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300 days since our interview

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Guest Tony n Terrific

I know this is a major disappointment that you and your fiance have suffered through. It is a raw deal that you guys have recieved for sure and whatever you do I truly hope that you and your new wife will be happy and prosper for the rest of your lives together.

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Cuz Tsap,


Anyone can look at your timeline and see a true bona fide relationship does exist. Bottom line, they thought they had something on yaw that they did not have therefore the ol' "non bona fide relationship" catch all phrase.


Your case wreaks of TPC!! JMHO.

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Tsap and Lil Rabbit.

No one deserves what you two have been through. But you've survived with your sanity,sense of humor and most importantly your dignity intact. I'm not sure many of us here would've been able to do that. You both have my utmost respect and admiration.


Now you move on to a new chapter. Knowing what I know about both of you I have no doubt it will be a very happy chapter. Who knows, the heartless folks who had a hand in denying your visa may have unwittingly done you the biggest favor of your lives.


It may not be the adventure you envisioned when you started this process, but it'll be an adventure nonetheless. I have no doubt you'll both make the best of it. :)


Christine and I wish you the very best of luck and happiness in your future, whatever it may hold.


Be well and don't be a stranger.


Dave and Christine

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Guest Rob & Jin


:) Really sorry you got this email and decision, I agree with Chawls on TPC.

Well at least you have a decision so you can move on, we wish you both well, the very best.

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WHEW!!! Thanks to you all for the kind words, you don't know how I appreaciate it.


This past 21 months has been quite an emotional roller coaster ride for the two of us. From the first meeting in Beijing, finding a completely tidal wave of love between us over the next months, the extreme and exhausting preparation for the interview on my subsequent 3 trips, seeing the strength of our commitment to each other as we were dealt a harsh blow by the american government, and the finality of the May 21st e-mail from GUZ with it's denial.


We both could never have envisioned what the american government had in store for us. That call to the DOS and finding out that my baby had been denied was like I had been told that we had lost a child, it was so powerful and final. And we may well NEVER know why.


But, the pieces have to be picked up, life WILL go on. The strength and commitment our bona fide relationship with each other has given us both will overcome anything the DOS and it's represenatives in Guangzhou can throw at us. Our faith in God, and in each other has only grown stronger.


The tears have ended. the smoke is clearing from the american government's attack on us, and BABY...WE ARE STILL STANDING!!!! We may be scarred, dusty, and weary from this attack, but our love and bona fide relationship is STRONGER and VERY INTACT!!!


For some strange reason I feel like we are a couple of Viet Cong, or North Vietnamese soldiers. The american government officials took it upon themselves and threw themselves blindly and uncaringly against us in full force, but once again they proved impotent against two small people who have a resolve and passion and commitment for what is ingrained in their hearts.


Love and commitment wins once again. :blink:


Good luck to all of you.


tsap seui


Pain happens

Happiness is optional

Check the optional box :unsure:

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The Consulate is unable to issue Ms. XXX an immigrant visa because,

according to the Immigration and Nationality Act, she is currently

ineligible. The Consulate has determined, based on her testimony,

documents, and any other evidence, that she does not have a bona fide relationship with the petitioner. The Consulate is preparing to return

this case to the USCIS for review and possible revocation. The

applicant will be informed by mail when the case file has been

transferred to USCIS. The USCIS office that first approved this

petition will contact the petitioner about how to appeal this decision.




This, in itself, is irrefutable evidence (in a legal sense) that you do NOT have a valid relationship - never mind that it was dreamed up by a single VO (who made a good case for taping the interviews).


The USCIS may not do anything with this (especially if they don't provide any more information than they gave you), or they may schedule a hearing to revoke the petition.


BE SURE TO WATCH YOUR MAILBOX in the states (wherever they would send the hearing notice), in case they decide to do anything. You do not need to do anything unless you hear from them.


And I'm sure you'll keep us up to date here.

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Randy, the interview my fiancee endured had nothing to do with proof of a bona fide relationship. :unsure: Most bona fide relationship evidence was thrown on the floor, or handed back, in an angry huff by the VO.


I can only surmise that proof of a bona fide relationship is when a VO asks 2 or 3 questions like is being asked these dayz....


1. Where did you meet your fiancee?

2. Do you like him?

3. Is he an american?


Okay, here's your visa :)



Getting asked 31 questions and nailing them perfectly, apparently, doesn't add up to any proof of a bona fide relationship. :blink: ;)


We are over and done with the K-1 farce, it's like a disgusting smelly shit that we've flushed down the terlet.


Marc Ellis will advise us how to end the K-1 and how to proceed. In the meantime, I'll be living my bona fide relationship in China. ;)


Yeah, I've gotta find out who to send a change of address to so that in 18 or 24 months when Guano sends it to the USCIS and IF they decide to send us a chance to contest the decision, in another 6 months, they will know where to send it. I wonder if I can give the USCIS my Chinese address, that would shore simplify things. :D


Bona fide relationship.... the DOS's Goobers in Guangzhou wouldn't know a bona fide relationship if it walked up and kicked them in the balls. :lol:


I'll post in the Middle Kingdom or Our Story about what we do and about life in China. In a year or two I'll pop back up here to ask questions about a DCF or whatever option Marc suggests we work at that time. For now, we'll get the marriage clock started in June and look at a 2 year marriage and a 10 year green card so that we have to deal with as few DOS and USCIS people as possible...thank you very much :) Maybe in 2010 or 2011 we'll go back to bat in Guano.


Time, and life in China, will tell. ;)


tsap seui

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Randy, the interview my fiancee endured had nothing to do with proof of a bona fide relationship. :unsure: Most bona fide relationship evidence was thrown on the floor, or handed back, in an angry huff by the VO.


Time, and life in China, will tell. :blink:


tsap seui


I understand - my point was that all it takes is for the VO to utter those words - and stick to them - and perhaps they should have cameras to record each interview.

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Randy, the interview my fiancee endured had nothing to do with proof of a bona fide relationship. <_< Most bona fide relationship evidence was thrown on the floor, or handed back, in an angry huff by the VO.


Time, and life in China, will tell. ;)


tsap seui


I understand - my point was that all it takes is for the VO to utter those words - and stick to them - and perhaps they should have cameras to record each interview.


I hear ya Randy. Those VO's have no one watching over them and they've got catch all phrases like "no bona fide relationship" they can use on ANYONE, at anytime, for any reason, and we have no recourse. Petitioner: BEWARE


My wife and I now have the freedom to plot our own bona fide relationship course without interference from a disgraceful, arrogant, and extremely UGLY american. :o


tsap seui

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Your caustic experience, combined with other's caustic experiences, had caused me to seriously consider forming a watchdog organization to be active in Guangzhou.


I had fleshed it all out to the point of having the paperwork ready to file as a NGO (non-governmental organization) and fleshed out the fundraising campaign, and even made a short list of who i would consider as officers of the organization, and the basic criteria for the field workers.


I even found office space inside of 'that' building as well.


My bottom line goal was to make sure that cases similar to yours would have an immediate chance for secondary review within the same week of initial blue-slip issuance.


I haven't given up on any of this, I've made some progress, but now I have had to set it aside for other pressing business and financial matters.


There is high interest in Guangzhou for this type of NGO to exist, and yes, there are still hurdles to overcome with some operational procedures and privacy-act issues . But they are not insurmountable.


Thank you for pissing me off enough to want to do something about it, and thank you for pissing me off enough to DO something about it. Future Time will Tell, but Past Time (yours) has spurred me into action.


Be Well, and Well Rested, my anonymous friend.


Darnell -

Whenever you get back around to making this real, or if you need some more hands working to keep it rolling while youre dealing with the other business and financial matters that you mention, call on me. I'm itching to throw a little speed bump in the way of these stuffed-shirt, little tin gods. If you havent already nailed down the name of this NGO, I think it would be great to call it the Rabbit Protection Agency - anyone asks, we can direct them to tsap ;)

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I started not to even post this garbage and to just get on with "our" lives but what the hell, I've been hanging out here for a bit and made some friends. I am not looking, and never was looking for sympathy. This is, just what it is. My fiancee cries her eyes out on the phone during our conversations, I just sit there with wet eyes and tell her to talk it out and to not hide her anger or sorrow as it will bite her in the ass later if she hides it now (PTSD). The last 10 months have been pure hell on my precious lil' rabbit but now the trial by fire is OVER baby!!


We have survived more stress than, hopefully, most of you will ever have to live through, and we are stronger than ever. It took both of us working together and talking many many untold hours on the phone to make it through this. I would never have known what this strong lady was made of and would never have known her so well, so quickly, without this awful experience we have been put through by the damned sorry american government.


Our bona fide relationship is REAL. I will be going to China in mid June to marry my wife and research school opportunities, and flipping houses.


We are okay and getting stronger each day now that the horror show has ended. I'll be moving over later this year, going to work, and in a year and a half filing a DCF.


Truly, our visa journey and our life togeter is just beginning. It's going to be an exciting adventure and our family is finally going to be together. Maybe in 2011 we'll return to america... :D if there is anything worthwhile left to return to. Or, maybe we'll wind up in Australia or New Zealand...if'n we decide to leave Chinatucky for awhile. ;)


The following is what being super prepared, front loading your initial application, working your asses off to rehearse, writing Confressmen, the President, and almost 70 e-mails to GUZ can get for you.


We are honest people, have both never been in any trouble, and have a more bona fide relationship than any of those DOS workers in Guangzhou will ever have with their wife or husband.


This was in response to my 72nd e-mail to the DOS's Goobers in Guangzhou and was recieved 300 days after I was told at ACH by a lying two faced DOS VO that "in a month, month aand a half your fiancee should be getting a letter from us asking her to bring her passports back to the Consulate."



It's TOTALLY about LUCK boys and girls. It could have happened to anyone that you've seen who got a visa :Dah: no matter how well prepared they tell you they were.


We would have been much better off to have been given a denial 10 months ago at our interview, instead the bastards chose to twist us in the wind for 10 months for this :P


I truly hope this never happens to any of you. :)




The Consulate is unable to issue Ms. XXX an immigrant visa because,

according to the Immigration and Nationality Act, she is currently

ineligible. The Consulate has determined, based on her testimony,

documents, and any other evidence, that she does not have a bona fide relationship with the petitioner. The Consulate is preparing to return

this case to the USCIS for review and possible revocation. The

applicant will be informed by mail when the case file has been

transferred to USCIS. The USCIS office that first approved this

petition will contact the petitioner about how to appeal this decision.






Here is a glimpse of our story and our interview:













I went over 4 times in 9 months, getting to know each other and studying and rehearshing for the interview. In that nine months I was with her in China more that 3 months.


The goodbyes were hard during those 4 trips, but on the first 3 we always had hope and the interview to look forward to. That goodbye after the interview was a KILLER to both of us. It was much worse than when I left america twice to go to Vietnam.


I was told, at american citizen hour, it was going to be a quick, month, month and a half for them to make their decision...so we waited. Then as time went on we feared I'd visit, get on the plane to leave, get home and she'd get her letter to return to GUZ.


Tell you the truth, she doesn't want me to come over for another 3 week stay. She wants me to come over and either bring her to america, or to stay in China and get married...and stay in China.


Looking back, if we'd have known it was going to be this long, I'd have gone over and waited with her...and I'd recommend that to someone who got an administrative processing type blue slip, but, my dumb ass trusted the VO at ACH...boy do I feel stupid now. But ya know. you hit the 5 month mark and they touch your case, so you wait...then you hit the 6 month mark and they change you from administrative processing to administrative "review" so your hopes get up and think "it won't be long now"....it's now almost 2 months since that change to "review".


We talk twice a day (stopped the freakin' e-mails) for anywhere from 3 to 5 hours EVERYDAY. Our relationship has greatly grown in strength and understanding each other. We've been under more stress than most folks will ever have in their relationship, and we are surviving it very well.


I've used the time here to liquidate everything I could...turned in 2 2006 leased vehicles, sold my 2006 Harley, one of two houses, the second is on the market (now goed to settlement on June 9th, 2008), and moved into an apartment to wait this thing out. Sold everything but an old pickem-up truck, a couple of old cars, and my home renovation tools.


Hope it doesn't seem like I've given up ....merely preparing. I see the trend, and have been seeing what others were getting.



The interviewm 10 months ago, with the dried up old prune of an american BITCH who has herself a position of power in the american government.



It was conducted by one of the most disgusting and disgraceful american women to ever walk this planet. Threated my fiancee and her 11 year old son like they were trash. But my lady kept her focus and didn't get rattled. That's a ploy the VO's will use so they can easily deny these women. We're certain she avoided a white slip cause she was too prepared and knew too much...so...they gave her this shit.


Questions: In a rapid fire style manner, with much anger and stressful comments. My fiancee knew all the answers in english (as well as the questions in english)...from answering 75 practice questions (in english) twice a day for over 3 months.


My fiancee and her son walked to the window...smiled, and together said said "Hello"..."Good morning". THe VO looked at them in disgust, scowled, and sneered at them...never responded with a "Good morning" or acknowledged that they were human beings.




1. Passports? Wouldn't even open my passport and handed it, and my certified/hand written evolution of relationship letter and new intent to marry statement RIGHT back.


2. Can you speak english?


3. Who helped you to apply for the K-1 visa?


4. How did you meet?


5. Date of first e-mail?


6. Dates of fiance's first trip to China?


7. How many times has he been to China?


8. How many days was his first stay in China?


9. Dates of 2nd trip? (VO very interested in dates and lengths of my trips).


10. Length of stay on 2nd trip?


11. Dates of 3rd trip?


12. Lenght of stay on 3rd trip?


13. Dates of 4th trip?


14. Lenght of stay on 4th trip?


15. Is he in China with you now? (The VO had my passport in her hand and never looked at it.)


16. How old is your fiance?


17. Do you understand he he is divorced 2 times?


18. Dates of BOTH of his 2 divorces?


19. Why did he get divorced?


20 Where does he work, what does he do?


21. What is his address? My lady tried to give the VO my street address, city, state, and zip code and the VO screamed...ADDRESS, ADDRESS!! So my lady quickly gave her the city and state.


22. Date of engagement?


23. When did you get divorced?


24. What is your age?


25. Where does your ex-husband live?


26. Do you plan to study or work in america?


27. Son's age?


28. Do you have custody?


29. Photos? VO very studied the photos and wanted to know the sequence of each trip.


30. Do you have his financials? Threw ALL of my supporting documents from self employed through the window and they came un-clipped and scatterd all over the interview room floor. Son played fetch and handed them back to his mother.


31. E-mails?




VO pulled out a blue slip and started filling it out. My lady asked her what she needed and was told "I don't need anything, if you don't hear from us in 3 months, e-mail us". MY LADY HAD EVERYTHING THEY COULD HAVE ASKED FOR ON A BLUE SLIP...IN A FOLDER.


The interview was RAPID FIRE...one question after another. My lady stood there and answered the VO as quickly as she asked a question...and kept her composure now matter how the VO acted or sarcastically asked her questions.


The VO was typing the whole time and barely looked up, only to see photos and e-mails.


VO filled out blue slip and handed that and the passports back.


Fiancee and son smiled, said "Thank you" and "Goodbye". VO looked up and laughed at them.


tsap seui



I am sorry to hear your case. You have weathered the storm with courage and determination. I admire you.


I wish the Best of luck, Tsap seui, in what ever you do. I am sure you will enjoy your stay in China.


My case is not much different from yours. My application process and my AP has now taken almost TWO YEARS (complete two years in July). Mine was a normal application with no complications.


I have submitted my official marriage certificate issued by the Chinese government and all the our pictures together. I can not believe the guts of the VO to say that "there is no evidence of a bona fide relationship". She refused to see my Instant messaging 3 times week for 1year and beyond, and Western Union receipts of my sending money to my wife every month, which would have proved right then and there that it is legit marriage! Is this VO blind or did she have a terrible fight with her husband the previous night?


We should have an action committee in GZ to investigate all blue slips issued. But I think that we are all afraid that if we do anything, our wives wives could be for ever barred from entering the US.


At one time I thought of picketting in front of USC, GZ holding a big sign "My innocent wife is prisoner of USC, GZ visa office incompetency, for the last 1 year and 11 months. Please release her immediately"


These VOs sit in bullet proof booths. We can not sue them, we can not lodge a complaint against them and we can not even ask for an explanation. they are completely protected by the U.S. gov.



Hello tsap seui,

Richard and I like reading your post very much. We also talk about your situation... we hope everything will be well for your SO, son and you! Does your SO live in north-east of China? I am living and working in Harbin.

We are very sad to know the process of waiting for visa of your SO. But what we feel happy is your relationship has been getting stronger!

Nothing or nobody will stop both of you unless either of you want to give up...

Take care please.

Tell your SO and son be happy because you truely love them...



Amanda from Harbin, China

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Your caustic experience, combined with other's caustic experiences, had caused me to seriously consider forming a watchdog organization to be active in Guangzhou.


I had fleshed it all out to the point of having the paperwork ready to file as a NGO (non-governmental organization) and fleshed out the fundraising campaign, and even made a short list of who i would consider as officers of the organization, and the basic criteria for the field workers.


I even found office space inside of 'that' building as well.


My bottom line goal was to make sure that cases similar to yours would have an immediate chance for secondary review within the same week of initial blue-slip issuance.


I haven't given up on any of this, I've made some progress, but now I have had to set it aside for other pressing business and financial matters.


There is high interest in Guangzhou for this type of NGO to exist, and yes, there are still hurdles to overcome with some operational procedures and privacy-act issues . But they are not insurmountable.


Thank you for pissing me off enough to want to do something about it, and thank you for pissing me off enough to DO something about it. Future Time will Tell, but Past Time (yours) has spurred me into action.


Be Well, and Well Rested, my anonymous friend.


Darnell -

Whenever you get back around to making this real, or if you need some more hands working to keep it rolling while youre dealing with the other business and financial matters that you mention, call on me. I'm itching to throw a little speed bump in the way of these stuffed-shirt, little tin gods. If you havent already nailed down the name of this NGO, I think it would be great to call it the Rabbit Protection Agency - anyone asks, we can direct them to tsap :)


Rabbit Protection Agency...I like the sound of that Jim :Dah: Darnell may have something here. Those DOS folks have their own lil' empire there and pretty much change the rules as they please......all for the good and safety of america mind you :D


Someone PM'd me the other day and asked me the question: What do you call a busload of Guangzhou VO's at the bottom of the Pearl River? A good start. :P


tsap seui

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