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My fiancee has been out on business for her company in Xiamen for one month ;she is now planning to go back to Beijing , where she lives. Now , Sara at DOS told us our clearence will be completed within ten days ! If we recieve our ems soon, will my fiancee be able to leave Beijing or will they Quarantine her because of sars? Reason is , I was told that many provinces held citizens from leaving there home town .


Sincerely , panda

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Everything I am reading is saying that some areas are not letting people from other areas entry without going thru a quartentine. The way I understand this is that the Chinese government is trying to stop the spead of sars from getting in the rural areas of China where they have limited medical staff and hospitals. To leave Beijing for the US or another country may not be a problem. I say may not be, because they are changing the rules each day. If she doesn't have to go back to Beijing, than I would say not to go till she has her ems. Maybe a friend could get her mail for her and send it to her. Beijing is a hot spot now, so there is no telling what will happen each day. Maybe she should call the GZ Consulate before she leaves Xiamen and ask if they mailed her ems and go right to GZ. Xiamen also has many sars cases now, so is she sure she can leave there?

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Aloha from Hawaii,

Unless things change for the much worse, It should not be a problem to get out of

China. If you do not have any symptoms you should be able to travel. The CDC

does want all travelers from affected regions to watch for symptoms and report

them as soon as possible. All travelers will get written instructions of what to

do if you get sick. A self imposed isolation for a couple of weekd will be a good

idea to make friends, workers and family feel safer.

Myles aka Annakuen.GG

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I think that the real question was whether she would be able to travel freely inside China. That is a moving target. The rules change constantly and each Province and each city (county) sets rules of there own, even though Beijing has told them not to. Right now, anybody coming from Beijing is automatically suspected by the people at the checkpoints everywhere. She may be doubly suspected at the moment if her papers list her as being from Beijing and she is traveling from Xiamen.


Things are getting slowly better and the widespread explosion that was/is feared in the rural areas has not occured. The limitation of travel was set up to prevent that and apparently has done the job so far. As I understand it right now, if she can get train or plane tickets, then she probably will make it through, but with several border checks. The EMS will be proof that she has legitimate business in GZ.

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I think the real issue is whether or not she would be free to travel internally in China. As Owen mentioned earlier, the rules seem to change and often depend on where you are. For example, at the university where I used to teach, students now are not allowed to leave the campus and travel into the city, which is about 10 KM away. Even local students who are from Shantou cannot leave the campus. Further, Li has learned from her family that checkpoints have been set up on the perimeters of her hometown in Anhui and anyone from Beijing is turned back. :greenblob:

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