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Eligible for Interview???

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I'm still confused about the possibility of a second name check.?


My K3/4 will definitely get there first.?I'm hoping the CR1/2 arrives in time to take the K interview spot.?I'm going to face a decision in a month or so as to whether to pay the CR1/2 visa fees.?If I don't, then the K3 will stand alone.


My understanding is that NVC initiates the checks.. which really are sent to DOS.. and that GUZ also has some specific checks it requests .


Once it leaves DOS [for the various agency checks], it's really out of their hands in terms of controlling it or being able to intervene.. they can only report it's status (and sometimes not even that).




You got to figure out how quickly you think you can get through NVC... two months is moving quickly, but doable if you stay on top of it.. some take twice that time.


You can delay the K3 by not returning the P3 right away.. but that's up to you.. frankly, seriously consider the CR1.. I have always thought that it is worth the wait (unless that wait is over 4 months difference)...


Yeah, I really hate the idea of delaying the P3 but I'll just play that by ear. If I have already paid the Visa fees before the P3 arrives, I'll probably hold it until a couple weeks after the CR1 case leaves NVC. I'm using some shortcuts to get through NVC faster but 2 months is the quickest I can expect.


What's concerning me now is that GUZ has only accepted one regular I-730 package so far in May. It does look like three will be delivered today but that puts mine off until probably early June.


Mike, I keep telling myself, I didn't screw up by not going the K3 route. I didn't find out about it until a few months into the process. By then I figured, surely it will clear soon. Wrong answer :) Anyway, at this point, I'm happy to be doing CR-1. Once she gets here, were done for a couple of years, thank God. I think in your case, since you have the K3 running, it will get you an interview date earlier. Just hope all the Cr-1 part is finished . Decisions, decisions, decisions, it 's truly enough to drive a sane man mad :baby: :bangin: :crazy: :headbang: :Dah: :crazy: :pilot:

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Okay, too much information has left me confused.


I called last week.  They said they had received the P3 on 20 April.  Which seemed a little late since my SO had sent it back on 8 April.  But okay.  Name check not complete, not eligible for interview.  Okayfine.


I called Monday night this week.  The lady seemed flustered, but said that my SO had completed name check and was eligible for the interview.  Just wanting to make sure (and fearing the worst), I called back last night and confirmed my fears:

This lady said the P3 info had been entered into the computer 8 May, but her name check was NOT complete and she was NOT YET eligible for the interview.  However, the lady offered the consolation that once info is entered into the computer, it is usually 1-2 months before the interview happens.  But she wasn't clear if it was 1-2 months before the interview is scheduled, or if she meant that we could get the P4 at any time (so that the interview could be scheduled for as early as 17 June).


Cany anyone help clear this mess up?  What's the difference between receiving the P3 and entering it into the computer?  Why a delay of more than 2 weeks?  Does entering the info in the computer have any connection to the name check? (it doesn't sound like it).


By the way, the day I was told that my SO had not passed the name check and was not eligible for an interview, but that they had put her P3 information in the system, was the very same day they sent the P4 to my SO.


Go figure.

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I called DOS again today. I told the lady I was a little confused by what I had been told the other day. Guess what? Instead of her asking me what my question was, she started reading her screen! :roller: I was thinking finally, someone that gets it. She was moving down her screen telling me things. Then she said, she in queue,,everything is done, except sending out the P4. :roller:


I then asked why I was told by the other lady that some clearences were finished, but the back ground check wasn't complete. She said, I don't know what you were told, but the back ground check is completed. Now you just have to wait for an interview to come open. :roller: :P :roller:

Edited by obxtrainman (see edit history)
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My experience with DOS based on the dozen or so calls that I've made is that it depends on Who answers the phone. Some are professional and [sound like] they know what they're doing. Others are clueless [temps??] and sound very hurried.


My recommendation: Call many times until you begin getting consistent information. Then you can have an 80+% confidence of where the application is in the process.

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I called them again,,twice!!! today :P


I was so excited about the first call, I couldn't believe it. I had told them her case number off the top of my head, her name was never mentioned. I told the second lady my predicament,,she laughed, and said yes we better check it again. We don't want to get her excited tonight, then be a mistake. It's true, we are finally getting there.


The P4 was mailed out on the 18th of May. Her INTERVIEW is scheduled for July 24th :rolleyes: :blink: :unsure: :P :V: :ok: :blink: :yahoo:

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Guest pushbrk
I called them again,,twice!!! today :P


I was so excited about the first call, I couldn't believe it.  I had told them her case number off the top of my head, her name was never mentioned.  I told the second lady my predicament,,she laughed, and said yes we better check it again.  We don't want to get her excited tonight, then be a mistake.  It's true, we are finally getting there.


The P4 was mailed out on the 18th of May.  Her INTERVIEW is scheduled for July 24th :unsure:  :redblob:  :)  :redblob:  :V:  :ok:  :clapping:  :yahoo:




:toot: :( :( :redblob: :redblob: :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob: :redblob: :toot:

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Guest ShaQuaNew
My experience with DOS based on the dozen or so calls that I've made is that it depends on Who answers the phone.  Some are professional and [sound like] they know what they're doing.  Others are clueless [temps??] and sound very hurried.


My recommendation: Call many times until you begin getting consistent information.  Then you can have an 80+% confidence of where the application is in the process.


Sue is the best I've spoken with at DOS. She's always friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. And though her voice sounds a bit masculine and foreign, she always remembers you previous calls. She always says, "I remember you; it won't be much longer for you. This is what you will be waiting for, and this is what they are doing."


On the other hand, there are a number of people there that have no clue. They will put you on hold for several minutes, even after you've been waiting several minutes.


The best time to call is right straight up 8:30AM, Eastern Standard Time. If you miss it by even one minute, you will wait a long time, 15 minutes at least. Look at the time on your cell phone, or other satellite controlled clock to be sure.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
I called them again,,twice!!! today :redblob:


I was so excited about the first call, I couldn't believe it.  I had told them her case number off the top of my head, her name was never mentioned.  I told the second lady my predicament,,she laughed, and said yes we better check it again.  We don't want to get her excited tonight, then be a mistake.  It's true, we are finally getting there.


The P4 was mailed out on the 18th of May.  Her INTERVIEW is scheduled for July 24th :unsure:  :greenblob:  :)  :greenblob:  :redblob:  :redblob:  :(  :redblob:


Congratulations!! :( :clapping: :redblob:

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Congratulations :unsure: :( :) :(


I also called DOS today and they were finally able to confirm that

our data is loaded in the GUZ computers and my wife is in interview

queue. I wonder if there are anymore slots open for another July

interivew :greenblob:


All the best.

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Congratulations :unsure:  :(  :)  :(


I also called DOS today and they were finally able to confirm that

our data is loaded in the GUZ computers and my wife is in interview

queue. I wonder if there are anymore slots open for another July

interivew :greenblob:


All the best.


Lou,,I'm thinking it looks good for you to. Look at the dates I called them.May 17,,eligible but still some clearances. May 19 she is finished with checks/ she is in Queue. Now they tell me they sent out P4 on May 18 :greenblob: Hope the best for you :clapping:

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Congratulations :unsure:  :(  :)  :(


I also called DOS today and they were finally able to confirm that

our data is loaded in the GUZ computers and my wife is in interview

queue. I wonder if there are anymore slots open for another July

interivew :greenblob:


All the best.


Lou,,I'm thinking it looks good for you to. Look at the dates I called them.May 17,,eligible but still some clearances. May 19 she is finished with checks/ she is in Queue. Now they tell me they sent out P4 on May 18 :greenblob: Hope the best for you :redblob:


July in Guangzhou, that should be fun :clapping: :redblob: !

Maybe I'll see you overthere!

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I called them again,,twice!!! today :P


I was so excited about the first call, I couldn't believe it.  I had told them her case number off the top of my head, her name was never mentioned.  I told the second lady my predicament,,she laughed, and said yes we better check it again.  We don't want to get her excited tonight, then be a mistake.  It's true, we are finally getting there.


The P4 was mailed out on the 18th of May.  Her INTERVIEW is scheduled for July 24th :rolleyes:  :P  :yahoo:  :P  :V:  :ok:  :wub:  :yahoo:


Way to go, it is a good luck Friday today. Congratulations to you. :yahoo:

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I called them again,,twice!!! today :V:


I was so excited about the first call, I couldn't believe it.  I had told them her case number off the top of my head, her name was never mentioned.  I told the second lady my predicament,,she laughed, and said yes we better check it again.  We don't want to get her excited tonight, then be a mistake.  It's true, we are finally getting there.


The P4 was mailed out on the 18th of May.  Her INTERVIEW is scheduled for July 24th :rolleyes:  :P  :yahoo:  :P  :ok:  :yahoo:  :wub:  :yahoo:


From one North Carolinan to another one, CONGRATULATIONS OBXTRAINMAN!on your P4, heading to third base, next leg, HOME!




5 Apr 06, P3 received

20 May 06, P4 received

17 Jun 06 - 17 Aug 06, Fourth visit, may return earlier?

27 Jun 06, Interview

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