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HUGE favor to ask of anyone coming to China soon

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Hi All,


Well I'm here in China and doing very well. No time to give more of an update now.


I have a *HUGE* favor to ask of anyone (Don if you see this please let me know) who will be traveling to Southern China like Guangzhou anytime soon.


I'm getting torn apart by mosquitos. Forgot to bring my Skin So Soft by Avon. It's this thing that works wonders for keeping away those buggers. If anyone is going to be in the area please let me know if you might be willing to pick up a bottle and I will pay you back.





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My wife used to sell Avon in China, and there was this green liquid lotion that kept mosquitos away great. Didn't smell too bad and it didn't cost too much either. Find an Avon girl and get some as soon as possible, you will be happ. Also for your home get one of those little things that you put an insence pad in those worked great for us also. Even if we had mozquitos in our home at night they would never bother us as long as we had one of those little burners going on around us. The Chinese people hate the bugs also and have found some pretty good ways to get rid of them just ask a friend or two.

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Hi All,


Well I'm here in China and doing very well.  No time to give more of an update now. 


I have a *HUGE* favor to ask of anyone (Don if you see this please let me know) who will be traveling to Southern China like Guangzhou anytime soon. 


I'm getting torn apart by mosquitos.  Forgot to bring my Skin So Soft by Avon.  It's this thing that works wonders for keeping away those buggers.  If anyone is going to be in the area please let me know if you might be willing to pick up a bottle and I will pay you back.







You can buy Johnson & Johnson company's product in any big Market. It works very well and just for keeping away any bugs or mosquitos. Also taking some Vitamin B will help you too. Remember it is a green bottle if you look for in the market in Johnson's area.


Also there is another one which is so common in China. Called Hua Lu Shui. I am sure your girl must knows it. just make sure to get one made by a famous compnay.



Enjoy your Life there P.J.



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You can go to the local supermarket and buy the Chinese mosquito liquid lotion. They're usually in a green-colored glass bottle, and you can find them practically at any local store or market. They should be in the toiletry section.


This is what the local Chinese use, and it works. Just pour some on your hands and apply it to your body. It's cheap too.

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These guys are absolutely right I forgot about that. It is not Avon mosquito lotion, it is Johnson and Johnson that worked so well. Avon is the one that didn't work at all. The J&J brand in the green bottle is the best stuff you can buy to get the bloodsuckers to go away, and it smells better than that garlic idea also. :lol: ;) :)

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I can also recall using the J&J stuff in the green bottle while I lived in China. I agree, it works great. Also used those little incense devices Dan described. They help keep the little vampires off ya.

Is it safe to use? If it is, we should import some to USA (with the West Nile virus now).

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I can also recall using the J&J stuff in the green bottle while I lived in China. I agree, it works great. Also used those little incense devices Dan described. They help keep the little vampires off ya.

Is it safe to use? If it is, we should import some to USA (with the West Nile virus now).

I only think J&J is 100% safe since it is made for the Baby. what a pity I can;t find the same stuff here in the US. It seems J&J is making more stuffs in China than it does in their own coutry.


Incense works ok but i dont think people will like its smell.Also i have heard "RAID" is not 100% safe for your body too. But i did use RAID every night while i was in China. i like their smell and it helped me fall asleep sooner ;)

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I can also recall using the J&J stuff in the green bottle while I lived in China. I agree, it works great. Also used those little incense devices Dan described. They help keep the little vampires off ya.

Is it safe to use? If it is, we should import some to USA (with the West Nile virus now).

Perfectly safe Tony. Now if I could just stop this nasty twitching...


:D ;) :P

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