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Guest jin979

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Tai Chi...I like Tai Chi...it's like standing still...only faster! Seriously, We use Tai Chi esque movement in our training of Tae Kwon Do patterns and the more complex counter-attacks. It gives us a chance to correct the most minute details and errors in the movement.


For religion, I have my own. It is the religion of self-worth. Be the best I can be everyday. Set my own moral and ethical compass and follow it. Do not rely on others to determine your worth to the world.

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has anyone who posted actually read the article?


To be honest, I read a little and knew I didn't need to read more. It's like going down the wrong street and knowing it, do I keep going or do I stop and turn around and go the way I know is right?


As another poster said... this has been done and said before and probably won't change anyone's mind.

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interesting thread, a post on accepting pain / troubles in life and how you approach that, turns into a religion debate , book selling and "happiness" thread kinda think you need to read it again maybe you missed the point of the OP.



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interesting thread, a post on accepting pain / troubles in life and how you approach that, turns into a religion debate , book selling and "happiness" thread kinda think you need to read it again maybe you missed the point of the OP.



Perhaps including the comment


I believe this approach is the best for all


invited what followed? Maybe it wasn't the OP's intention or maybe it's a language thing. But if people think you're suggesting one approach to life over all others, you're gonna get the reaction it got. JMHO.

Edited by IllinoisDave (see edit history)
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Tai Chi..."I like Tai Chi...it's like standing still...only faster!" Seriously, We use Tai Chi esque movement in our training of Tae Kwon Do patterns and the more complex counter-attacks. It gives us a chance to correct the most minute details and errors in the movement.


For religion, I have my own. It is the religion of self-worth. Be the best I can be everyday. Set my own moral and ethical compass and follow it. Do not rely on others to determine your worth to the world.

"I like Tai Chi...it's like standing still...only faster!" :lol: good one.

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sorry if this was taken as a religious post, it wasnt meant to be.


it was meant as a approach to dealing with lifes challenges and relationships, both on a individuel level and global.


interestingly many who posted back, did so just as how she was talking about, from a rigid position of "right" and or "protection" be that self or nation.


Any way i thought it was a good writing, be it for sell or not. maybe if more thought this way then we would have less troubles in the world.

i think maybe alot of the responses to her article on here actually reinforce what she was saying.


to the members (older) that dimiss threads like this as "been there" not all of on CFL as old as you, if you dont want to contribute thats ok, but no need to impart your "its worthless" wisdom. All that tells me is it is nothing to you, but you cant imply that to others.

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Anyways, I looked into buddhism for a while but found it too structured for me; too much like a religion but that is the very reason it is probably most appealing to the west. (I prefer the detachment of zen or the unstructuredness of daoism much more).



I think you left out a word David. You looked into buddhism but you prefer buddhism (zen). Was it some other particular form you looked into or are you contrasting all other forms to zen?

I do prefer early zen in china and not the later zen of Japan; which I realize might be the opposite of most who hear that word zen. So, on some level, Chinese Buddhism would probably be the most accurate term I want to convey but it may be less meaningful to most. Early Zen is very similar to daoism and that may be why I find more interest in it.

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interesting thread, a post on accepting pain / troubles in life and how you approach that, turns into a religion debate , book selling and "happiness" thread kinda think you need to read it again maybe you missed the point of the OP.



It's OK to not agree with Jin. :o



not if your Rob :D



Dennis , once we agrree we can close the UN @ CFL :P

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the [so called savage] mongols were well known for their extending religious tolerance, and enjoyed the mixed company of debating thought. In one known exchange, a christian, a hindu and a buddhist were invited to debate issues and be awarded points.


As the night wore on and the points given stayed evenly distributed, there was no "clear" winner; In typical fashion, the alcohol caught up wiht all and seeing no clear winner, the christian began to sing loudly; the hindu began to chant; and the buddhist closed his eyes in meditation...

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I practice taiji (tai chi) its philosophical base is Dao, many of the ideals of living in harmony with your fellow man are good concepts. doing the form in tai chi slows you down, one reason because the form is done slow, 20 minutes or more, maybe this is why it is called meditation in motion or also as it is known as "the Great Ultimate". From nothingness, Wu Chi, to motion tai chi brings Yin/Yang.



harmony is not just a concept , correct ? meditation is not just a speed , this is maybe a misconception held.


Balance cannont be brought to you by practice of movement but from you to movement no matter the speed of actions and from spirit/mind first.


Why the quote? I'm not selling books. btw Taiji (tai chi)or as the Chinese call it "The Great Chaos" is a treasure of China culture.

Was not quoting you. I was quoting Jin and what she said.

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sorry if this was taken as a religious post, it wasnt meant to be.


it was meant as a approach to dealing with lifes challenges and relationships, both on a individuel level and global.


interestingly many who posted back, did so just as how she was talking about, from a rigid position of "right" and or "protection" be that self or nation.


Any way i thought it was a good writing, be it for sell or not. maybe if more thought this way then we would have less troubles in the world.

i think maybe alot of the responses to her article on here actually reinforce what she was saying.


to the members (older) that dimiss threads like this as "been there" not all of on CFL as old as you, if you dont want to contribute thats ok, but no need to impart your "its worthless" wisdom. All that tells me is it is nothing to you, but you cant imply that to others.


Jin I don't know if you were referring to me in the last part of this thread but if you were I have just as much right to post my thoughts on this matter as anyone else as long as I abide by the rules and I certainly think that I have done that. I have a right to agree with or disagree with what you post as long as I do it in a decent manner.


There will never be a world that every single person agrees on every single issue, never. We are all individuals with individual thoughts and ideals. Even in some countries that BRAINWASHING is the norm there are still people that do not accept what is spoon fed to them one way or another. You did say "LETS TALK AND SHARE" or did you only want people to respond that agreed with you??????



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sorry if this was taken as a religious post, it wasnt meant to be.


it was meant as a approach to dealing with lifes challenges and relationships, both on a individuel level and global.


interestingly many who posted back, did so just as how she was talking about, from a rigid position of "right" and or "protection" be that self or nation.


Any way i thought it was a good writing, be it for sell or not. maybe if more thought this way then we would have less troubles in the world.

i think maybe alot of the responses to her article on here actually reinforce what she was saying.


to the members (older) that dimiss threads like this as "been there" not all of on CFL as old as you, if you dont want to contribute thats ok, but no need to impart your "its worthless" wisdom. All that tells me is it is nothing to you, but you cant imply that to others.


Jin I don't know if you were referring to me in the last part of this thread but if you were I have just as much right to post my thoughts on this matter as anyone else as long as I abide by the rules and I certainly think that I have done that. I have a right to agree with or disagree with what you post as long as I do it in a decent manner.


There will never be a world that every single person agrees on every single issue, never. We are all individuals with individual thoughts and ideals. Even in some countries that BRAINWASHING is the norm there are still people that do not accept what is spoon fed to them one way or another. You did say "LETS TALK AND SHARE" or did you only want people to respond that agreed with you??????








yes of course you can Larry



however this thread is not about "brainwashing" or taking cheap shots at me .

As the OP I am asking to stay on topic please. your on topic thoughts are very welcome :)

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