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WHO Lifts Hong Kong Travel Advisory

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Friday May 23, 5:03 PM

WHO Lifts Hong Kong Travel Advisory


The U.N. health agency canceled its warning against travel to Hong Kong and the Chinese province of Guangdong, an advisory that was imposed because of the outbreak of SARS.


The World Health Organization said it took the move because the outbreaks are under control in the two areas.


"Guangdong was the first place in the world to have cases of SARS but I am pleased to note that due to the efforts of the local and national health authorities, with support from WHO, the outbreaks in Guangdong and Hong Kong are being contained," said WHO Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland.


WHO continued to advise against all nonessential travel to the Chinese capital, Beijing, and to the regions of Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Tianjin, as well as to Taiwan, because of continuing new transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome.


In Hong Kong, the daily number of new cases has on average been below five for the past six days and the number of patients in hospitals has dropped below 60, WHO said. Both were conditions removing the ban.


"The pattern of the outbreak shows a sustained decline since the peak of new cases in late March," it said.


In Guangdong, the average of new cases has been below five for 11 days and the number of patients in hospital fell below 60 on Tuesday.


"Due to the efforts of the provincial health authorities, the extent of local transmission has fallen to low levels over recent weeks," WHO said.


There have been no recent reports of cases being exported to other countries from Hong Kong or Guangdong, WHO added.


SARS has infected more than 8,000 people worldwide and killed at least 687.

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Even now the infection No. per day has dropped off sharply, still we need to be careful because the virus is still there.


A company in Guang Dong wanted to register a new brand for their bleaching products, which will be called "Sars". People now are discussing a lot about it, because its like an ironic brand for such kind of products. Until now the brand hasn't been approved to register, we'll see.




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Things tightened up here today. I noticed yesterday that the police where out in force all over town. My wife found out that was because the authorities were worried about possible disorder. Seems that another university had one student listed as "probable" SARS and people where literally roaming the streets the night before last shouting out the news that Liaoning University had SARS. (Apparently a student with some symptoms, but now in quarantine)


Today when I went to 8:00 class, I was surprised to find that only one small doorway was open at the main gate and that teachers were only being admitted one at a time and each had to have their temperature measured with one of the infared in-the-ear thermometers. Students told me that they all had to take their temperatures and report it every morning. By 6:00 in the evening they had stopped taking temperatures because they now have over 100 new people in quarantine on campus just from today. They were finding too many people that measured high, so they quit testing.


I was told that my 150 student English language movie night will probably be cancelled.


I have been unable to log in to e-mail today and it is obvious that the web filtering has been increased again.


The school has announced that they are going to require the foreign teachers to live on campus next year. In the same building that they are using for quarantine right now. All the foreign teachers told them that they would not accept the tiny apartments that are there. Two of the eight told them that they will not be back for next school year and myself and one other are undecided right now. If we are on campus, then our world would be reduced to the very small campus that this school has.

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The school has announced that they are going to require the foreign teachers to live on campus next year.  In the same building that they are using for quarantine right now.  All the foreign teachers told them that they would not accept the tiny apartments that are there.  Two of the eight told them that they will not be back for next school year and myself and one other are undecided right now.  If we are on campus, then our world would be reduced to the very small campus that this school has.

Look like they are just trying to isolate everyone (students and teachers) from outside hoping it will prevent sars. Not a real China experience for a foreign teacher.

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CDC also posted the lifting of the sars in GuangDong Province and HongKong. I hope this will make the border crossing a little easier. I also talked to JAL airlines today, they have lifted all prescrening for passengers out of HongKong. For me this is good news if everything stays this way for another week.

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