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special experience on the custom

Guest enight

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Guest enight

hi all, it's 2am here in Hartford, but I am still awake, thanks God my Alan were companying with on the trip to the States, otherwise I might totally get lost on the custom.


1. at the custom, an official stamped valid date on my visa wrong, he stamped 1 month instead of 3 month remain in the States as I am a K visa holder.


2. I was picked up to check whether I have brought any plants or meats, they opened all of my belongings, and caused us missed the next plane.


3. since we got time between the break, we found an INS officicer and showed him the wrong stamp on my visa, he is a very nice guy and easy going, so after 45 minutes waiting, we got my visa back with a correct stamp :(



4. I was picked up for serious security check again when was going to aboard on the flight from San Francso to Chicago, this time they searched every small pieces of my carring on, my boots, jacket, a woman even touched my belly. (I had to leave silver tooth pick and several other small stuffs there as they said those could be dangerous weapons :angry: )


5. Alan and I were almost missed the plane again when they finally finished security checking on my and Alan (Alan was not required, but he guarrantteed to do so that he can went through with me in the same gate), it was only few minutes left before the plane set off! :P



I am so lucky to have Alan companying with me this time, otherwise I really think I would be totally distoried as never heard anyone else had similar experience, also those officiers which were asian looking speaking very strongggg accent in English and Chinese (I hardly to understand their English or Chinese), they have good manners though.


America is better than I expected so far, clean, not crowded, beautiful sky(which was rarely to see in Shanghai the big city), fresh and chill air, goods(foods) are much cheaper than Shanghai(I took a quick look on the price in a supermarket on the way back last night), well, I haven't able to exploer more yet, cause I haven't went out yet, we rest the whole day at home, unpackaging suitcases, making phone calls to friends and families,


PS: I might be deley to write or call to several friends here in Candle, because I missed to bring some of contact addresses which saved in pervious PC, I will ask my sister to email them to me, it will take few days.




Have a good day or good night to all of my friends here


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Aloha from Beijing,

Congrats Enight. I am happy to see you on my side of the Pacific Ocean.

If you want warm, clean and fresh air you must visit Hawaii. I hope you

will continue to write on Candle. We need a woman's view on adjustments

to life in the USA. Not so much as the adjustment for women but the men

as well. The men need a guide for the needs of the women.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

P.S. 001.com could use some help also.

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2. I was picked up to check whether I have brought any plants or meats, they opened all of my belongings, and caused us missed the next plane.


4. I was picked up for serious security check again when was going to aboard on the flight from San Francso to Chicago, this time they searched every small pieces of my carring on, my boots, jacket, a woman even touched my belly. (I had to leave silver tooth pick and several other small stuffs there as they said those could be dangerous weapons :redblob: )

Obviously you looked like a sweet little Chinese "terrorrist " to them :rolleyes: :greenblob: :redblob:

But you made it safely, that all matters. Welcome to America and all the rest will be easy-sailing in this country for you and Alan. Rudi reserves the biggest bear hug for you when you and Alan come to visit us in PA. I will certainly reserve one for Alan -- just to get even with him!!! :lol: :D :) :P

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Guest enight

thank you very much for all of yours kindly wishes :greenblob: I am so happy to live closer to all my friends here now, your friendship is so important to me when I am away from my families and friends in China thoudsands miles away... :rolleyes:



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thank you very much for all of yours kindly wishes :D I am so happy to live closer to all my friends here now, your friendship is so important to me when I am away from my families and friends in China thoudsands miles away... :)



welcome here enight !

Yuhui as a "long time US resident" welcomes you too !


ahem......... :lol: :D

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Welcome to America enight! Li and I just arrived ourselves on Saturday after a grueling 25 hour flight. Sorry to hear of your difficulties at customs. I prepared you a snack of wings to make you feel better.


:lol: :( :) :greenblob: :angel: :D

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