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'Why I Date Asian Women'

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1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9-11 are absolutely true.  Okay, I haven't actually met Zhang Huimei...

But Chinese people have said I know more Chinese pop stars than they do.



I guess I'm an egg.


From your previous posts, I judge that you are an egg. :)


My hubby was an egg. I didn't read through the long list above, but I know it. However, I am afraid that he is gradually re-americanized.

Edited by Joanne (see edit history)
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...you probably need to be a little more careful with your word choice, there....


My sister told me that when she lived in Cincinnati, there was a humorous newspaper article about the 'most creative' vice defense the judge had ever heard, You see, that city is famous for sandwiches that can be ordered 'one way', 'two way' or 'three way'. So, when a guy asked a police decoy if she wanted to 'get into a three way' with him his lawyer got him off by pleading:


'You Honor! He was inviting the young lady for a SANDWICH!!!' :)



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...you probably need to be a little more careful with your word choice, there....


My sister told me that when she lived in Cincinnati, there was a humorous newspaper article about the 'most creative' vice defense the judge had ever heard, You see, that city is famous for sandwiches that can be ordered 'one way', 'two way' or 'three way'. So, when a guy asked a police decoy if she wanted to 'get into a three way' with him his lawyer got him off by pleading:


'You Honor! He was inviting the young lady for a SANDWICH!!!' :)




I never heard of three way sandwich. It is the cincy chili that is ordered one, two or three way.


So where in the list is you prefer dishes prepared with bones and tendon than with too much meat? It doesn't get much better than having spicy beef tendon, yummy hao tsu!

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I stumbled across this site tonight:




You Know Your an Egg When: White on the outside, yellow on the inside.

The "Egg", a.k.a. the Asiaphile suffers from a racial identity problem. They are frequently seen wandering around Chinatown, or eating a bowl of Pho, and will be first in line at the Jackie Chan opening. How do you know you are an Egg? See if the statements below describe you.


You were indignant when the waiter handed you a fork in an Asian restaurant. 


Your cell phone has Chinese characters on it 


You drink loose leaf Jasmine tea. 


In most the pictures you have of yourself you are the only white boy, and you didn't notice it at the time 


You slurp your noodles 


Chicken feet and pig blood cakes = good eatin' 


Red bean ice cream is a real treat 




You are disappointed when they dubbed Crouching Tiger hidden dragon instead of leaving it in Chinese. 


You can tell when the dialogue jumps back and forth between Mandarin and Cantonese. 


You can tell which actors are from Taiwan by their accents. 


You have those little Chinese health balls on your desk 


You give a slight bow when you meet people. 


You are charged with drunk driving because you said the entire be pe me fe alphabet by mistake. 


You pass out lucky money in red envelopes on New Years 


You don't think January 1st is New Years 


You think white people smell funny. 


You say "Lucy Liu and those other Angels" 


You would rather just walk. 


You have met Zhanghuimei, but you can't quite put a face to Gloria Estephan 


All this open space gives you the heebie jeebies 


You know the ins and outs of public transportation, and you can't drive 


Most of your girl/boyfriends have been Asian. 


You can't quite connect with 'regular' white people 


You know Taiwan politics better than the American politics. 


You get antsy when there aren't enough Asians around. 


You have to explain to your work colleauges that you actually LIKE to drink cold coffee. 


You visit a pier in Monterey and look down and get hungry from seeing the floating seaweed. 


When your girlfriend is talking to you, you respond with "HMMMM" or "UHH-HHUUUUH" and believe that those are intelligible answers. 


You regard pointing feet at others as unspeakably rude. 


You just don't get "Americans" 


You read this page and didn't realize it was a joke.


:roller: :roller: :roller: :roller: :roller:


" EGG 5273 "checking in.

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The term can be derogatory.


Glad I'm not married to that.......... In fact I would have been turned off the minute something like that was mentioned. One of the reasons I went elsewhere. No sense of humor, haha, just like me sometimes, ha.


But yeah, I suppose we have to be careful, once you know the person. Interesting web site, maybe. Will read more.



Kinda related I used to complement an Asian lady in the CA office when I would go out. She was extremly quiet, smart, kind, & good looking and I was single. She asked me to stop because it made her uncomfortable. SO I apologized and stopped. Seems she had been attacked, I found out later, and was pretty sensitive. She took karate and was almost a black belt herself as a result. Wound up living with the instructor. I truly felt bad. You never know.

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