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Last Phone Call with Jing Mei

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Well, just got off the phone with JM after a horrid night's sleep. She's got all our papers sorted, organized, and ready for review tomorrow at the interview. In other words, she's locked, cocked, and ready to rock. I'm really proud of her...she's confident in herself and our papers. We've both obsessed on everything. The only problem I can expect is the unexpected.


She did share an interesting story...one we've all heard before. She had "a lawyer" (one of the rip off guys by the embassy) review her papers. At first, he said he could guarantee a visa by reviewing her papers and making necessary adjustments. It would cost her 1000 RMB for this service. When he looked at some of the forms (my guess is the I-134), he said he would have to charge 5000 RMB to help her. JM told him she would have to talk to me first before she agreed (a lie to get out of there....God bless her!). So yes, all these stories are true about the rip offs by GZ.


The next time I talk to her should be be around 2 AM tomorrow morning. I expect another bad night until I hear from her. I have complete faith in her that she'll kick a$$ in the interview. If the VO gets stupid with her, I told her to instruct the VO that I can fax anything they want from me fast so she can still be considered for the visa on the 31st. Let's hope that doesn't happen.


Keep your fingers crossed........



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