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What attracts Chinese Women to Texans?

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Want to see how long this thread can stay in culture before it is sent to the TC. Best way is no posts, which is about what I would expect.


Is it the way we walk?




Do we have a can do attitude that teams well with the Chinese attitude of there always being a way to acomplish something, and the "do" ethic?


Maybe we are uglier than the rest of you gents and that makes us monsters very attractive.


Do we lie better, or more compationate?


Do we take more risks?


Are we more comfortable with adventure?


Shoe size?


Big Hands?


What is it?

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Want to see how long this thread can stay in culture before it is sent to the TC. Best way is no posts, which is about what I would expect.


Is it the way we walk?




Do we have a can do attitude that teams well with the Chinese attitude of there always being a way to acomplish something, and the "do" ethic?


Maybe we are uglier than the rest of you gents and that makes us monsters very attractive.


Do we lie better, or more compationate?


Do we take more risks?


Are we more comfortable with adventure?


Shoe size?


Big Hands?


What is it?


It's the big nose.............you know what that leads too don't ya?????? :rolleyes:

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I think you got it backwards...


why do texans appear to be attracted to chinese ladies?


Maybe the farm animals are getting a little old to saddle up.. :lol: :)


I know there are a lot of good people in Texas and I happen to know a few, but this was a funny comeback David :)


I was really hoping that I could tip this cow into the TC... since I assume that was the goal of the post.. I guess I fell short.. must of slipped in a texan animal turd... :P

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I think you got it backwards...


why do texans appear to be attracted to chinese ladies?


Maybe the farm animals are getting a little old to saddle up.. :lol: :ph34r:


I know there are a lot of good people in Texas and I happen to know a few, but this was a funny comeback David :D


I was really hoping that I could tip this cow into the TC... since I assume that was the goal of the post.. I guess I fell short.. must of slipped in a texan animal turd... :P



Oh now David, I really feel you have things a$$ backwards or maybe confused with

TX v TN... As I remember TN they are into farm animals.

As for as animal droppings go... with all the rain we have had over the past 2 days,

I'm sure they are on the way to the western side of FL viva the Gulf of Mexico.

Enjoy the gifts

oh BTW yea I agree with Charles, that was a nice come back!



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My wife was attracted to me because I was in California when we met and moved to Texas soon after she arrived.


Sorry pard-ner... I reckon this thread is doomed..

I 'preciate ya tho'





Considering that Chinese ladies are even attracted to pre-Texans, I think that David's attempts to inject doo-doo into this thread are extremely mis-guided.

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My wife was attracted to me because I was in California when we met and moved to Texas soon after she arrived.


Sorry pard-ner... I reckon this thread is doomed..

I 'preciate ya tho'





Considering that Chinese ladies are even attracted to pre-Texans, I think that David's attempts to inject doo-doo into this thread are extremely mis-guided.


ah contrar.. what's mis-guided is the preposterous, presumptuous, proposition that chinese are even attracted to anyone... they take the first who shows up in the line.... Texans are always pushing their way to the front.. makes a good match with the chinese :D :ph34r:

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How did I miss this thread?


"I have said that Texas is a state of mind, but I think it is more than that. It is a mystique closely approximating a religion. And this is true to the extent that people either passionately love Texas or passionately hate it and, as in other religions, few people dare to inspect it for fear of losing their bearings in mystery or paradox. But I think there will be little quarrel with my feeling that Texas is one thing. For all its enormous range of space, climate, and physical appearance, and for all the internal squabbles, contentions, and strivings, Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America. Rich, poor, Panhandle, Gulf, city, country, Texas is the obsession, the proper study and the passionate possession of all Texans." - John Steinbeck 1962


"If a man¡¯s from Texas, he¡¯ll tell you. If he¡¯s not, why embarrass him by asking?"

-U.S. journalist John Gunther regarding legendary Texas pride


Which reminds me of what happened on the train I was on the other day. While I was sitting there talking to the conductor, a drunk came up to him and said he wanted to buy a ticket to hell. The conductor turned to him and said, fine, that will be $89.00 and you can get off at any stop in Florida. Those Amtrak guys know there stuff. And God Bless Texas!


As aye,



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David as usual I post so much crap in a thread it is dificult to talk serious. I tried to just beat the others to the puns.


The first link in the below thread got me thinking how I find, as a Texan, some of the same differences over the years when I lived and worked in other states, that this thread compares all of the USA to China. There are quit a few Texan's here, so I began to wonder.



I lost count how many times I was told I can't do something after I just did it, when I lived in another state. Or I noticed how others, in other states, limited themselves with too many rules that just were not there. It is an attitude of just about anything is possible, in Texas.


In CA and IL esspecially I noticed peoples surprise at my actions. They thought it quick and bold, when I was just doing my job and thought nothing of it. This carried over with woman as well, much to my benefit, and I was very awkward with ladies when younger.


Just throwing this out there before I post details or more.



Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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Want to see how long this thread can stay in culture before it is sent to the TC. Best way is no posts, which is about what I would expect.


Is it the way we walk?




Do we have a can do attitude that teams well with the Chinese attitude of there always being a way to acomplish something, and the "do" ethic?


Maybe we are uglier than the rest of you gents and that makes us monsters very attractive.


Do we lie better, or more compationate?


Do we take more risks?


Are we more comfortable with adventure?


Shoe size?


Big Hands?


What is it?


In your case it's a weak mind. :bangin:

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