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Wife Isn't Happy

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March,  I never saw it. Are you talking about office workers? Now those guys from the villages in suits with sledge hammers knocking down walls are working pretty hard.  Most of the girls in shops don't seem to be.


hi, there ! in states it is the same thing, there is always salary difference according to the job content.

also I am sure the girls who are working harder must get more rewarded than the girl who are not in the shops.

as long as there are people working hard in china that means they get rewarded accordingly.

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March,  I never saw it. Are you talking about office workers? Now those guys from the villages in suits with sledge hammers knocking down walls are working pretty hard.  Most of the girls in shops don't seem to be.


So how do we explain union road construction crews in the US and their pay scale? :cheering:

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If you want to save this marriage - you may have to make this change. You need to decide what is most important to you: Move and make her happy or stay and risk loosing her???


Talk of relocating to save a marriage over her first experience with working in the US is putting the whole wagon train ahead of the horse.


She has met a strong disappointment as many of our SO's do, but I don't see anything concerning the ending of a marriage in this situation.


Lee, one question, it is impossible to us to get a work permit before we get the green card? Your wife stay at home too?

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If you want to save this marriage - you may have to make this change. You need to decide what is most important to you: Move and make her happy or stay and risk loosing her???


Talk of relocating to save a marriage over her first experience with working in the US is putting the whole wagon train ahead of the horse.


She has met a strong disappointment as many of our SO's do, but I don't see anything concerning the ending of a marriage in this situation.


Lee, one question, it is impossible to us to get a work permit before we get the green card? Your wife stay at home too?


Yes, you can get a work card before getting the green card. When you file for AOS you file for Employment Authorization, in most cases this takes about 90 days, the green card can take anywhere from 90 days to 2 years depending on where you live.


My wife wanted to begin work when she arrived, but her English was extremely limited. We talked about this with a Chinese friend and I was able to explain that her skill with English would be one of the most important things for her to get a good job and that for now learning English should be her first job. Our friend agreed and was able to help her understand employment in the US.


She began ESL classes 1 week after we came to the US and has studied extremely hard, with school 5 days a week. In April she wanted to find a job and had some disappointments because many employers, including the nice Chinese restaurants, want a person to have strong English skills.


We found a local retirement community was eager for her to work, but we had just received our son's interview date and decided it was best to be honest with the employer that she would be gone to China for a month. She didn't get the job, but they ask her to come back when she gets back from China in July.


Each community is different concerning the English level of new employees.


Now she could have gotten a job at one of the Chinese Buffets, but after she talked with some of the women who worked there she was not too eager. Most of the owners of these places pay extremely low wage with long hours, at one place the only income is tips. The problem with working at one of these places is that it limits your time for learning English. :lol:


Something I would advise anyone coming to the US is to get your educational records translated to bring to the US. This includes your graduation from high school. Without them you are required to take the GED test to be able to go take any college classes. While not all of the education in China converts to US College credits it can help with admission.


She is almost ready to get her drivers license and will work a part-time job while she continues to learn English and she may start some college classes in the spring.


Now this is our experience, it is not the same in every city in the US. Some have great public transportation and different job opportunities.

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If you are not rely on her income which I think isnt the case, you should just let her decide what she wants to do IMO.


It's hard to have a brand new start here with no friend and unfamiliar envirment, so... I suggest give her a little more time to let her try things out and find her fit.


Education is always a good choice if you can afford it.

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  • 5 weeks later...

She is almost ready to get her drivers license and will work a part-time job while she continues to learn English.....


Now this is our experience, it is not the same in every city in the US. Some have great public transportation and different job opportunities.



I have read many posts that indicate the SO has gotten a driver's license in a relatively short time after arriving in the States. At would level of proficiency would you estimate that the SO has to be in order to achieve this?


Public transportation around here sux, so I would have to be driving her everywhere. She has been taking English classes in China for quite a few months now (takes the bus, of course), but her verbal skill are still severly lacking. Written is getting much better. Sounds like a Catch 22...no license, no class or job, but no class, no license unless my evening is spent driving her around. She informs me that she has never had a driver's license, and thus has never driven a car.


Am I confusing something here?



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