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breakfast, lunch, dinner

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What's your SOs concept of 'breakfast, lunch, or dinner' food.. meaning that there are specific foods you eat at each one is unknown to my wife... I saw this in china and here in the US. Yet, she is very distinct about eating three times a day, just not what you eat!


We just ate about 12:00 this afternoon... this happened to be our first meal of the day.


About 1 hour later, she asks, "what do you want to eat for lunch?"

I replied, "We just ate lunch".. she said, "we ate breakfast".

I replied, "We ate lunch since it was 12:00".. she said, "we ate breakfast since we didn't eat that yet". :lol:


I'm applying her theories now.. I'll grab a beer any time of day and she'll just say, "give me some".. Now that's a woman

:wub: :wub:

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Guest pushbrk
Pretty kewl David.


Mine wife's concept matches the common US concept.


So, develop your own concept. If I have a late breakfast on the weekend, I will commonly only eat twice that day.


My observation and reading of the Chinese concept is that a variety of food items are served for each meal but no items are specifically more appropriate for one meal than another.

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What's your SOs concept of 'breakfast, lunch, or dinner' food.. meaning that there are specific foods you eat at each one is unknown to my wife...  I saw this in china and here in the US.    Yet, she is very distinct about eating three times a day, just not what you eat!


We just ate about 12:00 this afternoon...   this happened to be our first meal of the day.  


About 1 hour later, she asks, "what do you want to eat for lunch?"

I replied, "We just ate lunch".. she said, "we ate breakfast".

I replied, "We ate lunch since it was 12:00".. she said, "we ate breakfast since we didn't eat that yet".    ;)


I'm applying her theories now.. I'll grab a beer any time of day and she'll just say, "give me some"..   Now that's a woman

:blink:  :D


In theory, she is correct. Breakfast is to Break Fast or to begin eating after a night of fasting.


It is interesting to me that many speak of being sure to have an Asian market close by, when their SO arrives. I often wish we didn't have them so close. :P


Example: "Honey, I have to pee pee too much, at night." So, while shopping at the Chinese market yesterday, she wants to buy this God awful looking snake like fish. I tell her, "No way. I am not eating that!" She says, "No. It good for you. Help you pee pee good." So, today for breakfast I am served this soup with chicken and Sea Cucumbers. Too weird. But, I ate it and now I am peeing more than ever. :(



Edited by Dennis143 (see edit history)
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Pretty kewl David.


Mine wife's concept matches the common US concept.


Really?? Interesting. Did she adopt this since meeting you or did she have contact with other americans before?


I don't know for certain Charles, I think that she's been doing her homework on the USA as I have been doing on China. ;)

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What's your SOs concept of 'breakfast, lunch, or dinner' food.. meaning that there are specific foods you eat at each one is unknown to my wife...  I saw this in china and here in the US.    Yet, she is very distinct about eating three times a day, just not what you eat!


We just ate about 12:00 this afternoon...   this happened to be our first meal of the day.  


About 1 hour later, she asks, "what do you want to eat for lunch?"

I replied, "We just ate lunch".. she said, "we ate breakfast".

I replied, "We ate lunch since it was 12:00".. she said, "we ate breakfast since we didn't eat that yet".    :huh:


I'm applying her theories now.. I'll grab a beer any time of day and she'll just say, "give me some"..   Now that's a woman

:ph34r:  :D


My wife is very adamant about having three meals a day, Breakfast, Lunch and Supper. And yes it seems like right after I finish eating she’ll want to know what I want for the next meal. She will prepare a variety of meals; most consist of steam rice/congee, soups, noodles, lots of vegetables, and a variety of meat and fish.

Edited by BillV 8-16-2004 (see edit history)
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Pretty kewl David.


Mine wife's concept matches the common US concept.


My wife matches the times, but adds a fourth meal around 1000-1100pm because GZ is so hot. As for the menu, pretty different for breakfast, but I don't mind. B)

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My wife usually eat rice in the morning for breakfast around 9 or 10 AM. During lunch (12 PM to 1 PM), she would eat noodle soup. In the afternoon (3 to 4 PM), she would eat cereal with fruits. For dinner (8 PM), we would have a Chinese dinner (rice with two dishes). Before bed (10PM), she would eat oranges and other fruits. I think she eats more than me. :o :D

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The other morning my SO being the creative person that she is. :)

Decide that we would have something different for breakfast. :)

She made her own version of Cereal. Warm milk with pretzels!! :) I did not eat this concotion to say the least but we had one hell of a lot of laughs with it after she found out that this is one way not to make cereal. :huh:

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The other morning my SO being the creative person that she is. :)

Decide that we would have something different for breakfast. :)

She made her own version of Cereal. Warm milk with pretzels!!  :) I did not eat this concotion to say the least but we had one hell of a lot of laughs with it after she found out that this is one way not to make cereal. :huh:


Actually, very creative, Thomas. :o I'd say that IS one way to make cereal. Too funny...I totally relate! :huh:

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My wife eats 3 meals a day, cereal for breakfast and I eat twice

a day.


One thing that I have not gotten use to is when she cooks eggs.


She will mix a few up in a bowl; pour them in the pan and drop

in some onions; let them fluff up and then flip. Just before

serving she will take the spatula and flatten the whole thing out;

very thin and dry.


Jacques Pépin would have a stroke if he saw this.

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