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Dear Ms. Harty,


I am the petitioner for K1 visa applicant xxx from China. I am writing in the hope that you can provide us with some additional information regarding her case.


We originally applied for a K1 visa in early June 2002. Since that time there have been numerous delays and changes in procedure but we finally received security name check clearance on June 5, 2003. We have now been waiting over a month for an interview appointment. We have watched as other people who received their clearances in late June get early appointments for interviews. Some of these people now have visas in hand.


Numerous calls to Guangzhou have resulted in no useful information whatsover. We have been told time after time that we must wait two months for an appointment because "the consulate is very busy." Busy making appointments for people who have been waiting far less time than we have!!!


Last week, at my insistence, the information officer on the phone talked to her supervisor who told her our Packet 4 would be sent this week. My fiancee called today to confirm this and was told she would have to wait TWO MORE MONTHS to receive the Packet 4. This is outrageous!


I apologize for my tone but I am fed up with pointless delays, misleading statements and lack of useful information. Yes, the problem NOW appears to be in Guangzhou but someone, somewhere in the State Department has to FIX THIS PROBLEM. What is so difficulat about processing paperwork in the order it arrives? We are not waiting for any more clearances, we are not waiting for any more paperwork - we are only waiting for someone to schedule an appointment. We have waited long enough.


Can you tell me why people who first applied for visas in January now have them in their passports while we have been waiting over a year?


There are no more reasons to delay our case.


Please use your influence authority to have Guangzhou schedule an appointment for us.


Again, I apologize for the tone of this letter but you cannot imagine the frustration we both feel over this process. We both deeply appreciate your assistance. Any information at all will help us through this difficult time.


Thank you so much for your time and attention,

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Guest Charmhuang

Hi Tparrent,


I am Xiyu, wife of rocksplit. You remember me? My husband and I helped you translate your wife's address in Beijing?


Have you sent the e-mail to Harty?


We have the same problem , we got our name clearance on July1, but no interview date. My husband and I wrote Ms Harty and Guangzhou respectively, but got no reply, I remember others got their interview day soon after their name checks had been done. It should be within one month, so what is the matter again now?


What shall we do? So frustrated, another waiting? :D

Best wishes to you and us!

Xiyu :D

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I am very happy to hear that you finally got your clearance. I hope you do not have to wait as long as us for an interview appointment.


Yes, I already sent the letter and I will send more to as many people as I cna think of every day. We are also calling GZ EVERY day and we are no longer being polite.


I am considering flying to GZ next Tuesday to show up in person during citizen services hours. It would be an expensive waste of time and I would not even have time to see Ling before I headed back to Chicago. I just don't what else to do.

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tparrent, before you fly to GZ, unless you can spend two months there, call the consulate first and see if you can speak to someone in change of this visa unit. Than you can tell them, that unless you get a satisfactory answer you are flying there to speak in person. Sometimes they just pass over angry e-mails and delete them, so no one esle can see them. I have had the same problem with MH. If your e-mail is angry, no answer. sucks!!

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Perhaps an angry e-mail doesn't work but I know for sure a nice doesn't!


I have a secret now. I just uncovered the mother lode of State Department e-mail addresses. EVERYONE is getting an e-mail from me now.


I'll share the list after I get a response.

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hi,tparrent. I am sorry to hear your story. But things aren't much the different with mine. My namecheck was done in the end of May and I am still waiting for my interview package. We have been waiting for almost 8 months since last November. But we cannot do much except keeping trace with GZ although we get the same answers most of the time.

Well, the good thing is that your namecheck was already done. That is the most important of all. There won't be too long then, maybe just within 1 or 2 months she would expect her interview. Just keep happy and being optimistic. The right time would come very soon :D

Good luck

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