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Now that my fingers hurt from typing and the word CONGRATULATIONS has been burned into my retinas, <_< it's time to get to work.

This means for all you P4s, there are forms to be filled out, reservations to be made, SOs to contact, and homes to clean. :angry: Best I can say is take it one day at a time and be sure to look at everything 2 or 3 times and if that doesn't work, look at it again.

Also many people, myself included, have gone the route of a "stupid question" thread to ask all of those questions asked so many times before, but until now just didn't seem relevant. It truly is amazing how quickly they will get anwered and I can testify how much of a comfort it was for me and my 27 panic attacks before flying back to get my Jennifer. :(

I see nothing in the future but success for all. So, until then,


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Now that my fingers hurt from typing and the word CONGRATULATIONS has been burned into my retinas, :blink: it's time to get to work.

This means for all you P4s, there are forms to be filled out, reservations to be made, SOs to contact, and homes to clean. :roller: Best I can say is take it one day at a time and be sure to look at everything 2 or 3 times and if that doesn't work, look at it again.

Also many people, myself included, have gone the route of a "stupid question" thread to ask all of those questions asked so many times before, but until now just didn't seem relevant. It truly is amazing how quickly they will get anwered and I can testify how much of a comfort it was for me and my 27 panic attacks before flying back to get my Jennifer. :blink:

I see nothing in the future but success for all. So, until then,



Thanks Jim,

You are so right! I've been walking around in a daze all day :blink: ! I'm

taking a few days off right now, My friends are taking me out

on Fri. to celebrate, then it's crunch time from Sat. till the interview!


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Gee David, thanks for the memories. :lol: Was I really that much os a basket case? :blink:


Actually, I found another thread you started at same time and found myself reading it's nine pages.. and smiling the whole time... some great memories for sure.. almost forget to go find this one to post it :lol:

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