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I'm getting ready to send in our I-130. I've got all the photos, marriage book, receipts for just about everything. All the things I expect they want copies of. My question is proof that we communicate daily sometimes twice a day. jWe do not use the telephone or emails. We use Yahoo instant messenger and the web cam to talk and see each other. We sent in a years worth of actual chat logs when she went to her interview for the K-1 visa and we got blue sliped then denied. with the not a boni fied relationship. So now we are married and doing the I-130. I again have copies of every chat we had since her interview back in July for the K-1. How do I show our continued communication with out sending 180 or so pages of chats, that will be sufficient proof. I haven't found a way to show just the dates of our chats, I am only able so far to print the entire chat which shows the dates and times we chat.


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Looking at the info in your timeline, it doesn't look like you were blue slipped because of the chat logs.


We used our dated chat transcripts as evidence.


We also made sure to telephone each other at least twice a week and submitted copies of the phone bills. Additionally, we sent hand written letters at least twice a month and used copies of the postmarked envelopes and letters.


I would not have thought of the latter were it not for the advice of people who had gone before. Chat works so well: There is no practical need for letters and phone calls. But, we are trying to prove something about our personal and private lives to the government. This requires us to be impractical and unconventional.


Best wishes for a speedy overcome.

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We don't believe it had anything to do with the chat logs from the k-1 interview. My wife told me the v.o. only asked 3 questions. How did we meet, answer on the internet. How do we communicate, we use chinese/english software on the computer and that I bought her an electronic chinese/english translator. 3 How many times did I visit her, answer one time so far. Then the v.o handed my wife (then fiancee) some forms which confsused my wife because one was pink, one was blue and one was white. My wife knew pink was good, blue not so good, but needed more information and the white was bad. So she was upset and confused as to why she got 3 papers. They were check lists of what additional infor the v.o. required. After handing these to my wife, the v.o. said to my wife I was not free to marry her. Why she said this to my wife we do not know. My divorce was final in November of 2007 and she was interviewing in July of 2008, I only found out the v.o. said this to my wife when we went to Chengdu this October to show the consulate my divorce papers and get the consulates form stating I was free to marry her. So we do not know why this v.o. told her I was not free to marry her at the end of the interview and had handed her the forms for additional info. this additional info is listed in my time line.

Looking at the info in your timeline, it doesn't look like you were blue slipped because of the chat logs.


We used our dated chat transcripts as evidence.


We also made sure to telephone each other at least twice a week and submitted copies of the phone bills. Additionally, we sent hand written letters at least twice a month and used copies of the postmarked envelopes and letters.


I would not have thought of the latter were it not for the advice of people who had gone before. Chat works so well: There is no practical need for letters and phone calls. But, we are trying to prove something about our personal and private lives to the government. This requires us to be impractical and unconventional.


Best wishes for a speedy overcome.

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There are some time limits in terms of how long since a divorce. They've been posted here in other threads about the subject. (I don't know what they are, if I did I would just tell you.)


I suggest providing exactly what they are asking for. Most times, this will result in an overcome and her getting the visa.


When old pros (like Randy) ask questions, give them answers. They have a huge knowledge base to draw upon.

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ex wife and I seperated in Feb 2007 filed for divorce may 2007 granted divorce july 2007 divorce finalized 22 November 2007 I-129 filed

3 December 2007 interview july 2008



What exact date was your divorce final?


What exact date was the I-129F submitted?

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ex wife and I seperated in Feb 2007 filed for divorce may 2007 granted divorce july 2007 divorce finalized 22 November 2007 I-129 filed

3 December 2007 interview july 2008



What exact date was your divorce final?


What exact date was the I-129F submitted?

the dates of divorce and filing are purely discretionary to the interviewing VO....if the decide to make an issue of it, they will...all depends on which VO you get....my rong finalized her divorce may 2007 and we filed in july 2007...and we had met several times prior to her divorce..but she had been separated for several years and we had notarized statements from aquaintances to attest to this...IMHO, i think the issue for you is more about your previous chinese wife and divorce with her..i think is why the blue slip...we had tons of evidence for everything and still got blued....just got a crappy VO....best advise i can give you is just give them what they ask for and see what happens

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A reson for denial "not a bonafide relationship" can mean 100 different things, they just pick one out and go with it. I will post in a couple of day why I got denied the first time, I'm curious as hell. I sent them everything they asked for. The did intimidate my wife for sure. After the interview the VO walked her out and said to her "if we were married there is no trouble" I wish I had that on tape.

Hang tough in there.

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That's why they pretty much give you a pat down before the interview so you can't record how they bend the law to fit their mood of the day. Never any proof of their negligence or misuse of their power.


A reson for denial "not a bonafide relationship" can mean 100 different things, they just pick one out and go with it. I will post in a couple of day why I got denied the first time, I'm curious as hell. I sent them everything they asked for. The did intimidate my wife for sure. After the interview the VO walked her out and said to her "if we were married there is no trouble" I wish I had that on tape.

Hang tough in there.

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Mostly a scam being run by Guz sort of like a shell game, really no knowing how many of anything will get you a "pink". One would think, if the beneficary did not know the name of the petitioner or the country of the petitoner then maybe a good arguement for a non-boanfide ruling, other than that it is what shell you pick.

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I've got a few questions:

1. How did you meet your previous wife?

2. How did you meet your current wife?

3. What are you doing differently in this filing than the K1 to deal with what could be the denial issue?

4. Is the K1 back with USCIS yet? You can check with NVC since it must first go to them, to see if they have it.


I would be inclined to consider to wait for the K1 to get to USCIS and then you can request the denial reason. You must do something differently than your previous approach of providing relationship evidence.


I would also make sure that you mention the mistaken separation date send to GUZ; and with the I-130, send in clear timeline of the previous relationship and this current one.


The problem I see is if GUZ is seeing a 'pattern' to the relationships; Thus, they *may* feel that the filing (now a third) is not yet showing a valid reason for filing for immigration benefits. In this case, you must show something different about this relationship and why it's not like previous ones. JMO.

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You remember this, anything you do or your not sure of, check here. These senior members have a wealth of information for all of us. They are great people.

just will say..AMEN to that...i think you can find no better source of information and advise than from the senior members here...if you stick with them here and ask, ask, ask, you will have as good a chance to get your visa as you can ever get....the information to be gleaned here is invaluable....i only hope that someday i can be as helpful to others as they have been to me.....really great people here!

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Well we have gotten far of the track of my original question which was does any one know how to just get a log of our daily IM's from Yahoo instant messenger rather than to have to print out the entire dialog and didn't know if over 180 pages of chats would be to cumbersome for the USCIS to want to deal with.

As for your questions. I met my previous wife on line, I met my current wife on line as have most people have done here I would imagine. Previous wife and I emailed for over a year before I went to meet her. My current wife I met on line in Aug and chatted every day sometimes two and three times a day and went to visit in October.

Since we don't really know the reason other than the V.O. vague usage of not a boni fide relationship, we are following all the asked for in the filing of an I-130, as well as included copies of my life insurance showing her as sole beneficiary. Copies of our marriage certificate attached to the marriageability affidavit from the consulate in Chengdu. Letters from her family to include her daughter, sister, niece, cousins, that we have known each other since August of 2007, and that they attended our wedding banquet, letters from her friends who also stated the have known of our relationship since 2007 and that they also held a wedding banquet for us in addition to the family banquet.

To answer what else have I done differently I went back to China as soon as I could after our denial and we were married.


There was no mistake in the seperation date. At the end of the interview and after the V.O. had handed my wife (then fiancee) the forms for the additional paper work they required, she told my finacee I was not free to marry her. Which either was a big mistake on the V.O. part or just a down right lie by the V.O. ( you can take your pick)

The last info we got on the K-1 was that it was to leave GUZ on 25 Septemebr, but who knows what that means, does it mean it left the consulate and is now sitting in some ware house for the next six month before actually being sent to the US.

So as of this moment I have not contacted the NVC.


In the end it won't matter if GUZ denies us again on this I-130. I retire in 5 years, and if my wife has not been given a visa this time around my bags are packed and I leave this country behind and won't look back, I'll be heading to live with my wife in China. I will not allow some pencil pushing power hungry clerk who knows nothing about our relationship nor will I allow this country to keep us apart. Do I love the United States yes,



So for the next 5 years I may just have to Vacation in China if this visa is not approved


I've got a few questions:

1. How did you meet your previous wife?

2. How did you meet your current wife?

3. What are you doing differently in this filing than the K1 to deal with what could be the denial issue?

4. Is the K1 back with USCIS yet? You can check with NVC since it must first go to them, to see if they have it.


I would be inclined to consider to wait for the K1 to get to USCIS and then you can request the denial reason. You must do something differently than your previous approach of providing relationship evidence.


I would also make sure that you mention the mistaken separation date send to GUZ; and with the I-130, send in clear timeline of the previous relationship and this current one.


The problem I see is if GUZ is seeing a 'pattern' to the relationships; Thus, they *may* feel that the filing (now a third) is not yet showing a valid reason for filing for immigration benefits. In this case, you must show something different about this relationship and why it's not like previous ones. JMO.

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Guest Rob & Jin

we used screen shots as our main evidence of chatting on cam, we felt this was good as the VO can see both on the cams and is dated.


Logs we kept in reserve.


we also wrote email letters every week and took

a sample of these, as well as phone logs.


good luck :unsure:

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