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You guys must be sleeping in a different China :D . I have never slept on a more comfortable and soft bed than hers :P . I think it is a combo of goose down and foam and about 6 inches thick. I wish we could ship the whole bed including the frame and headboard back here, as the quality, construction and comfort is unmatched in anything I have ever seen here.

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You guys must be sleeping in a different China  :(  . I have never slept on a more comfortable and soft bed than hers  :lol: . I think it is a combo of goose down and foam and about 6 inches thick. I wish we could ship the whole bed including the frame and headboard back here, as the quality, construction and comfort is unmatched in anything I have ever seen here.


Sounds almost like a futon mattress.......those are really great except where you both sleep become slightly indented as the matting gets pushed and bunched up in the middle.

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You guys must be sleeping in a different China  :(  . I have never slept on a more comfortable and soft bed than hers  :lol: . I think it is a combo of goose down and foam and about 6 inches thick. I wish we could ship the whole bed including the frame and headboard back here, as the quality, construction and comfort is unmatched in anything I have ever seen here.


Dern again, Mike. Now, I truly believe that you have found a one-in-a-billion woman, in Rong. :lol:

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There is something missing to the story, I think.


Sheesh, I get carpet burns, but it aint because the carpet is hard. :ph34r:


:roller:  :roller:  :roller:  :roller:  :roller:


Thank you for posting my thoughts. My SO noticed the carpet burns on my elbows nad knees, but never put 2 and 2 together. :)

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I have traveled in China from Shanghai to Kunming, Beijing to Nanjing and the only place I have slept on a board mattress was in Zhouzhuang near Suzhou. That was a Mom and Pop affair over looking one of the canals. I slept ok.

My wife slept on a board at home but her parents had a regular mattress. She seems to like the one we have at home here.

In looking at the old furniture people used to use, I always wondered why the beds had no mattresses figuring that maybe they kept them in a closet like in Japan. On the the Long March, Mao and the other officers would would take the doors off of buildings where they stayed and sleep on them.

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You guys must be sleeping in a different China  :blink:  . I have never slept on a more comfortable and soft bed than hers  :) . I think it is a combo of goose down and foam and about 6 inches thick. I wish we could ship the whole bed including the frame and headboard back here, as the quality, construction and comfort is unmatched in anything I have ever seen here.


Sounds almost like a futon mattress.......those are really great except where you both sleep become slightly indented as the matting gets pushed and bunched up in the middle.


Ok, it is 5am now and I am looking at the bed. The frame is solid wood, with drawers under the bed. It must weigh 500 pounds, I can only slide it not move it. Sorry I was wrong about the thickness, it is 8" :D . On top of that is another 2, 1" goose down quilts, then the bed sheet, like 600 count cotton. Then another down quilt on top op that like 2" thick. 4 pillows, 2 down, and 2 some type of grain husk, soft, but very molded to your head.Then a real fancy comforter on top of everything. This bed is 1 in a 1.3 billion :) .

Night time is about 50, so great sleeping weather.


Yes Dennis I have, the same as you and many others here too. I can't picture myself with anyone else. We have found the best of both worlds, and put it together to make a love story that is better than any book written, or tale ever told.

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I found anywhere I staid in China I found all thew mattress hard as hell. My wife's mattress was a little softer then the rest maybe she had the one inch pad.

Here in the USA we have a King Size bed and she complains that it is too soft. I guess sleeping on plywood takes getting use to just like sleeping on an American type bed.

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My wifes bed was the 1inch padded matress type thing. All boards under that. Actually sleeps quite good in my opinion. I hate a soft bed. I've stayed at relatives homes before, and slept on the floor because the bed was to soft.


The cold part was definetly right, and it wasn't even full blown winter when I went. I remember exhaling in her home, and the moisture from my breath would hang in the air, for a loooooooong time...not dissipate quickly like it normally seems to. I asked why isn't there any heat, she told me that the city turns it on November 1.


The worst thing was taking that hot shower, and the surrounding air was like 38 degrees. I think that's the coldest I ever have been. I didn't notice the cold when I got in the shower , but once that hot water hit me, and I stepped back out...HOLY COW! COOOOOLD!



Bruises from sleeping on a hard surface, wow can't imagine how someone'd bruise sleeping. Sure you didn't sleep walk out into traffic or something? lol

Edited by trickyspark (see edit history)
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They are not plywood.  They are upholstered rocks


:D Thats a good one.


I just worry that she will get here and want one of ours.


Well I am ready to build this bed similar to hers and get a top mattress. Seems I have too much company and need to go ahead and make the bed before I finsh the bedroom. Since I sleep on a carpet floor sometimes - the China beds are OK.


My daughter told me today that it is called a captains bed that has the drawers under it and just a top mattress. She says we will go look for one, but I have not seen any in the stores. Want to build my own with the bottom portion inset (especially corners) so I never stub a toe, all the way around it. My wife has never seem me that mad before.

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There is something missing to the story, I think.


Sheesh, I get carpet burns, but it aint because the carpet is hard. :ph34r:


:roller:  :roller:  :roller:  :roller:  :roller:


Thank you for posting my thoughts. My SO noticed the carpet burns on my elbows nad knees, but never put 2 and 2 together. :whistling:


carpet burns?


i had terrible bruises from the bed on my knees each time i returned...


i could not wear shorts for weeks because the bruises were so obvious.


it was not from the carpet i can asure you. :unsure:


DAMN BEDS :redmad:

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They are not plywood.  They are upholstered rocks


I've been living here (in Guangzhou now) for 5 months with my SO as we await our Interview and all I can say is that it doesn't get any better.


They really believe the firm "rock" is really good for the back. B.S. if you ask me. I've found the best way to deal with it is to get a few comforters and/or thick blankets and load them up under the sheets. I did this for "my side" for a few days and then she wanted to see what it felt like so I put it on the whole bed. After about a week or so of it I think I've got her converted because now she can't sleep on the old hard "plank" she used to do before. Nice. :wub:



Missing his $2000 King-size mattress he bought that is at home in the US.


This is my hope once my SO arrives here.


During two visits to China from Michigan, I have never slept as poorly from the time I left my home until the time I returned. Unfortunately, when I am tired, I am crabby. Two weeks of sleepless nights combined with burning knees, elbows, and sores on my hips and shoulders convinced me that most of our problems while together were due to sleep deprivation (mine).


I have the standard "firm" American matress. If she does not like it, I have plenty of 3/4 inch plywood to tighten it up for her.


Once, I dropped down too quickly on her bed and injured my spine.....

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We have water mattress here in China. My husband didn't like the idea to sleep on water. But when he came to see me in last Nov.,he changed his mind. he loves this water mattress. We are even thinking move our furnitures to the States.

The only thing he complained was that I kept the water mattress too hot.hahaha, he said he couldn't sleep in hot water.But to me, it was warm and comfortable. :wub: :wub:

Emma in CQ

Edited by sleepless in Houston&CQ (see edit history)
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The worst thing is the bamboo mats they pull out in the summer to sleep on. If you don't know what it is, it's got these half inch squares stuck together with plastic. So, it makes an already hard bed, much harder. Also, the bamboo pokes you. I am somewhat hairy (like big foot). My chest/back hair would get caught in the plastic. After a while, I just put the sleeping bag on the tile floor. It was much better.


Our solution in the US was to get a Select Comfort bed (sleep number). That way I can have mine soft, and she can have hers hard. She has it set at 100 (the highest) and complains it's too soft. I have mine set at 50.


Talking about the cold... Yeah, there were so many times that I would get out of the shower, and after 10 minutes I was still steaming. And, that was when I had hot water. I used to have to boil a tea pot and use that to shower... Ah, I miss China!

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