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Marriage in Liuzhou and K3

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Hi, I am Mike, Zhen and I have finally decided to Marry in China, and file K3. We are ok with this, but we will will need help and moral support. One question I have is do we need to register our marriage in the U.S., and what abbout name changes? We have talked about having the traditional Chinese Marriage Ceremony, after she gets her Visa, right before we go to the U.S. it will also be a going away party. My questions mostly concern my travel and responsibilities as the groom. I want to give her a wedding ring, but are there any traditional Chinese wedding gifts I should know about? What kind of gifts do I bring to her family? Are there things that I am supposed to do as the new husband? (concerning the family) When I leave to return to the U.S., is there any thing I am supposed to do for Zhen? Now for the trip, I have read that I should have a coat and tie for all official office visits, registration,etc. Will that sportcoat and tie be enough for the dinner with the family? Do I need to bring a fancy suit? I want to bring as little as possible. Should I just bring the suit for everything? Do I need to bring soap and toothpaste, scope, etc. What things are necessary, and what things are available in Liuzhou? What about money conversion? I am sure I have missed many things, and maybe somethings even more important than these, weddings can do that. Any thoughts, suggestions, or help will be greatly appreciated. Both Zhen and I thank you for helping me make a good impression with her family! Thank you, Mike and Zhen.

Next, we will need help with the K3.

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