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nvc processed ds-230

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i called nvc regarding my wife's ds-230 and it was processed and sent to GZ. it also says wait for reply for the next 8 weeks. if nothing after 8 weeks, i would need to follow up with nvc.


my questions are:

is this the p4 step?


is this the part where we are waiting for the letter from GZ appointment?


how long counting today untill letter from GZ? i like to visit my wife in chinese new year and valentine day, so should i wait for the letter from GZ and then visit my wife after valentine day or just visit according to plan.

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Yep 8 weeks or more, typically it can take 3 months for GUZ to get around to receiving the case.


Yes, I believe next thing you get is P4 interview packet.


Make sure you have the required docs gathered for interview (Police cert, Marriage Cert, Birth Cert, etc.. as well as extras of marriage cert, Birth Cert for later)



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hi dnoblett,


thanks for the reply and based on your answer, i will visit my wife in chinese new year and valentine day. hahahaha. you know ever since we got married, we never spend any holidays together, alwasy 8500 miles apart.


i got another question. why would she needs police cert, marriage cert, birth cert, etc for the interview when she mailed ds-230 and documents to nvc. the web instructions says mail ds-230 and documents, http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3190.html. we still have extra copies of the mentioned documents.

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hi dnoblett,


thanks for the reply and based on your answer, i will visit my wife in chinese new year and valentine day. hahahaha. you know ever since we got married, we never spend any holidays together, alwasy 8500 miles apart.


i got another question. why would she needs police cert, marriage cert, birth cert, etc for the interview when she mailed ds-230 and documents to nvc. the web instructions says mail ds-230 and documents, http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3190.html. we still have extra copies of the mentioned documents.

Came up the other day,




GUZ tends to expect the required docs listed in form OF-169 bound into the medical packet.


Yep, in our case visa interview fell the week after spring festival, so I was in China for 2 reasons, to enjoy spring festival with my Yu, and to be with her for the interview.

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at the sake of repeating what I posted in another thread and what Dan says...


The notarial translations and the DS-230 Part II go to the medical exam...if you don't have them, you can't pick up the results for the interview...


I hope you have additional copies to give at the medical.



i have extra copies of everything.


why was i given this web page from nvc? please see for yourself and you see the confusion among us.

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George.... Sheesh... Good Gawd Almighty and all The Ships At Sea.


The Petition has left NVC, on it's way to GUZ.


CFL has gonzo hundreds of posts about 'tracking that package with DHL'




'what do to whilst waiting'




'How to be Pro-active' ..


all I can suggest to you, is to STUDY the CandleForLove website, using, instead of the 'search' command at the upper right corner (of each frickin page) ,




Here's how to use it...


go to da Google on the Internets -


enter, in the search box thingie -


site:candleforlove.com <<search terms>>


where <<search terms>> contain the thing you are looking for for, without the brackets <<>> ..


Then, STUDY !!!! READ !!! Become A Reader, or at least, for the sake of sanity (yours, mine and theirs) - try to play one on TV. (ya, that means, really, FAKE IT) ..


I'm not poking at cha, but over the last few weeks, I find a overwhelming tenor of 'hopelessness' in your posts, which I pray, can be OVERCOME, by __YOU__ becoming a reader.


If you feel I'm personally attacking __YOU__ - hey - my apologies - I bow in the dust, beg forgiveness, buy you a beer, a bear trap, and a meal.. I'm not attacking you, really... I do beg, nay, I PRAY, that you become a READER...


Warmest Regards...


PS - there's a wealth o info here. If you aren't reading it, then your questions become inflammatory (cause the question became repetitive) , and that's really not the purpose of having such a VAST WEALTH OF PRIOR-WRITTEN INFO stored on this web portal.


PPS - 8 weeks ? they really said '8 weeks' to you? Sorry - figure 9 to 12 weeks, unless you got in one of those '4 pounds and under' DHL packs. GUZ apparently (this is opinion, based on some data collection) opens the smaller DHL packs a few weeks ahead of the 10 to 20 pound packs.


PPPS - Note to Smitty - ya - ages past - you nailed it in one - 'Read the CFL portal, learn something'

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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at the sake of repeating what I posted in another thread and what Dan says...


The notarial translations and the DS-230 Part II go to the medical exam...if you don't have them, you can't pick up the results for the interview...


I hope you have additional copies to give at the medical.



i have extra copies of everything.


why was i given this web page from nvc? please see for yourself and you see the confusion among us.

That's the first time I've ever seen that website :ph34r:


We rely mostly on actual member's reports... and historically, it's as I've stated above. If that changes, I've not heard it.


We would not know until someone does NOT send a DS-230 part II to NVC and then NVC asks for it.... which has not happened as far as I know.


Honestly, I'd be more worried about the GUZ medical staff than NVC :lol: :blink:

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George my apologies - I had been studying what to do with CR-1 and K-3 for ages, and now it seems finaly something has changed.


I studied the link you gave, then found http://travel.state.gov/pdf/pk3_supplement...T-0002-0809.pdf as well - . Near as I can tell, the GUZ case number gets assigned somewhere whilst it's at the NVC, but this 'supplemental page' is really strange, too. I had heard rumor of it before, but now I can see what you're seeing.


Seriously, something has changed with this process.. ug ug..


My apologies about the 'reader rant' .. Now I can see where my brain might get broken.

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at the sake of repeating what I posted in another thread and what Dan says...


The notarial translations and the DS-230 Part II go to the medical exam...if you don't have them, you can't pick up the results for the interview...


I hope you have additional copies to give at the medical.



i have extra copies of everything.


why was i given this web page from nvc? please see for yourself and you see the confusion among us.



George - the way I read this stuff on page 4 of that site - is


1. certified copies and

2. photocopies of certified copies.


there's a lot of 'or' stuff in there - original document OR certified copy.


I'm sticking with 'certified copy' as that was what we got in china.


Here's the brain-breaker, to me, though -

All documents that pertain to the applicant¡¯s petition are required, even if they were previously submitted to the CIS with the applicant¡¯s petition.


Warmest Regards...

Edited by Darnell (see edit history)
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George my apologies - I had been studying what to do with CR-1 and K-3 for ages, and now it seems finaly something has changed.


I studied the link you gave, then found http://travel.state.gov/pdf/pk3_supplement...T-0002-0809.pdf as well - . Near as I can tell, the GUZ case number gets assigned somewhere whilst it's at the NVC, but this 'supplemental page' is really strange, too. I had heard rumor of it before, but now I can see what you're seeing.


Seriously, something has changed with this process.. ug ug..


My apologies about the 'reader rant' .. Now I can see where my brain might get broken.


:D no apologies, you and everybody were helping. :D

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George my apologies - I had been studying what to do with CR-1 and K-3 for ages, and now it seems finaly something has changed.


I studied the link you gave, then found http://travel.state.gov/pdf/pk3_supplement...T-0002-0809.pdf as well - . Near as I can tell, the GUZ case number gets assigned somewhere whilst it's at the NVC, but this 'supplemental page' is really strange, too. I had heard rumor of it before, but now I can see what you're seeing.


Seriously, something has changed with this process.. ug ug..


My apologies about the 'reader rant' .. Now I can see where my brain might get broken.

GUZ stopped taking the supplemental about 2 years ago... NVC still distributes it... Just ignore the supplement...

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David, is there away to merge this with the other thread?(General Discussion Forum)

I will be sending my DS-230 without the other documents like Charles did, we will know very soon. Yizhen is here, I am in no hurry. Mike & Yizhen

I think since both have alot of posts, the last posts in each one will get disjointed from the end if we merge them.


Let George ask any further questions based on his original post, which really was not so much about the DS-230... but timing and stages...

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