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I am in GUZ right now

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Ok I made if safe and sound, stranger things have happened. I did manage to irritate a Japanese lady doin the quarantine stuff on the way over :rolleyes:


Click here to see the pics I will try to post daily.


The interview is May 11 I'll be at the ACH this Monday on May 4th


I will try to write here everyday abut what we did etc...

Edited by shadeOgray (see edit history)
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Guest shutterbug

Ok I made if safe and sound, stranger things have happened. I did manage to irritate a Japanese lady doin the quarantine stuff on the way over :rolleyes:


Click here to see the pics I will try to post daily.


The interview is May 11 I'll be at the ACH this Monday on May 4th


I will try to write here everyday abut what we did etc...


Good luck!


Five years ago I flew from Chicago to Beijing with a connecting flight at Narita in Tokyo. We got off the plane, boarded a bus (probably due to a shortage of gates at the terminal), which took us to the terminal. I was surprised that we had to go through security screening again. On my mind, I thought: "Does anyone really believe I would carry a bomb all the way here from Chicago, just so I can detonate it on the next flight?" But I kept my mouth shut...

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Ok I made if safe and sound, stranger things have happened. I did manage to irritate a Japanese lady doin the quarantine stuff on the way over :rolleyes:


Click here to see the pics I will try to post daily.


The interview is May 11 I'll be at the ACH this Monday on May 4th


I will try to write here everyday abut what we did etc...

Great pictures!

Who is the Chinese guy? Xiajianxin, the owner of the hotel?

Good luck!

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Ok I made if safe and sound, stranger things have happened. I did manage to irritate a Japanese lady doin the quarantine stuff on the way over :rolleyes:


Click here to see the pics I will try to post daily.


The interview is May 11 I'll be at the ACH this Monday on May 4th


I will try to write here everyday abut what we did etc...

Great pictures!

Who is the Chinese guy? Xiajianxin, the owner of the hotel?

Good luck!


Yes Amanda, he is the owner of the apartment. Decent guy.


Glad you made it OK Shade. Too bad the Japanese didn't appreciate your sense of humor. I thought it was funny. Good luck buddy!

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Yes we will be living in Pensacola probably till I retire. Were staying at the same place Wendy and Dylan stayed at. Couldn't tell you the exact address right now. I have it...somewhere...maybe...I'll get Ting to send it to you. :(

Well we started getting all our papers in order, we have everything it¡¯s just in disarray right now. Have the ACH in the afternoon and will get our letter of evolution certified.

We went out to eat some dumplings at a local shop around the corner, they were pretty good. Much smaller then I am use to though, these were the size of ping pong balls. After we came back and about 3 minutes after we started getting our papers out Mr. Xiagiansin came over un announced of course as is the Chinese tradition. So we were not ready for him and the trip for him to come here was a waist of time in my opinion. He even said wow our papers need to get organized and I was thinking to my self ¡°thank you Capt obvious, they would have been if you called first and gave me an hour¡±.

He was VERY nice, even took out the trash to my horror, I was going to do that. Just not use to someone else taking my trash out I guess. He went down the hall with the trash and came back in like 15 seconds. I later looked around and still don¡¯t know what he did with the trash, I didn¡¯t see a garbage shoot any where. So I just scratched my head and committed to finding the answer to that puzzle later.

I was still suffering from jet lag ~wink wink~ so Ting and I retired to the bed room for a nap.

We passed out shortly after and I woke up to the sound of mopping. I thought to my self, where the hell did Ting find a mop, thought I mailed them all to Dan¡¯s wife.

I looked over and Ting is dead asleep next to me, my bedroom door is wide open and I¡¯m sleeping in my birthday suit. I jumped under the covers and woke Ting up, she said it was the landlords wife coming to clean up and she was just being nice.

Well I am all for nice but I value privacy more then nice, I don¡¯t like people coming into my place when I did not let them in. I have no doubt she got a nice shot of the ole twigs and berries too. Now the poor woman will go home depressed thinking every westerner is that well endowed. Hope she doesn¡¯t tell the husband, might give him a complex or something. hehe

Told Ting in America this little stunt could get you shot or in jail. Anywho I¡¯ll use the CHAIN on the door for now on when we go to sleep. I know the photos I posted need a description, I just haven¡¯t made it that far yet.

We just came in for a nice long walk, found the local smaller cheaper shops we¡¯ve been looking for, there hidden very well I must say. Ting¡¯s mood improved once we found them, thinks it reminds her of home more. Well that¡¯s about all for now, will catch you guys after ACH. Mr. Xiagiansin said to pick him up a blank ACH form too.

Edited by shadeOgray (see edit history)
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hi shadeogray,

my wife stayed at the same place as you and dylan. the owner is very helpful with the interview process and seems to know alot about it too. he likes to "pop-in" once while to help. he looked over some documents and applications and noticed there was a mistake which my wife corrected. i don't know what would happen if the mistake was seen by the VO but its nice to have an extra eyes to review all documents and applications. good luck and bring the pink home!!! :(

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Hello Robert and Ting

We're all pulling for you both, report back as you can...I think we're going to stay at that hotel also, sounds like a good place.


Enjoyed the pics. Post them when you can. Good luck and stay focused.

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Hello Robert and Ting

We're all pulling for you both, report back as you can...I think we're going to stay at that hotel also, sounds like a good place.


Enjoyed the pics. Post them when you can. Good luck and stay focused.

Focused, right...where am I again? :blink: :ph34r: :D ;) B)


Getting up early to go buy breakfast before she wakes up. :D

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Hello Robert and Ting

We're all pulling for you both, report back as you can...I think we're going to stay at that hotel also, sounds like a good place.


Enjoyed the pics. Post them when you can. Good luck and stay focused.

Focused, right...where am I again? :blink: :ph34r: :D ;) B)


Getting up early to go buy breakfast before she wakes up. :D

She will be very happy about that. ;)

Good luck and keep us updated about the ACH.

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