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Jim, interesting post that seems to be getting a lot of attention.


I see many of the same, "new is better" comments, but it's important to frame it properly. Let Jen know that these things are of interest or important to you. Hopefully, she will see your meaning and respect your opinion even if she doesn't share it.

Thanks guys,

I think I'm not going to let this go. Maybe I need to find a good ghost town or something real old that's American. I also like the comparison of old photos. I don't know if it would work with Jen, she still seems a bit care free about things like that. :happydance:


I took my wife to Bodie and she liked it.


Don't know if it was the town or the snow covered mountains

though. :ranting:

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Yes I must sell or rent out my LOG house. She didn't like it, will not bring any of her classmates over she declared, and no matter if I fix it up or not she does not want to live in it though she never came out and said that.


Jim I hope things are better. Just be glad your not in my shoes. Wish this had been posted a year ago to confirm my gut feel about this place.

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Yes I must sell or rent out my LOG house. She didn't like it, will not bring any of her classmates over she declared, and no matter if I fix it up or not she does not want to live in it though she never came out and said that.


Jim I hope things are better. Just be glad your not in my shoes. Wish this had been posted a year ago to confirm my gut feel about this place.


Sorry to hear that. A log house doesn't mean it has to be old. It's just a differnt style, as a matter of fact, a regular house is made of the same thing as a log house.


Hey, would you mind posting a pic or two of your "LOG house". Man, there are not that many people who don't like a log home. I Love them but it would be a long time before I can afford one myself.

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Here are some photos of the place. It has seen it's better days but there is some history there of some strong people who had to fight bigotry and and a hard life to pave the way in a new land.




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interesting topic...


Here's my take, only having the benefit of looking at the pictures... which appear like some sort of abandoned, decaying relic.


Now, if it was full of people bustling around, it would sudden be embued with some meaning and life, but as it [barely] stands now, it is just an old reminder of the past...


My wife is also an 'old no good' type... but this attitude IMO is a subset of 'things past' should be left to the past. This is different than not learning from the past, it is letting the past go.


Today, as we walked down the street talking, I interjected a comparison to something dead and she cut me off and said, "let's not talk about this any more"... I quickly realized that it was an "association" issue, with death. And "old" is a similar association issue in my mind...

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Sorry to hear that. A log house doesn't mean it has to be old. It's just a different style, as a matter of fact, a regular house is made of the same thing as a log house.


Hey, would you mind posting a pic or two of your "LOG house". Man, there are not that many people who don't like a log home. I Love them but it would be a long time before I can afford one myself.

There is a thread with the pics of my house in it. I can't find it. Seems LOG is not enough letters for a search. If you put Log house you get 1000 posts to try to look through. I gave up. Anyway from the beginning she really has been uncomfortable with the idea but waited to see it. I'm tired of uncomfortable.

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Sorry to hear that. A log house doesn't mean it has to be old. It's just a different style, as a matter of fact, a regular house is made of the same thing as a log house.


Hey, would you mind posting a pic or two of your "LOG house". Man, there are not that many people who don't like a log home. I Love them but it would be a long time before I can afford one myself.

There is a thread with the pics of my house in it. I can't find it. Seems LOG is not enough letters for a search. If you put Log house you get 1000 posts to try to look through. I gave up. Anyway from the beginning she really has been uncomfortable with the idea but waited to see it. I'm tired of uncomfortable.

To limit searched, try to use one best word.. and put your name (or any username it's linked to) in the username box... then you only get two pages for your username+ "house"...


Or Don could restore the ability to search on two letters... yes two letters.. like K1 ! I really miss this since the last upgrade...



Change is inevitable, move on


Yes Dan, I think that is the subtitle to the Yi Jing (Book of Change) :ph34r:

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Well, next week Phil & Ningning will be venturing this way to visit Sacramento and the Railroad museum. Jen has already stated her lack of interest but would not mind the shopping around old Sac. :P

For now, I'll let this be. Seems there is a lot us who have wives with the same mind set. For those waiting, heed this warning. I have talked before about preconceptions and looking at your relationship though "American" eyes. That quaint old barn out in a field may not get the same reaction you might think. Just because you might like such things, well...

And as for us? Well, what do you think? Things have been back to normal with nothing more than another lesson learned in my ongoing training. Things are certainly much happier here in the House of Feathers. :hug:

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I rummaged through my deceased grandmothers shoeboxes of her old photos and put together a framed collage of interesting photos of gents in top hats, miners with pick axes, ladies with large bonnets and my 17 year old grandmother. The pictures have to be close to 100 years old. I proudly display it in our bedroom. I was crushed to hear Leiqin tell me how she did not like it. :P It still stays on our wall and I am still proud of it. Yet, I could never understand why she could not appreciate the history, as I do.


It seems it is difficult to look back at a history that does not glorify the current living, for example, like the Forbidden City does. There seems to be a curse on those here today to look at the struggles of those who went before. If you can’t show the glory, don’t show the guts. We’re proud of the guts. They seem to relish in the glory.


We look back to learn where we are. They look forward to see where they are going.


Just my take.




Jim, you can't have growth without conflict. If it's always a bed of roses somethings are not being discovered. You are learning about your wife. And, that's a good thing, right? :unsure:

Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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Glad to hear you are out of the doghouse. I've gotten to be fairly comfortable in mine. Perhaps in time they will come to understand why we like old things and can't understand why so many of them only like shiny and new. There is one exception, my wife likes old cars. As long and they have been restored to look like new lol.

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