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Teaching English in China

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I should mention that a few of us can move very quickly to the China and survive and make a very decent living. I'm one of the fortunate ones, that wouldn't have to have a side-line of English tutoring to supplement my income.


Your company hiring? :lol:



Yep! Remember this thread I made for CFL members? I posted it for CFL members so that they did NOT have to be tutors as a sideline. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...c=28848&hl=, and they had an access to opportunities that I have had.


Now economic times have changed the rules of the game. This is worldwide!


General Electric was doing a hell of a lot of hiring. As was Shanghai Buick, Boeing (which personally, I don't trust any farther than I could throw them. They are in my wife's hometown of Wenjiang. Have you ever noticed the same recurrent labor disputes every three to four years? Seems to be a very good way of trimming anyone considered "deadwood" and/or cost-expeditious for management to cut costs. Nice tidy way around union contracts ), etc, etc. As I stated in my previous post, these jobs are drying up quickly.


Overseas employment comes down to the bottom line: You have to have a particular niche or something highly desired to make it. No ifs, and or buts about it! Personally, myself I find it personally abhorrent to have to rely on my wife's paycheck to support us. No insult is intended to other members, that may find themselves in this situation. I have placed myself in the bread-winner role and consider I would consider it is a personal insult to have my face and pride taken from me. However; this is just me.


My wife and I have taken a "hunkering -down" stance in San Diego. We have our opinions the best living place in the US, the best weather and societal cultures, fishing, with a very good job for myself, although she gets really pissed off about us visiting "zona norte" in Tijuana for the best deals! She still calls everyday to insure I'm being a good boy and been shopping there! Personally......I suspect she is calling to check if I answer the telephone at home! :) Chinese love and jealousy is a very "strange beast!"


We discussed going to China no longer than 2 weeks ago. She basically asked me if I was crazy? I was basically "violated" and/or lambasted about how bad it was getting in China. I suspect that the world has NOT seen how bad it will get, esp. in China. Hence, my comment about the 6-month time frame.


Like I said to Toot; sending someone out to make their way as a "free-lance" English teacher ain't gonna make it, and is in my opinion sheer lunacy! However, I leave the choice to them. The US as far as I last heard; is a free country for individual choices.


You want an overseas position, privately PM me. I'm absolutely confidential. I will try to connect you. However, I see many that; "Talk the talk. But they don't walk the walk!" with mundane dribble about this or that, love of their SOs or some other such crap. What was he Chinese proverb? Be careful of what you wish for. You may just be granted your wish.


I don't want to stray to far from the OP and Toot.


Toot; you and your friend have much to think about. Becoming a a stranded cast-away in China with no funds is no laughing matter. I assure you that the US embassy or whoever that foots the bill will not be laughing as will the local CCP and/or the CNP.


I simply suggest that the both of you think carefully about this action.



Edited by Cerberus (see edit history)
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Did you know that 'backpacker travel' in China is looked down upon? China has no love for foreign kids trying to squeeze every penny. China has plenty of poor people, they don't need foreign kids 'joining the crowd'.


Don is right about teaching. Legitimate English teaching jobs for qualified people are a bit risky. Getting involved with people who are circumventing the system by default is just asking for trouble.


Be careful with your advice, especially if the advisee is young and naive.


Its safe I tell you.

Safer than walking down to the corner store to buy a quart of milk.

You can certainly be cheated out of money,or lied to about 'we will fix your visa' over and over again.

Anybody looking to spend 3 to 6 months in China can do a bit of English teaching in a small town or village,just throw a dart at a map.


In larger cities you can get $10 or $20 for hour long private tutoring sessions if you are good at it.

This is small change.

My Mexican friend has NEVER BEEN TO AMERICA,yet he told them he was a 'native English speaker',then led DIRECTLY to a classroom full of students.

Of course thats the extreme.


Its very safe,even for a college age single young woman to backpack alone just about anywhere in China.


Nobody likes those filthy dreadlock hippy backpackers,usually found in SE Asia,but the backpacker style travel books are used by all kinds of people.

Even stupid people can travel safely in China if they just follow their travel book.

"Independent Traveler" can be used if you feel ashamed to call yourself a 'backpacker'.


You misread 'unsafe' into my words. China (from my experience) is a much safer environment than most countries.


However, you failed to get my meaning: "looked down upon" = very unpopular. Or, not generally viewed as acceptable.


Of course, there is a tendency for some young people to not care what anybody else thinks of their activities.


Unlike our experiences in China (the vast majority of people liking and respecting us) most people will not like 'backpackers'.


However, my impression is that you've already made up your mind and those of us advising caution are pissing in the wind.

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I agree with dave on this one. Having taught English in Singapore and very short time in China. I can also attest to the fact you need to be very cautious. Many bad recruiters as well as good ones.


While it is generally safe in China i did read of three teachers being killed a year ago.One was in Guangzhou.


Tesol or Tefl degrees used to be all that was needed but many countries are asking for BA's now. Check out Daves ESL cafe. Usually some good posts as well as job openings.


I talked with some friends who teach and said because of the poor economy english classes are being cut back on. One school only teaches young students. All the older students and adult classes were cut out.


Good luck with it, but i would err on the cautious side.

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Did you know that 'backpacker travel' in China is looked down upon? China has no love for foreign kids trying to squeeze every penny. China has plenty of poor people, they don't need foreign kids 'joining the crowd'.


Don is right about teaching. Legitimate English teaching jobs for qualified people are a bit risky. Getting involved with people who are circumventing the system by default is just asking for trouble.


Be careful with your advice, especially if the advisee is young and naive.


Its safe I tell you.

Safer than walking down to the corner store to buy a quart of milk.

You can certainly be cheated out of money,or lied to about 'we will fix your visa' over and over again.

Anybody looking to spend 3 to 6 months in China can do a bit of English teaching in a small town or village,just throw a dart at a map.


In larger cities you can get $10 or $20 for hour long private tutoring sessions if you are good at it.

This is small change.

My Mexican friend has NEVER BEEN TO AMERICA,yet he told them he was a 'native English speaker',then led DIRECTLY to a classroom full of students.

Of course thats the extreme.


Its very safe,even for a college age single young woman to backpack alone just about anywhere in China.


Nobody likes those filthy dreadlock hippy backpackers,usually found in SE Asia,but the backpacker style travel books are used by all kinds of people.

Even stupid people can travel safely in China if they just follow their travel book.

"Independent Traveler" can be used if you feel ashamed to call yourself a 'backpacker'.


can she speak chinese? first, i agree china is pretty safe (aside from traffic), but there are »µµ° in china just like anywhere else in the world. second, would it be fun to be in china by herself if she can't? i personally don't really see what the point would be. she could look at buildings but probably wouldn't be able to meet many people.


i guess i'm not really that familiar with the whole backpacker phenomenon. are the ones in china mostly able to speak chinese?

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Hi Toot,

I am not a backpacker but have seen plenty. No need to worry about how other people perceive you. Chinese are typically quite friendly, esp. when you are outside the big cities.

Given that your friend does not speak Chinese, communication may be an issue. The best thing is to place the places she wants to go and find some one to travel with together. There is a backpacker group of over 10k members spanning all over the country. She can simply post some posts and easily find one or two other Chinese girls to go backpacking together. The site is kaixin001.com. There is a group within called Backpackers (all in Chinese). The site is by invitation only, so if you are serious send me PM with an email address and I can send you the invitation. Goodluck.

PS: never mind what other people think.

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