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As a Black Man

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There is a long history of the romanticization of reforming a hooker. Most recently the movie Pretty Woman is the highest grossing romantic comedy.


...to boldly go where every man has gone before?....count me out!!!


Unfortunately (?), this topic has drifted away from its original intent...then again, the original poster really can't be taken seriously, given his attitude towards women.


To be honest, I'm not sure the original post belongs in Culture and Language Discussion, instead of Twisted

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Guys, don't get offended by LPM100. He has manic depression and he is too young. Women didn't treat him as nice as they have treated you. I'm not surprised that it scared women away except very brave hookers

by using a sex-suggested name or starting a conversation by sex,


You choose what you want and earn a decent woman.

He chooses what's available. This is the world.

You have a very good and fair point Smiling Asia. Life is tough, but you have to hang in there.

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There is a long history of the romanticization of reforming a hooker. Most recently the movie Pretty Woman is the highest grossing romantic comedy.

French literature is the same. In early years I read French novel called "Camellia Girl" in Chinese.


There are two things which are beautiful in literature and movies: war and hookers.

The people who has fought in a war told me war is hell.

A doctor described to me about hookers:"Very beautiful, attractive. If I were a man, I'd love them. But rotten, carious inside, I had to burn it with laser." :wacko:


It's a social problem in China that some parents raised their daughters up to be hookers and they are not aware of it :D

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Rehabilitating a hooker:


This may not be the best idea because hookers have had very bad experiences with me. My mind (now and then) drifing down dark corridors and wonders what might have been...... Years ago I met a hooker that was also manic depressive. I wanted to share a relationship with her (she had the same manifestations of manic depression, such as insomnia) becuase I had an idea of what that was like. But one day, she just disappeared. (This is after she called me and told me "I think I love you.) She was an adopted girl who had the SAME type of relationship with her adoptive mother that I have with my real parents.


Also, I sometimes think that hookers are women who set themselves up for failure. There was one girl that I liked a lot and went through the trouble of getting a job in a big city near her hometown just for her. It still was not enough. We talked at length about her options. She could get pumped every day by a bunch of foul smelling Chinese men who didn't come near toothbrushes or try to start a new life with me.


I don't think there are any insecurity issues here. But I am someone who looks at things in a realistic way.


Nevermind. This thread has run cold.



As you pointedly stated, "the thread has run cold." It hasn't turned cold. It is simply that you are working with a tough audience. I am sure that some men in this forum have married past prostitutes either knowingly or unknowingly, already. They are not apt to come out and announce this in public. They most definitely not have a discussion in a public forum of their motives, etc. If they did so, I personally would question their motives as to why. To make themselves feel better? As a type of, ego booster to themselves?


I am sure that they simply prefer to get on with their lives and loves. They probably want to disregard the past. Small example. Say they are at a dinner party. How would they or yourself introduce their wife/girlfriend/fianc¨¦e to me?


"Hi! This is Ms/Mrs./Miss XXXXX! She used to be a prostitute! However, she is different today, since I¡¯m in the process of reforming her and our love!¡± This is degrading to her and yourself.


Another small example of the same type of genre, how many of your TRUE friends introduce you stating;


"This is my friend LPM100! He is manic-depressive. However, he controls his condition with medications!" What do medications have to do with you as a person?


Do you see how silly both statements sound?


I am positive that you don¡¯t/wouldn¡¯t introduce someone this way! I damn well don¡¯t introduce anyone this way! The point being, what a person was in the past makes no real difference. What really matters is; what is the person today! If you wish to continue your present path, fine. That is your choice. I will not condemn you for it. To be perfectly honest, I would respect an individual who did forget about a person¡¯s past and not to hold it over their heads. The odds are not in their favor of succeeding in a lasting relationship. You already pointed this out yourself. However, I have to admire such a person¡¯s fortitude and perseverance to try and undertake such a task!


However, on another issue why are you hung up on such an issue over prostitutes? The audience isn¡¯t buying it. Stay with your opinions and move on. I also agree with Don in a statement that he made. I quote him;


I do think you raised an interesting topic that is worth debate. Personally, I think you have a self-esteem problem by thinking a hooker is the best you can expect. You didn't say that, but that's what I read between the lines. Personally, I think you are an intelligent and articulate MAN who can find a much better mate and I hope you do. My advice is to find someone who rings your bell and then be open and honest about your condition. Don't think about it being a quest for love because I think your definition is distorted. Simply find someone who you are attracted to who is attracted to you and let nature take its course. If you and she are both open and honest, love will happen no matter what you call it.


LPM, you are a young black man. < no insult intended > What makes you a minority in this forum is that you are young! Not because you are black. Go to the Photo Gallery and look at the photographs there. Sir, you are the ¡°young blood¡± that oftentimes is needed in a forum. You bring new and younger perspectives to an older segment of a forum. I agree with Don. IMHO, you are an articulate, intelligent, well-spoken man. You probably have vastly different perspectives than many here.


IMHO, great! Post elsewhere and on other subjects besides prostitutes. I want to hear new perspectives! I personally enjoy a good argument. <translated from Greek ¡°to inform¡± > Many times, that is why a forum can be boring! It needs a few ¡°troublemakers¡± like you, other younger members and I to breathe new life into a dull routine.


One thing though; no racial innuendos, please. If a man has to resort to this line of thinking, then his/her arguments and/or points are already weak and baseless. Besides, personally for me, it really silly, since I have an adopted brother by my parents. He is black! Not to mention my time in the military fighting alongside many men/women of the same ethnic background as yours. Many others in this forum probably have the same or similar backgrounds! I am prejudice against one type of person. The stupid one, who will not listen and/or doesn¡¯t really care about others.


I hope that you take this seriously and you are not a man who is just ¡°jerking¡± everyone¡¯s chain. <aka, a troll>


I sincerely hope that you are not a troll and will make other posts. I have not placed you on a ¡°ignore posts filter.¡± Maybe I can offer you a suggestion on where to start: How about your ¡°first impressions when you went to China/Korea as a black man.¡± Try another, ¡°What looks did I receive from Chinese/Koreans when I speak their language!¡±


I notice that you listed your hometown as Pyongchang, Korea . If you speak Korean then you will understand the difference between Anyonghee kasayo (translated Korean, ¡°Goodbye¡± ) and Anyonghee kashipshio (translated Korean, ¡°Goodbye, please return!¡± )


If you do decide to return, I hope to read future postings that you make. You will have at least one person, which will read and respond to your posts. No! I won¡¯t refer to you as ¡°Dick¡± either. LOL



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...to boldly go where every man has gone before?....count me out!!!

Depends on the motivation. Some are not worth any association. Others have low self esteeem which got them there. Either way a compromise was made and it would be easier for them to go back to it, in hard times, than for someone to start anew. Hmmm, loyalty test, how would we do that?


I was thinking of your post tmkeith in a different way and perhaps diferent subject. What would it matter how many men a woman had before you, whether she was paid for it or not? No one has to answer this as I don't know if this whole subject is worth discussing. I get a chuckle under my breath about ladies in the USA who will live with a man, yet hold marriage in HI regard. It seems to be a big deal to them that they "have never been married before" never mind the fact that they lived with several along the way as if married and maybe a few short relationships and or one night stands along the way. :) :P And as she prepares for her marriage as if she is the virgin of all virgins. Sorry I find this too much, regardless of gender, race, or nationality.


A hooker may have had a few, like lpm100 desired, too over a thousand. Guess what? A non-hooker could be the same way. Yet we don't label or condemn them. Same with men, as far as that goes. For no reason I just wanted to point this out. Maybe because self esteem and upbringing has a lot to do with the motivation behind a persons actions or history. Not that this makes much diference but a guy could go where everyman has gone and she isn't a hooker. :toot: ;) Just a thought, in defense of hookers. ;)


I guess there could be a jewel in either camp. Depends on the person, but hooking does do something to a woman that is not so good regardless of the sex. I'm rambling, bye.

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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