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No they're not using their umbrellas, they're not wearing the wonderful straw hats I bought them, they are shielding their faces from the sun with floppy, cloth hats. I wish they'd use the umbrellas...but I guess they want to appear American.


BTW - most people have no idea how strong the Montana summer sun can be! It is INTENSE!!!

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I have had several types of cancerous, or pre-cancerous growths removed from my chest, back, arms, nose, ear and one eyelid. Tooo much sun exposure for too many years in SoCal.


I don't hesitate to use an umbrella, nor does my wife. We almost always wear a wide-brimmed hat, long sleeves, and long legged pants regardless of temperature.


I heard there is an old Chinese saying "go in the sun, become a black pig."

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My wife still uses her umbrella, she is very concerned about her skin. She sees the effects of expousure from the sun on Americans and the damaged it has caused them. She has fair skin and when she walks to work she will use her umbrella, she avoids contact as much as possible, I agree with her I try to limit my expousure also and have no problem sharing it with her, she doesn't care what others say about her use of it. Chinese women use umbrellas in China so they don't get dark, that could ID them as laborers and not middle & upper class.

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Guest Tony n Terrific

My wife's umbrella is like the American Express Card she does not leave home without it.

The sun in Nanning China can be brutal plus the high humidity there.

She told me that she does not wish to become my brown Tai Tai.

I just realized that this makes my post count now at a 1,000. Very appropriate at reaching this milestone and I did #1,000 writing of my wife.

Edited by Tony n Terrific (see edit history)
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My wife keeps wearing shoulder-less cloths in the summer and no hat since she got here. I have talked to her about this because in China she took care of her skin, which is better than most babies or teenagers. Now she sees a little trouble on her neck and so finally wears some of my long sleeve shirts to ride the bicycle to work. I also bought her a larger hat than her other large hats. More sunlight is coming through in the US than in Beijing. No pollution to block it I guess.



Umbrella is for the rain and she is like every other woman I ever met in my life, no matter how short the walk is. ^_^

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