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Hello From GZ

Guest blsqueaky

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Guest blsqueaky

Hello everyone from here in GZ. Well yes, as I said, wedding soon. Everyone, if you think that the Visa paperwork is an ordeal, try and get married here in GZ.


I thought that I had all of the papers that I needed. Got the certificate from the Embassy here, went to the marriage bureau, and was told then that the papers that I received from the Chinese Embassy in New York had expired. Did not even know that there was an expiration date on them. so then had to go back to the embassy here and get an affidavit. Now take to the translator. Now here is the kicker, was told that the one paper that the embasy gave me was not okay, but now they charge me to have it translated, and the darn form is already in Chinese, ohhh, I guess any way to make some money.


Well got papers submited, now time for the physical. Hey Owen, the physical has changed here a little. Well this is an experience. I am an over the road truck driver, and never had a physical like this one. Well lets start the morning, go to the hospital, 7th floor, fill out papers, then down to the 3rd floor to pay, now up to the 5th, urine sample. Now imagine my surprise when they hand me this small little cup, like a shot glass, oh well, fill this up, told to much, so paige had to dump some out. Well now to the 4th floor, blood sample time. Me no problem, could find my vein, but problem finding Paiges, but finally did. Now this done, back to the 7th floor. Time for check. Go into Dr's office and asked to take off clothes, and not just down to underwear and socks, ALLLLLL clothese. Now here I am thinking, what is going on. So now I am getting checked out, and I mean checked out, even a semen sample. This is starting to get serious. Well finally done here, and the Dr. gives me a another form, another check, so now back to the 3rd floor to pay some more, and then around the corner. I guess since that I am a little heavy, they needed me to have an ultrasound so that they could better see my liver and heart, and this was fun, again, get undressed. Well this done, now to X-Ray, get have undressed, but just me, Paige, stay clothed.


Well finally done all the test, back to the 7th floor. Dr. says everything okay. Got back the papers the other day. Guess that I know that I am healthy now.


Anyone getting ready to Marry in China soon, please make suire rthat you have all of your i's dotted and t's crossed. Avastar, is your reading, lucky you married there. Not sure if you would have put up with this. -;)


So as I said, wedding soon. If no more problems with paperwork, wedding date is June 6. Very large family, about 40 in the wedding party. After going through all of this here, I think that the Visa process will be a snap :angry: :angry: Went to the bureau yesterday, and found a mistake on one of the papers, so back to the embassy again, then back to the bureau again, now back there again this afternoon, then to the marriage office.


See, I am having so much fun here. Well will post another topic when I return home. One last thing tho, here in GZ, hardly see anyone wearing a maks. Like SARS does not exist. Seeing lots on TV tho. Will tell more later.


Take care everyone and stay well.

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Things are different in GZ than in Shenyang apparently. The "physical" we had consisted mostly of a few questions and the doctor feeling my pulse. Not even a blood test. Maybe they figured that I had a physical a few months before for my work visa, so there was no need to bother.


All the back and forth to the consulate and the Chinese government offices sounds familiar though. That is just normal life in China.


The Chinese wedding will be a kick. Be sure that they hire a photographer to record it. You will want it to show back in the States. Need to get a VCD or DVD made of it. If you get a tape make sure it is VHS as you might get Beta over here. Can be converted if absolutely necessary, but I had a Beta that got lost in the mail when I sent it to be converted. Luckily, we also have the VCD copy.

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Sounds like lots of fun at the hospital,. :angry: . I did half the medical in the U.S. go to the Chinese Embassy sight and down load the form, english and chinese physical, go to your doctor fill out and have it authenticated. then you only may need the chest X - Ray, blood sample and urine, along with your pulse to make sure you are alive. This was accepted and saved me some time, but not the money, same price for both of us.

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Sounds like you went through quite an ordeal!!!! I can't believe they included a semen sample! JEEEEZZZZ! :angry:


Glad to hear you made it through all of this ok and we wish you the best for a wonderful wedding and a prosperous future. :angry:

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I also tried to get married in Nanning. My fiancee and I did the medical exam which was very lengthy. Also, we had to watch a Chinese video about making love. :) It was R-rated. However, we weren't allow to marry because I didn't have the red stamp from the Chinese Embassy. Thus, I did the K1 visa instead.

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Sorry you had to go through so much hassle. It sounds like it was quite a bit more of an ordeal than was necessary. When Ping and I got married in Dalian the physical exam was perfectly reasonable, the only surprise being that they took an EKG. The lady who drew blood did the best job of that I have ever experienced, having no difficulty with me though many other venipucturists over the years have told me I was not easy. The x-ray machine was an odd looking contraption. We had to do some running around just like what Owen says is normal.


The best of luck to you! You are making some sacrifices and some donations but it will be worth it. You are probably having to get a wedding suit made for you, right?

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Guest blsqueaky

Hello Everyone,


Thanks for your well wishes and replies. Received some good news the other day finally, instead of taking till June 2nd for the license. they said that after all that I went through, they are approving the application sooner, without any extra charge. This is surprising me. So now we have to talk to the family and push up the wedding day. Looking at the 31st of May now. I always did want a June wedding.


Well it was nice to wath on the news last night and again this morning that the WHO has lifted the travel advisory for Guandong Province and Hong Kong. I can see that lots of people are breating a sigh of relief, especially from what I watch on the news here.


Have lots more to say, but will hold some for return home, but before I forget, I can get real spoiled here right now with teh prices of this delicious food here. Six course meal for $16-$19, and this includes sea food.


Till Later, everyone stay well and kep smiling. :rolleyes: :D

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