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Happy 230th America!

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American Spirit


By Bill Fries & Chip Davis, performed by C.W. McCall


How 'bout them fireworks?

Pretty cool huh?

Ever wonder why we shoot 'em off on the Fourth?

It's cause we're celebrating our freedom.

It's because we're Americans.

And it's our birthday!


The first three words of the Constitution

We the People...

We the people are celebratin' Our independence.


We are the Declaration of Independence

and The Star Spangled Banner up there in the sky.

We are the Rocket's Red Glare,

the Bombs Bursting in Air.

We are The Fourth of July!


We are The Pledge of Allegiance we say to our flag

the Stars and Stripes Forever!

We are the Republic for which it stands

The United States of America.



We are that One Nation, under God,

indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All

and because we all live in the Land of the Free

we don't have to say it at all, unless we want to.


You wanta be counted?

Then stand up and shout it!

Make sure the whole world gets to hear it!

You wanna talk Freedom?

We know all about it!

We are the American Spirit!


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands; One nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


I first heard this while driving to a pyro show on Memorial Day 2003. By the time it was through, I almost had to pull over so I could wipe the tears from my eyes. I had never seen nor heard the holiday put in such perspective before.

So here it is, in another week we will once again celebrate our Independence Day. Our relatively young nation will be 230 years old. once again folks will attend parades and picnics. We will gather with family and friends around the pool or in park. BBQs will be cooking meals across the country. And yes, at night millions will flock to city centers and waterfronts to watch fireworks.

It is sad to think that the circustances for which the day origiated has been forgotten by so many. The fact that these upstart colonials stood up to the mighty British Empire and with one UNITED voice said "NO MORE" to King George and set into motion the events that led to our collective freedom.

These freedoms were brought a little closer to home when talking with Jennifer's cousin recently, she proudly proclaimed how the past primary election was the first time she voted since being naturalized. We truly do live in the land of the free and if you think about it, we all are working or have worked to bring our SOs here rather than us moving there. Not because China is a bad place, but rather because America is good.

This will be Jen's second time here and for many others this will be their first. Take a little time to explaine the events that made up the opening days of The American Revolution. Explain why it is a true red, white and blue holiday and that it is as much for them here as it is for all Americans resident and citizen a like.

As a pyro, of course this is the single largest day in the year. Many place fireworks are not allowed but for the professionals. In California, if the are legal at all, that excludes anything that explodes, shoots, or flies. To all the amateur pyros, please be careful and stay within the laws of your community. And for all on this holiday, may every shell fly high, may everyone enjoy the show, and no one get hurt. And please, if you attend a professional show, cheer loud. We don't do it for the money or the love of blowing stuff up, we do it for the enjoyment of those who come to see. If you like what you see, let us know.



I love the smell of black powder in the evening. It smells like, the Fourth of July.

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We have our family party on the 4th at my cousins house who has a pool. It is like a big reunion. Family from coast to coast show up. This time my daughter will be here from VA DC area. But it will be on Saturday the 2nd this time due to my cousin, the fireman, working on the 4th and it is his swim pool.


We have a burn ban in the county West of Ft Worth, so no fireworks this year like last. I believe some of you remember the fires we had last year on the national news. Drove all the foxes, wolves, and cayoties into the city. Anyway the artilary will have to wait one more year, but we love our nation and its birthday and the freedoms and laws for such in the USA.



Let me add that not only can we vote but any of us can run for office. Even this idot did and I can tell you that any idiot can do it. What you bring to the table is good enough. I encourage all of you to get involved in local govt and or school boards. You do not have to be rich or a lawyer and there is help to train you easily.


It is appropriate to share an experience. We formed a new town here in TX to keep out of the growing city of Ft Worth. We all moved here to get out of it. 11 of us ran, including this idiot, for 6 positions. I was #6, but before the election I had a conference to attend in Colonial Williamburg, VA where people dress and act like the early days of our country. No 4th of July is better than watching the drum and fife core at Williamsburg especially if it is our US ARMY doing it. That will bring tears to your eyes. Anyway I went on over to Jamestown where it all started. This is where the first form of elected representative government took place. The first meeting was in a chapel or church that has been restored. As I stood there thinking about it all it came over me that I was standing on hallowed ground. I was awe struck and realized the implications of what we were doing here in Creson, TX.


I came home to the meeting where all 11 of us were to speak. There was no debate and no one declared a party affiliation. We all wished the best for each other and simply told a little about ourselves. I related my experiences in Williamsburg and how special it is that we can form a new government and elect representatives, who will actually represent the people.


The night of the swearing in we put on a cerimony and invited the 3 counties to attend. As the 6 of us were sworn into office it came over me that I WAS GOVERNMENT. I wanted to deny it but pondered and realized it is true. It is quit the feeling folks. It is a responsibility and I realized this is what it is all about. This is what people have died for. This is what others don't have in their country. I have to sometimes vote on things that I don't like but I know the community wants it that way. I encourage all of you to share in this experience. Get involved in any way you can. None of us are paid for what we do. We don't have time either, but we do it. So find yourself a water borad or school board or even the PTA or something. Or maybe teach a class like Dennis to folks naturalizing, but for sure learn and vote. You will be rewarded what ever you do, nothing like it.

Edited by SheLikesME (see edit history)
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That is a really great story. And yes it is very true that our way of life only goes as far as we are willing to get involved.

As for me, time contraints wouldn't allow for such a commitment as running for office so I'll stay with entertaining folks with fire and smoke. :(

On that note, coming home tonight I saw a red peony, followed by couple of palm trees, and then a multi shot device, some water falls and a red to blue peony with dragon eggs. Of couse, I had to take the time to track it down to see as much of the show as possible and got us parked in time to catch the finale'. Man I love this time of year. B)

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You did not miss much of a race! Seven cars out in the first turn including both McLarens. It appears to have been started by JPM when he ran into the back of Kimi. There were two more out in the first turn on the restart. Nine cars finished so in two years, 15 cars have finished. I think this may finish Indy as a GP site.


Ron is probably wondering why he let DC go.

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You did not miss much of a race! Seven cars out in the first turn including both McLarens. It appears to have been started by JPM when he ran into the back of Kimi. There were two more out in the first turn on the restart. Nine cars finished so in two years, 15 cars have finished. I think this may finish Indy as a GP site.


Ron is probably wondering why he let DC go.




Caught most of the re-runlate last night. Yes I wanted to see how the McLarens would mix it up. If nothing else with the Renault.


I loved the coverage. Finally SPEED had something on other than NASCAR guys sitting around talking.


I did point out to my daughter, when the news came on, that the CART cars even sound ugly, never mind they all look, the same. What ever happened to American open wheel with all kinds of different engines and cars. I lost interest so bad, I guess when they split, that I am not sure if it is just spec racing now or not. Boring. F1 still has some good sounds and a dominate car to go after. Something for the engineers to do.


Thanks skibum

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"We must all hang together, or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Benjamin Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776


We can never forget those who put their lives on the line to insure our collective freedom here in America. When our Founding Fathers put their names on the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 they collectivley signed their own death warrant should the revolution fail. Not at all an easy task considering the British Empire had the strongest and best trained military at the time.

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