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Closet is Full

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time to build a big walk in closet

Nyah huh. Then she can put more of her stuff in it. Your stuff will still be banished to under the bed.


its like you build a new lane on the highway everyone thinks it will fix the traffic situation....

new traffic just takes over the road ends up more full then it was before :blink:

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Ya.. I got you beat!


Divide the closet into 2 (100/2 = 50) now multiple by 4 closets (50X4=200) now subtract 10 feet out of each closet (200-10=190) then add 5 feet (190+5=195) and that¡¯s her side of the closet space and you have 5 Feet. :blink:


My wife brought over this 300 lb full length Mink Coat and she is still waiting to wear it - Houston's December Temperature 70 degrees. (I told her if she ever got a chance to wear it she better wear it at night to a private home otherwise the animal activist will throw red paint on her! :D


Maybe I can make one of you guys a good deal!

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I took most of my clothes come here, then I was suprised to find my husband has more clothes than I do. He did gave me 2 closets ,but seems it is OK now. We might do garage sale someday as his clothes is too many and old. :rolleyes:



Well, lets get serious. why does your husband need clothes???? All he needs is a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, one suit, one shirt and a tie........


If he loves you, he should give you ALL of the closets!!!!!


Paula, you just need to take the time to train him.. :o :D :bangin: :bangin:

Edited by phantom1949 (see edit history)
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