Why new president lie?

He say ago he help people and now he take job away.


I see no help just people with no job and sad.


I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

Now i want to go home.


Why U.S. lis to me?


Try not to get too discouraged with what you see on the news in the US. The truth is, about 90% of what you hear from Washington and the news is "Bravo Sierra." That's code for bullshit.


Fortunately, you've got your own common sense to be able to sort through what's true and what's not. Try your best to hold on to that.

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Guest jin979


USA is not streets of gold. in many ways life is harder here than in China. Rob says takes many years to accept strange country.


There is much racism from whites in usa to chinese (not from mexicans or natives), little fun on streets and its country in decline in money/power/economy. One day mayybe we will all move to china. it is more simple,cheaper and more fun. less crazy. we married western men so live here now. just need to wait until they decide to move :roller:



moved to steside,hope you not care

Edited by jin979 (see edit history)
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I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.

Because you are still learning English, yes US news is full of lies. The US news media doesn't really lie, you just need to be able to read between the lines to identify the truth. In the last 30 or so years, the US news media has become deeply immersed in advocacy journalism.


I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


Why new president lie?

He say ago he help people and now he take job away.

All politicians lie, some more than others. Obama is just a politician. Politicians do not care about people, they care about votes so they tell lies and people be damned.


I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

Now i want to go home.

I am sorry the US is not a bowl of cherries and understand your desire to return to China. China is a wonderful country.


...in many ways life is harder here than in China.


There is much racism from whites in usa to chinese (not from mexicans or natives), little fun on streets and its country in decline in money/power/economy. One day mayybe we will all move to china. it is more simple,cheaper and more fun. less crazy. we married western men so live here now. just need to wait until they decide to move :roller:

Well said, jin. This was a frequent topic of conversation between my wife and I before she came over.


One of the advantages of living far away from American cities is that life more closely resembles living in a Chinese rural area only with more modern conveniences. My wife has 15 chickens, two large gardens, apple and cherry trees, a small stream and our personal forest that is populated with all sorts of wild life.


I would enjoy moving to China, but first I must put my Chinese daughter through university; I do not believe I could earn enough money in China to pay for her education. Of course, the way the US is going, that could soon change.

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I look at U.S. news everyday.

Then i look at China news.

The story no same.


I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.


I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


Why new president lie?

He say ago he help people and now he take job away.


I see no help just people with no job and sad.


I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

Now i want to go home.


Why U.S. lis to me?



The American news is freedom of speech gone way off the mark,Every news media in America has an agenda....i do not even listen to the news...why? its all the same ....bad news !!! if you even decide to believe it,it is like listening to a liar,why listen,you know they are lieing.As far as a new president.....its the same ol'same old....nothing new....don't put your faith in politicians....live your life and be happy,happiness can be found in any part of the world,doesn't matter where you are.Enjoy life, don't worry,someday the economy will improve,is going to take some time,because the genius's in the white house,not all that smart.when the people decide to not put their faith in politicians,and decide they will be happy,it will be the people who will change this economy and turn it around.....thats what America is all about.....the people........the people have made this country great,all peoples of all countries,religions,color.....and while we do have idiots here in America who are racists, the majority are not.....America,China..........doesn't matter,enjoy life where ever you are.........,just my thoughts.

have a happy 4th



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The news today is not like it was 30 years ago. Before cable TV we had 3 stations/channels on the tube; ABC, NBC, and CBS. People picked the station they liked best and pretty much stayed with it.

But today is totally different. Today is news 24/7 on a 150 or more different channels and they relentlessly compete for your viewing! It's unbelievable! and it's getting out of control, there's no regulations in place to curb it. We just have to see where it heads.

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I look at U.S. news everyday.

Then i look at China news.

The story no same.


I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.


I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


Why new president lie?

He say ago he help people and now he take job away.


I see no help just people with no job and sad.


I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

Now i want to go home.


Why U.S. lis to me?

i think "truth" or "lies" isn't the best way to talk about the news. the news is a report of facts. we should judge the news by what facts it chooses to focus on, how it presents them, and whether it tries to draw conclusions for its viewers. we could call this part of the news its "spin."


in america, we have a lot of different "spin" in the media. we have access to news with conservative, liberal, nationalistic, anti-america, pro-white, pro-black, religious, and secular spin on it. the result? people with one type of view seek out news with their preferred spin, and the people who want a balanced view become cynical because of all the fingerpointing and spin (i.e., they say things like "they're all crooks anyway.").


in china, news is government run and, for that reason, obviously has an agenda to promote the government. it's clearly biased, but perhaps it doesn't put people off as much as media with a relentless focus on crises, crime, and who's to blame.


finally, in comparing domestic news in the us to the international news in china, or vice versa, a whole new group of issues come into play, because 1. the audience is different, 2. the relevance and meaning of the story is different, and 3. the agenda of the media is different. for example, on the flip side of what you said, stories in the US media about china are different than the domestic take on the issue within china.

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I look at U.S. news everyday.

Then i look at China news.

The story no same.


I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


You believe China news because you want to. It is called loyalty. There is nothing wrong with that. You are living in America now. America and China are like two separate planets. It will take time to get used to us "aliens" and the way we do things. Be patient with yourself. Most of all, be flexible in your thinking.


U.S. news doesn't lie. They report the facts, but putting whatever emphasis on particular facts may tilt the meaning of the story one way or the other. American newspapers and TV are in business to make money. They will tell a story in whatever way they think will get more people to pay attention to them.


Chinese newspaper and TV are owned by government. They tell you what they want you to know. If they don't want you to know it, you will never hear about it.


I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.


Three years is about right for these feelings. You miss your family. You miss your friends. You are comparing your old life to your new one. You have been here just long enough to begin to see the differences, but not long enough to understand and accpet them yet.


I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


Why new president lie?

He say ago he help people and now he take job away.


President hasn't taken any jobs away. He doesn't have the power to do that. He also doesn't have the power to give anyone a job. He and his people may try to influence or create an atmosphere that will make big companies want to hire people, but he can't put anyone to work himself

I see no help just people with no job and sad.


I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

Now i want to go home.


Our economy is not good right now. It is a cycle that must be rode out. It happens. It will happen again and again. China economy is not much better. By the last report I read, over 200 million people in China out of work. That is a much greater percentage of the population unemployed than in America. Life anywhere is what you make of it. If you are unhappy, you will be unhappy anywhere you go. There is always something missing. If you life is happy, then that happiness goes with you wherever you go.


Why U.S. lis to me?


I don't think anyone lie to you. I think you were not completely knowledgeable about America when you come here. It is difficult to learn about another country until you are actually there. Many people can tell you about another country, but no one can tell you everything you need to know.


Hang in there, Zhenghong! Life is a roller coaster ride!

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I look at U.S. news everyday.

Then i look at China news.

The story no same.


I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.



One thing I've noticed about the news in China, is that they do not become obsessed with any one particular topic. US news on the other hand, cherry picks the stories they present to their demographic. This past week for example, the bulk of the news coverage was about Michael Jackson, despite the fact that American men and women are dying in conflicts overseas, the incredible and deepening budget deficit, the crazy tactics exhibited by North Korea, and the fact the Russia, China, and now India began working together on creating an alternative to the US dollar to conduct business.


The people of China are not stupid. They know what's going on in the world. There are more Internet connections in China than anywhere else on earth. They are indeed paying attention to what's going on in the world, and are smart enough to use several news sources to learn more.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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When I was in China and watched the news - there was no news! It was ALL about the president and premier meeting with various people! That's it! All shaking hands and greetings. Pretty pitiful excuse for news.

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Guest ShaQuaNew

When I was in China and watched the news - there was no news! It was ALL about the president and premier meeting with various people! That's it! All shaking hands and greetings. Pretty pitiful excuse for news.


You obviously haven't been watching <or reading> the news in China recently.



Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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I dunno. When I've been there and watched CCTV there have been a number of current issues presented. Some even seemed to be fairly balanced. I also saw some decent reporting on the Shanghai local channel.


I think the difference is news reporting (China) vs news & opinion (US) .



THAT is the biggest difference! I don't about anyone else, but I couldn't care less about anyone's opinion or "analysis" of the news. Tell me the facts. I can form my own opinions.


Zhenghong...one of the other things that you should be aware of..In China , the Premier and the President have power. They order something done and it gets done. In America, the President has no real power to order anyone to do anything other than the military and his own Administation. The President of the United States gets his power from Congress insomuch that he can agree or disagree with them.


The Presidents main job is to promote an agenda that he thinks will be best for the future of the country. For lack of a better term, he is the National Cheerleader.


Example: The Chinese government owns the railroads. The President can order them to add track, add jobs, add trains to their schedule. BINGO! Instant employment!


In America, the government owns nothing. The railroads are private companies. The President cannot order a private company to do anything.

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My wife has been here for 3 years. We often talk about going back to China to enjoy an easy lifestyle. But there is a major problem: we are both over 35 years old. In China, if you are over 35, it is very difficult to find a job. I saw Jesse and a few others found jobs in China. But they have very specialized skills. If you have American education and work experience, it may be slightly easier. There is more competition in China.


If you drive a car in the U.S. and have an accident involving another car, most of time, the auto accident can be settled civilly and peacefully. But if you have a car accident in China, it can become a violent fight. Maybe people in China are not used to auto accidents.


Grass looks greener on the other side, because it's the grass that you don't have. The saying points out precisely this aspect of some people's psychology: that they think that what they want is better than what they have and in many cases they could be wrong.

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