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"Creative Solution"

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Hi all,


this is my very first post. So first my big Thank you all for sharing your experiences, insight and humor. "A Candle for Love.." is Light, the more the better and let it spread! grateful to have found it.


This letter to the chief of the IV unit at GZ is a labor towards my love rather then a labor of love; writing does not come easy to me.


What do you think? A contribution to the solution or just part of the problem, going to far or not far enough? Have I lost it



Dear Rxx Axx,


On Thursday, January 3, 2003 my wife, DOB, GUZxxx send the completed papers of package 3 by certified mail to the IV Section you head.


On February 19th I sent an e-mail asking to confirm receipt.


On March 5th a State Department officer could not “see” a name check request in our file and advised to resend the papers.

My wife mailed and faxed them the next day.


Then on March 13th (which is 22 days after my e-mail inquiry but only 7days after the advised faxing and mailing of our papers for the second time) I received a shock on receiving:

“Thank you for your inquiry. A thorough check of our files reveals that we have not repeat not received the forms you sent. Please resend them at your earliest convenience.”


Of course I replied right away that this has already been done just a week ago. I again requested a confirmation, adding:

“Will this setback indiscriminately lead our papers to the "end of the queue" in your files?”


No answer yet. Neither my wife nor I ever could reach a human voice in the IV Section.


Of course you are more than aware of these problems; I understand “communications problems, computer issues, and vastly increased work volumes” seriously affect due process. I followed Owen Krout’s appeal on “A Candle for Love” following his visit with you to give time to the implementation of solutions. And I waited.


I trust you search for solutions. Please do not hesitate to ask me to contribute if I can. There has to be a way to help you, our case and at least some of the other petitioners.

Therefore I propose in all seriousness: because I am presently too preoccupied to do good creative work as a sculptor I come to Guangzhou to help out. There must be some tasks you could use me in for a week or two: sorting and filing in the mailroom, sending out confirmations of receipt for incoming requests to stem the flood of further repeated requests. Could I provide a human voice to some callers lacking specialized training? Sorry I am no help in IT (I was surprised when on sending the updated address of my wife to be told the system could not deal with the encoding of Chinese characters!).


Please understand I wish to underline the seriousness of my offer. I am not looking for any compensation, possibly the airfare could become a deductible expense, even if I get to see my wife, once I figure how to file our taxes (“married with an absentee wife”?: But in all fairness the IRS has immediately responded to my inquiries by phone, e-mail and a package of pamphlets).


If there is a problem or any clarification necessary to process our case let us know so we can fix it.


You might judge me a quack trying to preserve dignity, the wellbeing of his wife’s and own sanity, or you may choose my offer as a real value towards some improvements. I want to contribute to the solution and not to the problem.

The eventual name-check in our case provides time to plan.

Humor is important yet I am serious in offering you help for two weeks in Guangzhou.


Sincerely :lol: :lol: Daniel

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Yes, you are probably losing it. Join the club!


Seriously, I think you may be on to something here. Maybe we could start a series of initiatives to help bring attention to the situation in GZ.


We could:

1. A Canned food drive for the over-worked employees of GZ

2. Adopt a bear program - buy an over priced bear, and part of the profit will go towards hiring more workers.

3. Start a "Hire a techy" campaign, pointing out that thousands of former internet/computer folks are now out of work due to the collapse of tech industries...- maybe they could help GZ with their data entry problems.

4. School kids could "Adopt a GZ worker" sending them e-mails and other support during their grueling ordeal. (of course we know that they would never actually answer those e-mails..)

5. We could go on a hunger strike until they release our loved ones from visa pergatory.

6. Taking inspiration from recent war protestors, we could encircle the white house demanding that they free our loved ones!

7. We could piggyback on top of some anti-war demonstrators - heck , maybe someone will notice us.

8. Let's petition the UN Human Rights commission - the Libyans are in charge of that committee...

9. We could all meet in Central Park in NYC and take off all our clothes, spelling out the word "Visa" in giant nude letters.

10. We could start a boycott of all American made goods, insisting that we will only buy things made in China. UH, wait a minute, we already buy all our stuff from China....


See, Daniel, at least you're not the only one who is losing it!

;) ;) ;) :lol: :P :D ;)


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10. We could start a boycott of all American made goods, insisting that we will only buy things made in China. UH, wait a minute, we already buy all our stuff from China....



Let them know that even though I just bought an expensive T-Fal pot/pan set (T-Fal= French brand) the glass lids were "made in China" ;) Can U spell "collusion" ? ;)

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Yes, you are probably losing it. Join the club!


Seriously, I think you may be on to something here. Maybe we could start a series of initiatives to help bring attention to the situation in GZ.


THE ten great steps!


See, Daniel, at least you're not the only one who is losing it!

;)  ;)  :P  ;)  :P  :D  :D



Never thought losing it could be so much fun :P

glad to have choined the club ;) :lol:

It is indeed a promising idea to get in touch with the Libyians, we might sit with them drinking tea with lots of time on our hands only to submit to "Inshallah!": God willing ... and through a highly legal and successfull "hire a techy" campaign-contribution funded by the overpriced teddy bear, secrects suddenly could be seen by just about all involved. A translation for us, mere mortals waiting for addmission to the happiness glimpsed, would come hidden in canned soul-food.


Thanks Dave! I better get some sleep, Good night... tomorrow your ten point programm obviously containing oh Central Park! health benefits, should resolutly be adopted into a five year plan building and relentlessly strengthening Patience

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Your idea of helping out in GZ is both interesting and noble. However, then they would have to run a namecheck and security clearance on you as well and that might take even longer than the one for your visa. :(

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