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My Trip to Shanghai

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Hello, everyone! I just returned from Shanghai for my second dose of shots (Td, Measles-mumps-rubella, and Varicella). Because of SARS, I waited as long as possible before going. (Dose #2 is given 4 to 6 weeks after dose #1.)


Well, my leg and arm are sore again. But since I had no problems with dose #1, I think I'll be OK this time, too. The person at the medical office said for me to come back when I get my visa and she'll give me a medical certificate to take with me to America. I already have my yellow book with a record of all my shots.


I was wondering, what are the medical certificate and yellow book used for? Do I show these when I leave China or when I arrive in America? And does anyone know if I need any other shots once I get to America?


Oh, yes. I saw very few people in Shanghai wearing masks (but I wore one, and so did everyone at the medical office). They "shot" my temperature with a gun in my ear before I could enter the medical office building. And I think I was about the only one in the building the entire time I was there. All of the medical staff were just standing around. The first time I was there, it was a very busy place. But that was before people here in China knew the real truth about SARS.


Thank you so very, very much for helping me again. I appreciate all of you so much!




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Hi, ChinaRose:

I dont understand why you did that? Would you pls tell me you were doing that required by the Embassy? Or you did that only for yourself's health protection? Or you did that for later showing in U.S.? Or it was part of medical test? I'm little confused.Thanks :)




Sarah :)

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I hope you went to the Shanghai First People's Hospital.  

Oh, yes. I went there on April 1 for my exam. As part of that exam, they sent me to another medical office building for my shots. I guess they must have known that I was a K3 visa and that I would eventually need these shots when my husband files the AOS papers in America. Anyway, I have the two brown sealed envelopes for GZ here at my home (one x-ray, one medical exam).


I just read Eric's post (thanks ttlee_99!) and it looks like the Supplemental Form to I-693 gets completed after my final dose (#3) in America and then it is filed with my AOS papers.


I'm just wondering now if I have to get another medical exam in America? It looks like it is required with the Form I-693.


This is so confusing to me. I will talk to my husband about this when he calls me this weekend.



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i thought the medical exam should be done after you receive the p4 and before the interview date.

I guess since she's K3 and medicals are in her P3 so she certainly would need to get that done before P4, which only contains a notice of interview.


My question is how many K1s are actualiy getting their vac shots before the interview? Since more people lately don't even get their P4 and had to go to GZ to pick up.

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Hi Rose,

You are very smart getting the shots before you leave China. You will not need them to enter the US but you will need them for the AOS. Guiping has no record of the shots she had so we have to do them over again. I took her and her daughter earlier this week and found they were free for her daughter but will be about $400 for Guiping. If you are able to file your AOS within a year of receiving your exam in China you will not need to have another. You will need to have you vaccination record verified and the I693 suppliment completed by and approved doctor in the US. Best wishes to you. ---Bob

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I was wondering, what are the medical certificate and yellow book used for?  Do I show these when I leave China or when I arrive in America?  


So it looks like I do not need another medical exam once I get to America as long as my AOS gets filed within one year of my exam here. And it looks like the I-693 Supplement gets completed by my doctor in America when I get my Td dose #3.


But can anyone answer my two questions above? Do I carry the yellow book with me on the plane? And what do I use the certificate for? (Maybe show my American doctor when he completes the I-693 Supplement?)


Thanks again so much.





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